My Anthem

Tuesday, March 06, 2012

Testing: New horizons

Close to finishing se7en years of blogging, Desi is pondering whether this Blog needs to seek new directions; I will be pondering this important issue and make "that" decision on March 15, 2012 -- YES, THE IDES OF MARCH.

Meanwhile, stay tuned for more relaxing posts and songs.

Like my mentor Max Ehrmann, whose Desiderata is my guiding light, Desi is Steal PONDERING, Ruminating & Wondering...


YL, Desi

Meanwhile, ENJOY sumthing wan half of Tomme & Jerryye emailed Desi, Thanks!:~~~~~~~

PS: Please don't emulate the act depicted as wan angry/hungry python may jest make a meal of thee!:( OR :)

A Cambodian boy and
his "sister," the python
When this Cambodian boy was just three months old,  his father found a half-meter python in his bed,   The father did not kill the reptile, and took the snake back into the jungle, but the next day, the snake crawled in again.
The python was taken back to the jungle three times, but he stubbornly came back.

"Lucky" grew up to 6 feet and weighs about 100 kg.
Python eats only chicken and duck; eats 10 kg per week.

The snake can safely eat a boy or a horse --  but the boy says he and the python enjoy a “brother-sister” relationship.









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