Woman held over royal insult
OFFENCE: Marketing manager's statement on Facebook allegedly insulted the king
KUALA LUMPUR: A MARKETING manager, who went into hiding after a public uproar on her insulting post against the Yang di-Pertuan Agong on her Facebook page, was nabbed yesterday morning.
Melissa Gooi Yee Ling, 32, was picked up at 9.30am at a parking lot in Palm Villa Garden Condo, Jalan Cempaka 5, Kampung Pandan, Ampang. She was taken to the Dang Wangi district police station for investigations.
Police also seized a Samsung Note 2 and several documents.
Gooi, who works in a cosmetics company, was picked up by a joint team comprising officers from the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) and the Federal Commercial Crime Investigations Department. She was believed to have deactivated her Facebook page and went into hiding after her identity was circulated by the public on the Internet.
:Police announced yesterday that they were looking for four others to assist in the investigations. They are identified as Weennee Tan, Shuh Chien Loo, Hun Keat Wong and Carol Tay.
Read more: Woman held over royal insult - General - New Straits Times http://www.nst.com.my/nation/general/woman-held-over-royal-insult-1.294018#ixzz2VMZrJTZX
:Police announced yesterday that they were looking for four others to assist in the investigations. They are identified as Weennee Tan, Shuh Chien Loo, Hun Keat Wong and Carol Tay.
Federal Commercial Crime Investigations Department deputy director Datuk Tajudin Md Isa urged those with information on the whereabouts of the four to contact the nearest police station. Additional reporting by Nadirah H. Rodzi and T.N. Alagesh
Read more: Woman held over royal insult - General - New Straits Times http://www.nst.com.my/nation/general/woman-held-over-royal-insult-1.294018#ixzz2VMZrJTZX
My short input came at the end of the second lead story, and I need top publish in FULL and follow up with a short comment, cun? So here goes, and that PIC standing alone is of that "instigator" who collaborated wit' Desi in THREE outings of 4 BUM to mark World Press Freedom Day:) OR :(
05 June 2013| last updated at 12:31AM
Bloggers: Self-regulation better than Internet laws
KUALA LUMPUR: The Internet laws imposed in countries like China, Iran and Singapore are too harsh and should not be implemented in Malaysia, say bloggers and media analysts.
They felt that social media users should practise self-regulation and be prepared to face the music should their postings breach the accepted norms of the freedom of speech.
There were also those who felt that the formation of an independent body or institution to curb the emerging trend of social media users openly instigating and promoting hatred and chaos in cyberworld could assist in self-regulation.
Blog House Malaysia adviser Datuk Ahirudin Attan said calls for by certain quarters to monitor and impose Internet laws as practised by China and Iran would be akin to killing an ant with a hammer.
"It would be unfair to the majority of social media users, who use the platform wisely and they shouldn't be punished for the recklessness of a handful few who don't."
Ahirudin, more popularly known as Rocky's Bru, said emulating Singapore, which announced recently that news-based websites would be required to obtain a licence to operate, was also not the best option.
"We are far more advanced in terms of online freedom compared with Singapore and we shouldn't fully follow the laws implemented by our neighbour.
"In the end, it boils down to the individuals themselves who should exercise control over their postings and be ready to face the authorities should they breach it."
The Singapore Media Development Authority (MDA) had announced new rules stipulating that websites that had at least 50,000 unique visitors from the republic state every month and published at least one local news article per week over a period of two months must obtain an annual licence.
Websites granted a licence will have to remove "prohibited content" such as articles that undermine "racial or religious harmony" within 24 hours of being notified by the authorities
Licensed websites will also have to put up S$50,000 (RM123,000) as a "performance bond" that can be forfeited if the regulations are not followed.
This, however, has not gone down well with the online community, which raised, among others, the fear that bloggers would also be required to comply.
Ahirudin, a former journalist and editor, said Malaysia should mull the setting up of an independent body akin to the media council in the United Kingdom.
"The council should be formed with the help of the government and headed by a former media practitioner or someone of stature, like a judge or the head of a non-governmental organisation (NGO).
"It has to run independently and the council will decide on if an offence had been committed."
Ahirudin said once this had been ascertained, it was up to the authorities to mete out the necessary action.
"Restricting the Internet will only make matters worse. The government has to adhere to its promise of not censoring the Internet but come up with other solutions.
