When a telephone call cometh at an unearthly hour
It's either a tragedy or ecstasy to be announced
But while you celebrate with thy brother's lottery strike
Or thy sister's new born babe
Or poor thee, you console the sobbing sister's loss of Mom
Or a best friend's loss of her good4nothing lover
I hope everything turns out right
My GoOD bud Sdr Wong SC it's all KARMA
I don't believe such "silly" things at first
But gradually but steadily it maketh more sense
Cos it is equivalent to the Natural Law
Of Cause and Effect
NightNewton's First Law:
To every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction
So nowadays when I receive any calls at an unearthly hour
when most of my best dreams are at their peak
I have an auto response:
Go back to sleep, to ea ch His
or Her karmic solution
The world will surely spin round and roiund
And the sun will rise again tomorrow in the east
But you and I not wake up to see the smiling rays
So ENJOY they sleep in peace
Like a babe
My Anthem
Thursday, April 17, 2014
Sunday, April 06, 2014
Face-off for Azmin Ali and Khalid Ibrahim
Face-off for Azmin Ali and Khalid Ibrahim
for Party No.2 Post

By YL Chong, Desiderata
IT IS "HIGH NOON" for incumbent PKR deputy president Azmin Ali
and his chief nemesis, Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim come the party elections
next month. The May polls will see party
members nationwide exercise their one-person-one-vote to decide the political
fate of two key leaders. In my opinion, Azmin, Gombak member of Parliament and
State Assemblyman for Bukit Anatarabangsa, has everything to lose in this
crossroads face-off while challenger Selangor Menteri Besar Khalid once and for
all, chose to end the "destabilising" force on his chiefministership
of the past six years.
There are four other nominees for the number 2 post, but the two
"viable" candidates -- party Secretary-General Saifuddin Nasution and
Vice-President Tian Chua -- are aligned to Khalid, and there is talk on the
party grapevine these two are likely to wihdraw before April 10 to enable what
might be a referendum on where it's Khalid or Azmin who should be sacrificed in
the long-term interest of the party.
Khalid declared his candidacy some two weeks before party nominations
closed on March , while rumours abounded that Azmin would go for the party president'c
post. The ambitions of Azmin were checkmated when the strategist in de facto
chief Anwar Ibrahim chose to be nioominated to contest the president against
the incmubent -- wife-cum-incumbent Wan Azizah, newly elected Kajang
assemblywoman when husband Anwar was used by the Court of Appeal to stop
Anwar's nomination following the conviction rushed through in indecent haste
four days before Kajang by-election nomination day.
Again the strategist in Anwar will see him or his wife withdrawing from the
nomination before April 10, so the focus will be on the UMNO chieftains to make
their next move. I use "chieftain" with an ass because UMNO president
Najib Tun Razak is one indecisive politician who would consult his cronies or
wife whether to use the authorities (judiciary again the scapegoat?) to declare
Anwar ineligible to hold any political office?
Be that as it may, Azmin's days seem to be numbered, for an Khalid is one
who has "financial" power to match Azmin in a do-or-die battle that
will mark one's Waterloo.
I read somewhat amused the report in NST toiday headed "Move to oust
Azmin as PKR deputy president?" The "amusement" is because for
once the UMNO-controlled daily got the inside picture of PKR quite
"right", a memorable event in MSM achievement! In fact, I wish to add
that this writer heard from a Seremban party member that some three weeks ago a
movement was already active in Negeri Semban to endorse Khalid in this face-ff
with Azmin. There is just common utter disgust against Azmin for his ceaseless
attempts to destalise Khalid's leadership and admininstration of the richest
state in the country -- remember the tussle for the MB post and the PKNS fiaisco? And now party members aren't going to allow
an overly-ambituous Azmin to return Selangor to the UMNO fold. Thanks to
Khalid's prudent leadership, the Selangor government could acheive a surplus
budget for consecutive years -- a record that the UMNO rulers failed to do so
after some 50 years because they were too busy helping themselves instead of
the Rakyat.
Non PKR party members whose views I have canvassed are mostly sympathetic
to Khalid. Some even opined that should Azmin lose this battle, he might
doanother "Et tu, brute!" act. Well, my take is that Anwar has had too
many daggers stabbed into his back -- recall Ezam Mohd Noor, S Nallakarupan,
Zahid Ibrahim, ad nauseum! -- so what's
another one more for the long road to Putrajaya? Personally, (hey, I have one vore!) between
Khalid and Azmin, I would opt for Khalid any time as Azmin's ways, ala-UMNO,
would take Selangor back to deficit budgets in triple quick time.
