My Anthem

Friday, March 15, 2013

Today, the Ides of March 2013, marks the 8th birthday of Desiderata!

I have begun to feel the stirrings of a teenager. EIGHT is a lucky number in chinoSIRie culture, so maybe Midnight Voices this year will see me making THAT 20MILLION! If you knoweth knot what I'm talking about, seek out all of helen an Ipohlang who gifted Desi's funny writes in riddles and wordplay its nick DA DESI CODE -- 'twas that time when another great Thinker Da Vinci had his nama honoured with DVCode, by one Brown fellow izzit?

But today I want to talk about the IDES OF MARCH in 44BC. In Rome was where Desi saw a potential emperor taken down by his band of fellow comrades Yes, Julius Caesar as narrated by my Form V compulsory Shakespeare's reading for Literature was knifed down at the Capitol by a group led by one conniving "lean and hungry-looking" Cassius.

But the "most unkindest cut" of all came from Julius Caesar's best bud named Brutus. So when the name blade was pushed into his chest, the now seriously wounded Julius -- the Emperor-to-be -- looked at his fRiend, whispered loud enough for the line worldwide to reverberate through the ages: "Et tu, Brute?" (translated as "You too, Brutus?")

The past FIVE years since the 12th General Electons on March 8, 2008 has also seen the reprise of "Brutus" on the Malaysian stage, especially from among the entrenched UMNO crowd (enjoying the largesse of leader of ruling government!)and the emerging Parti Keadialn Rakyat band (waiting in the wings to rewrite the country's history in finally breaking the 56-year-hold on government reins of power by Barsian Nasional led by UMNO. Is it any wonder that the most number of daggers have been aimed at PKR chief DS Anwar Ibrahim who has seen, again and again, the knife stabbed from behind by ex-UMNO and departed PKR renegades.

We will see more of such BRUTES/Brutuses before the curtain cometh down on GE13, which must be held before end-June 2013. Let's watch THE PLAY at PWTC, and PUTRAJAYA and several minor stages as we see the next four months reel by.

Wisdom from Desi: Watch thy back, thy fRiend minus that R  who hugs and kisses you may just turn out to be your dear Brutus. Ditto advice to Self, Cos you never no!:) OR :(

"ENJOY" w'ile you can b4 that lust breath is taken away! But you, dear ER, nebber doeth bring along that kambing I aRsEk of thee while I gift endless rounds of tehtari' at De Miang CONner, WHY!?

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