"At the same time, we should educate the youngsters and remind the elders that posting such materials online will only put them in trouble."
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia's School of Media and Communication senior lecturer, Dr Sabariah Mohamed Salleh, said it was "too harsh" to block social media sites.
"Too many restrictions can make people retaliate. There should be rules and laws to curb this growing problem but, at the same time, I feel that one can never fully control the social media,"
Sabariah questioned how laws similar to those imposed in China, Iran and Singapore could be used to restrict Malaysians living abroad posting slanderous remarks.
"What about those living abroad? They're not in the country, so how are you going to restrict the things they post?"
She, however, felt that Singapore's Internet laws were a good example to follow but stressed that a thorough research had to be carried out to find out the best way to curb users from posting slanderous materials online.
Blogger Helen Ang echoed Ahirudin's sentiment, saying that the onus of accountability fell on the social media user.
"This is becoming a social problem. Defamation will be there, but users must be able to back their postings and be ready to face punishment according to the law should they commit an offence."
Ang also disagreed with following the footsteps of China and Iran in imposing Internet laws.
Blogger Y.L. Chong said it was impossible to impose such rulings.
"It would not be right to benchmark us against China which still struggles to fully contain the materials posted online despite the power-house's resources and manpower.
"Should we review the laws, we should benchmark against the likes of those imposed in the United States and UK so that we can aspire to higher standards,"
Chong also explained that in order to fully monitor and restrict the Internet, the country needed an immense amount of resource and manpower.
"If China can't do it, how can we? Huge volumes are posted daily on social media sites. It will be unthinkable to monitor everything,"
He said social media users must be educated on what they could post and what they shouldn't.
"The same rules and regulations imposed for the mainstream media should be used for the social media."
Read more: Bloggers: Self-regulation better than Internet laws - General - New Straits Times http://www.nst.com.my/nation/general/bloggers-self-regulation-better-than-internet-laws-1.294016?cache=03d163d03edding-pred-1.1176%2F%3Fp-top%3A%3Fkey%3DMalaysia%2F7.256190%2F7.297422%2F7.321287#ixzz2VLjnklfZ
Read more: Woman held over royal insult - General - New Straits Times http://www.nst.com.my/nation/general/woman-held-over-royal-insult-1.294018#ixzz2VLgFChCn
DESIDERATA: Forced to come out of my hiberNATION -- Yes, I've MIGRATED to this place because I don't agree with one stupid nu'e minSTER who said "IF YOU NO LIKE MALAYSIA'S ELECTORAL SYSTEM, YOU MIGRATE!" SEE, Desi's an obedient citizen. I do take our miniSTERS" advice seriously!
Back to more serious mode, I must first say I emphatise with the PROTAGONIST of the two news stories, namely marketing manager, Melissa Gooi, who I would classify as either an "UNWITTING VICTIM or just another COLLATERAL DAMAGE OF OUR BASTARDISED POLTICAL LANDSCAPE. (The other "four" the police are now looking for -- Weennee Tan, Shuh Chien Loo, Hun Keat Wong and Carol Tay.-- are to my mind without doubt, "UNWITTING" victims of circumstance (hence I used the term SAD) by "engaging" in a CONversation started by the protagonist and which they could NOT have foreseen would turn from placid lake into "troubled" waters.
"Unwitting" is NO EXCUSE for all involved, just a MITIGATING FACTOR in court, because they are all well above the age of consent, (18?) and partially quoting another Beatles' ... "...should have known better".
I am more CONvinced Melissa's just COLLATERAL DAMAGE of the Malaysian political landscaoe of the past DECADE ie the atmosphere governing the past THREE GEs (GE stands for General Elections-lah, WHY I see some blank faces wan?)
Let's first imagine the US attacks an Afghan miliary target -- they fired a few missiles, all hit the intended military targets, but ONE knotty stray missile hit the Red Cross run refugee camp -- so the casualties here became what you would term "COLLATERAL" casualties ie secondary victims besides the Afgahn fighters the Americans targeted. What readers could do, just as the US soldiers would lament: "OOOPS, SORRY! WE DIDN'T MEAN TO HIT YOU!"