I know Tian Chua pretty well -- from the early days of Reformasi 15 years
ago when I served as an online news editor. I recall with excitement and raised
blood pressure the heady days of street demonstrations, the birth of Parti
Keadilan Negara, the precusor to PKR where Tian Chua was among the founding
members along with the incidental poltician, Kak Wan. A full-time politician --
and bachelor to boot! -- Tian would always sacrifice himself in the larger
interest s of the party, so he would settle to defend one of the five
vice-presidencies. Just an aside, I note the Kajang ex-assemblyman, lawyer Lee Chin
Cheh who resigned the seat to enable the Kajang Move, is a surprise VP nominee;
he would just be lucky to "scrape in" to be a new VP, assuming if he
had the blessings of the party's top leaders entering the ring. (A reward for
making a personal sacrifice I believe is justified.)
Tian has intimated his willingness to talk to the other deputy president
nominees for an amicable contest. In passing, he allowed that he might
withdraw, noting that he had always garnered the highest number of votes for
the VP contests, however crowded the field is. So winning the third-ranked
party position should be a given for this youthful reformist leader whom the
party can ill-afford to lose him at this significant phase of Reformasi 2 plus
the Pakatan Rakyat's march towards Putrajaya, Tian has tremendous pull for the
youth, mainly the Chinese educated, but across the ethnic divide among the
Non-Government Organisation activists. The significance of Khalid's and Tian's roles
under Kak Wan is enhanced with the looming prospect that the tripartite coalition
chief may yet land up behind the walls of Sungai Buloh for another five years.
Friday, April 04, 2014
NST columnist Continues Venomous Personal Attacks on Opposition Leader
AZMI ANSHAR Continues Venomous Personal
Attacks on Opposition Leader
Commentary by YL CHONG aka Desiderata
I constantly read commentaries in the UMNO-controlled
NewStraits Times, not that I am a fan of the English daily whose circulation
keeps falling from its heyday two deacdes ago at the number one circulating
English daily. I read it in order to balance my vies of the political
landscape, and also following a Sun Tzu' Art of War maim, know thy enemy in his
terroty so one can plan an effective attack.
I note that one writer lately seems transfixed on taking down Datuk Seri
Anwar Ibrahim "at all costs", throwing out any semblance of observing
basic, ethical journalism.
Azmi Anshar seems to have taken on his Master's Voice
mission -- more like vendetta -- to stop the former Deputy Prime Minister from
leading the pakatan Rakyat in their march to Putrajaya. There is only one
politician the whole UMNO machinery is focused on taking down, and the
mainstream media (MSM) is not fulfilling its Fourth Estate role of an
independent media to check the excesses of the Government; on the contrary, the
MSM has got lackeys in the ilk of Asmi to do their bidding (with handsome
rewards, nbo doubt).
His weekly column of April 1, 2014 titled "Wan Azizah can beat Anwar"(link: http://www.nst.com.my/opinion/columnist/wan-azizah-can-beat-anwar-1.542741 ) contains words like operatically
bizarre, unconsionably pitted, dysfunctional nature, Anwar's schzophrenic
realpolitik in the opening paragraph itself shows Azmi does not background his
essay BUT GO INTO FRONTAL ATTACK, using many medical terms, in his attacks on
the Opposition Leader and his wife with reference to their being nominated for
the Parti Keadilan Rakyat's presidency in party elections to be held in May
I shant go on a blow-by-blow rebuttal to the columnist's
rantings whose points are just mainly general labels of what Anwar's
personality and politics is all about -- minus the rationales to back up his
claims. I may just stress that Azmi's usage of bombastic language hides the
weaknesses of his treatise -- I think most readers would have to refer to the
dictionary by his usage of deep words including Machiavellian-like, zany,
self-absorbed existentialism.
Okay, let try try to rebut some key points implied by Azmi's
rants -- no dysfunctionality in Awnar's contesting the party presidency against
incumbent Wan Azizah, who I believe was preparing to surrender a key role in
the 15-year-old party when her husband was prevented by the Court of Appelas in
finding Anwat guilty of a sodomy charge -- the public needs to be informed that
the court hearing was rushed forward fromApril to March, with verdict handed
after just two days of submission on March 7, 2014. Four days away was the
nomination day for the Kajang by-election which saw Wan Azizah being
"reluctantly" pushed into the contest. This was "deja vu"
all over again -- some 13 yewars ago when Anwar was jailed on trumped up
charges for corruption and Sodomy, the lady fondly known as "Kak Wan"
parliamentry seat. I would term Kak Wan as an "incidental politician"
responding to fast-changing and unsual circumstances engineered mainly by the
UMNO regime following the former UMNO deputy president's sacking from UMNO as a
result of his fall-out with then party
president and PM Dr Mahathir Mohamad.
