My Anthem

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Egypt: People's Power Triumphs

Watching CNN and CCTV this evening from 6.00pm gave Desi a lift.
Yesterday it was still uncertain whether Hosni Mubarak would be defeated.
Finally,he admitted defeat -- at the hands of millions of brave Egyptians who took to the streets in a show of yes, PEOPLE'S POWER!

Yes, finally Mubarak has resigned, with some score of lives being the price paid.

There is a message for dictators all over the world. After 30 years, Mubarak should thank his lucky stars he has still an escape route. That his head had not been chopped off.

There is also a message for Malaysians too.
There is a special message to Sarawakians who have been living for 30 years under the rule of one head whose time has come -- to be chopped off. Figuratively...and literarily?

I urge the people of Sarawak to follow the fine example of the Egyptian people. Demonstrate people's power when the next Sarawak State elections are called -- deadline is July 2011.

The clock is tiktoking for a "local" Mubarak by the name of Taib Mahmud. "30" is an unlucky number for some, but a lucky one for Egyptians. Sarawakians, rise up and make "Thirty" lucky for all Malaysians too!

Set a fine example to the rest of the country's citizens, brethren in Sarawak.Land below the wid will blow the dictator of 30 years into the wilderness, hopefully after his is held to account for the millions he and family have plunderedfrom the State. Justice must prevail. People's power must triumph. God bless the people who must do the right thing, at the right time.

God save us from the dictators and the daylight robbers, Amen.

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