Now, I would imagine the FACEbooked protaganist, Melissa, was so riled up by parts of that speech on His Royal Birthday which I guess'd had referred to "Advising the people to accept the GE13 results", BUT A BIG PART OF THE RAKYAT FELT THAT THE GE13 WAS NOT FAIR OR CLEAN, and many have asked for the top guns of the ELECTION COMMISSION to be sacked.: I think this open criticism of the conduct of the EC -- with the BIGGEST NUMBER OF ELECTION PETITIONS TO BE FILED SOON, more than 30 by Pakatan Rakyat, according to Rafizi Ramli, and more than 50 by Barisan Nasional according to Najib Tun Razak -- so the people's voices MUST BE HEARD WITH COMPASSION by the Ruler/s, is this not to be expected?
Read more: Bloggers: Self-regulation better than Internet laws - General - New Straits Times http://www.nst.com.my/nation/general/bloggers-self-regulation-better-than-internet-laws-1.294016?cache=03d163d03edding-pred-1.1176%2F%3Fp-top%3A%3Fkey%3DMalaysia%2F7.256190%2F7.297422%2F7.321287#ixzz2VLjnklfZ
Now, her comment could be heart-felt and she needed to practise freedom of expression, being a basic human right in a parliamentary democracy. Being a BLOGGER as well as a Fereelance Journalist), I believe the pasr decade has seen a dimunition of PEOPLE'S RIGHTS to sdpeak up freely -- hence the HUGE TURNOUTS at Bersih's rallies in the city of KUala Lumpur. THe trouble is exerbated by a compliant MEDIA, especially the mainstream media, including THE NEW STRAITS TIMES, thanks for giving me the 15minutes of fame, BUT I PUT ON RECORD, I don't receive a single dime for my interview, OK!
THINKING ALOUD -- still ALLOWED AT MY MIDNIGHT VOICES abode here/hear! -- I would believe Melissa could even be thinking like what Desi's been thinking the past TWO GEs, what the blardy F***s the Perkosa thieves like Ibrahim ah-Lah-i and Zulkeflee Ding-a Din, and a wilddog bloggernammed PapaGomo-pile of shit izzit?-- he brings a terrible disGRACE too us BUMmers! -- and that nincomPOOP newspaper Utusan Malaysia, to get away with MURDER OF THE MENTAL KIND, and the authorities DID/DO NOT THINK THEY HAVE COMMITTED ANY OFFENCE.
So, how could you contain the wrath of Malaysians like Melissa Gooi and Desi from getting RILED UP ? The only difference is she's about HALF my age. I am 65 but feel 56 todie!
Oh LOrd, please protect me from the enemy within the Malaysian borders. I now escape to the warmth of my HIBERnation -- so dear Rockybru, please don't refer me again to your MSM reporters cun? -- don't(a)rouse me from my nap, Mr NST reporter,OK! -- Gbless all fair and free Malaysians, Amen/Amin
Desi after midnight picked up this BERNAMA report via mole.my:) OR :( because I feel there is an IMPORTANT POINT contained within that all parties pondering the issue surrounding Melissa Gooi, IMHO, OK! You can beg to defer to Desi wan!
Keep the monarchy neutral
Wednesday, June 5, 2013
Raja of Perlis -- "Only education can tackle the issue of a small number of Malaysians not respecting the royal institution."
KUALA LUMPUR: The Raja of Perlis, Tuanku Syed Sirajuddin Syed Putra Jamalullail, has urged the people not to be emotional and involve the monarchy to satisfy certain quarters. He said the royal instutution would be implicated to some extent with numerous provocations following the emergence of several sensitive issues which challenged national sovereignty and the law lately. Hence, any attempt involving the monarchy with uncontrolled emotion is akin to ridiculing the position of the federal constitution. "Under the constitution, the Yang di-Pertuan Agong and ruling sultans have the discretionary power to appoint the prime minister and menteri besar and can rightly advice and guide the government and political leaders," he said when opening the royal institution seminar organised by Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP) Wednesday. Tuanku Syed Sirajuddin described the royal institution as unique because it practises consensus through the Council of Malay Rulers, which meets at least thrice a year. "We should not forget that through the discussions of the council, numerous ideas are formed which benefit the people, especially those related to the interests of the Malays and Islam," he said. The ruler also said that only education was the potent medicine to tackle the issue of a small number of citizens who did not respect the royal institution.
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