My Anthem

Monday, November 28, 2005

they shoot the messsenger!


This morn I ordered my usual bourgeosie Breakfast, da CON BF I accord myself to deviate from my normal socialist-inclined weekdays where I work blood, sweat and tears, and then make compensation with sundaes, everthing luxury and nice. But page 5 headline of The Star took away my appetite.

In the olde days, the "telegram" service was often used as a bearer of good, bad and urgent news.

But the recipients often were grateful to the "messenger" who brought the news -- whther it was an invite to a wedding, news of the death of a loved one, good/bad news or otherwise, so-so news. Grateful for the service, some recipients even gave the deliverer a small tip--no, not on the stockmarket, just a token of appreciation like fruit basket or a few ringgit for kopi-o kau-kau.

But nowadays, messengers of bad news run a risk of being shot.
Like the hazards that come along with a dedicated reporter. It's like the readers "blaming" the reporters for updating news from Doomsville like the battlefront, disaster front or tragedy front. The bearer of bad news often gets shot in the crosssfires of the news recipients who can't use the rational mind anymore -- to distinguish the Singer, and the Song, or maybe the Orchestra. I don't lnow if this metaphor is appropriate, but you'll see more clearly after I reprise a follow-up to Yesterday's woe.

What Desi has feared has indeed come to pass.I reprise the relevant portion of yesterday's post:
"I hope the "film maker" who video-taped the eye-opener woman doing the ear squats won't be hunted down and then made a "victim".

I also yesterday recalled: See what happend to the 18-year-old who made a complaint to the ACA regarding giving a "bribe under duress" for a minor traffic offence? She's facing a suit from the PC allegedly the officer receiving the bribe.
OR for those with longer memories, remember the Vijendran tapes that "went up in smoke" before time? For mg younger readers, buy me a tehtarik and nasi lemak at Haridas on a cold night and I'll brief thee briefly da details!

Today, as I said I feared, the worst fear has come to pass. The police are going after the messenger who broke the bad news of the stripped naked woman. They are NOT after the wrongdoers, including the woman officer wearing the tudung shown in the picture!


Who shot that video?
Police to go after person who filmed naked woman

KUALA LUMPUR: Who shot the scenes? This is the crux of police investigations into the controversial video clip showing a naked Chinese woman doing ear squats while in police custody.
Deputy Inspector-General of Police Datuk Seri Musa Hassan said whoever took the video clip -- whether from the force or a civilian -- would be charged under the Penal Code with insulting the modesty of a person or intruding into the privacy of a woman.

Among other things said, this is the quotable quote:

"It is the perpetrattor behind the video footage whom we are after and not the policewoman, who was carrying out a routine check."

I had earlier planned to write about the deteriorating standards of English in Malaysia, but other "security" matters took precedence. It also caused depression. It cut shot my writer's drive.

I break for true R&R and wish my fellow Malaysians GOoDDay
if it's posssible to find one after spoiling your lunch, dinner and supper on this supposedly a potential Beautiful Sunday.

For Desi and a few mGF, we're adjourning to pray. Veryt hard, and very quietly so that no messengers can carry mour innermost thoughts to the powers-that-be.
Desi doesn't want another passenger to be shot!

Can you can an "Amen/Amin" after me? A loud one, so that the authorities know it's the end of a prayer.
I guess we're still allowed/aloud to say Our Daily Prayer?


imran said...

Tomfoolery in Msia continues.

Howsy said...
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Howsy said...


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I don't have anything to say... I just wish I could fly away from this place...

chong y l said...

imran: they fololed one tom -- how about da dick and da harry?

chong y l said...

readers are dumbfounded, You and Me

the "naked" woman/women doing the ear squats: they were dumb-foundled

teresa kok: dumb-messaged, waiting to be shot along with the "messenger" if "poor blighter" he's found

PS: we'd start a CITIZENS FUND if any of the wrong people are brought to court instead of the "rogues"? Let's wait and see...

chong y l said...

thanks for vuisiting.

your first visit righjt? Offer thee a traditional tehtarik.

Your "many" points are noted. Just that you miss'd da boat in discussing at an earlier platform about "Institutionalised Racism" and "Losing Our Country" -- so I urge mny aReaders -- just read his comment, but confien your points to the topic under discussion "Shooting the messenger -- ie. punishing the bearer of bad news-lah!".

so oversee: visit again maybe often, but Desi really would like to know thee, hence give us an "identity", can?

We give weight to people who stand up to be counted... nothing to fear my friend if you come forth with no ill intentions.

We are all Malaysians and have equalt rights to say What We Think -- Thinking Allowed and Aloud, as jeffooi, Malaysia's foremost blogger advocates.

chong y l said...

yellow bird, you sit alone like me
> you can fly away,

but what does that leave Me?
Your FRiends in da Our Country?:(

Howsy said...

Hey Desi...point of advice...this 'oversee' might be the 'goodman' person who was exposed by Peter Tan the blogger in Malay Mail for leaving seditious comments. He left the similar comment in my blog. Just be cautious...

chong y l said...

thanks for revelation re: oversee.

I'm always grateful to brother Bloggers who oversee my safety.

I'd leave this "entry" for another 24 hours, then unless I hear from "oversee" with a proper "identity" -- I shan't entertain such postings ...

Thanks again, Howsy! Two tehtariks, lebih manis!
Tambah susu lembu also-can!:)