Let me digress a bit here: Many in Barisan Nasional,
especially MCA, had empahasised that Wan Azizah's victory over Chew Mei Fun by
5,379votes was a "decline" from the last general election's majority
of about 6,800 votes by "resigned" PKR assemblyman Lim Chin Cheh. But
the by-election on March 23 saw a 16-percent smaller vcoter turnout, from 86%
to 72%. If tis 16% were to have voted, iot would have translated into
additional 6,000 votes; and assuming half of the votes went to each cndiadte,
Wan Azizah's majority would have been about8,300 votes, debunking MCA's vaunted
claim the party had performed this time around than in the last genewral
Back to Azmi's column, let me reproduce one paragraph, again
with medical innuendo with reference to Anwar's frame of mind, viz:"People, including PKR insiders,
privcately suspect that Anwar has gone off his rockers, schemming from one
gambit to another to maintain his perversion -- to become prime minister,
collateral damage be damned."
This writer, who blogs a lot on media, hates people who play
"doctor" to attack their enemies. I have had my share of such
attackers -- one fellow bloggerZorro masked or unmasked -- who won't debate on
the issues at hand but start labelling those who differ thrie views in medicalo
ters by insinuatriong that "Desi needs to see a doctor". Dr Quack B. Khoo, art thou reading Desi
The fact that the writer in passing has described Anwar
being a "breath away from the premiership..." in1998 shows the
realpolitik that since Mahathir's regime, the whole UMNO regime is running
scared of only one man -- Opposition LEader Anwar Ibrahim -- as he is the
onlytested ertswhile UMNO leader who could lead the "Reformasi"
movement that his jailing more that a decade ago gave birth to -- with his wife
constantly a loyal, faithful partner vcarrying the flag for "change"
for a battle Malaysia. Professional,gentle yeet firm, there is no other PR
leader who can take on the leadership of Pakatan Rakyat while Anwar is headed
for incarceration in a Malaysian jail for a second, long stretch -- the only
way UMNO knows, working in cahoots with a debauchered judiciary, to make a
Malaysian-Nelson Mendela of the Opposition Leader.
I believe Kak Wan will continue to "Kajang Move"
initiative -- rstore peace and stablility within the Selangor Government and
helping it to achieve greater heights in the next four yewars. The UMNO bigwigs
are running scared, and aided by an overly-ambitionus Deputy President taht is
Azmin Ali, and they are trying their level best to destablilise the Selangor
government. Winning back the "richest state" in the country was
UMNO's grand design, but this remains a pipe dream as long as the Menteri Besar
and his state excobs behave themselves, and if Azmin Ali needs to be rid off,
so be it, in my humblest iopinion as a member who had regualrly canvassed the
ground feelings of the SElangor residents/voters who have been quite happy with
Khali Ibrahim's lewadership.
Azmi insults the intelligence of the PKR members when he
wrote: "And, yes, it's a blessing when enogh PKR delegates and members are
idiotic enough to siupplicate Anwar -- that his Segambut Palace family intrigue
and vaiety of offences are so endearing that he can hang on top this
unbelievable cult following." Hey, ask your UMNO members to look into the
mirror and see how many other "palaces" are dominating their leaders'
acreages -- and if there iis a cult motivated by large quantums of money -- it
is UMNO,not the Oppoisition parties -- that Azmi should lambast. Maybe Azmi has
chosen not to read about Malaysia
achieving the record of being the number one country per capita-wise rasnked worldwide
in terms of the illicit outflow of funds nearing 880 BILLION RINGGIT (behind
Mexico and China) a year ago?
At least I agree with Azmi's opinions on Azmin's personality
and potential fate of losing the deputy presidency contest -- read Azmi's description
of Azmin "...even if he is unloved and unpopular with PKR allies who
hyperventilale at the thought of Azmin as MB". And also, "No wonder
Azmin...went ballistic -- his scheming to get out ofthis second-fiddle
construct, from his Selangor MB forays to taking on the PKRpresidency, was
nuked to no end. Oh yes, he was also outplayed in the Selangor State
Development Corporation (PKNS) fiaisco."
My take is that Anwar's nomination for the party president
was his strategy to checkmate Azmin, who was well rumoured to contest against
Kak Wan -- an unthinkabke prospect for most PKR members, I add, including this
writer! -- had to settle for the alternative best of defending the deputy's
post. In a way this is a crossrords and momentous face-off, and also a referendum
of the membership-at-large of who they prefer -- Azmin or Khalid? I have a
feeling the only other "viable" candidaTE, Batu MP Tian Chua, would
withdraw his nomination before April 10, 2014, and he would surely retain
of the five vice-presidency posts , which
he had won with the most number of votes in the previous party elections.
To Azmi and his UMNO political masters, let me say this:
Anwar is a strategist will continue to plot weven behind the prison walls to
lead the downfall of BN-UMNO, who that's why the "Reformasi" movement
the second time around, is all about. Deja vu for Anwar and his wife, but the
results of a commited and convicted struggle will always be victorious in the
longer term, for Gods will smile on the righteious and just, and Parti Keadilan
Negara, the precusor, was born under reformers who want to see justice restored
in all our systems -- The Executive, The Legislature, The Judiciary -- and the
Foouth Estate too, just a reminder tosocalled journalists like Azmi.
Khalid commands enough respect from the component parties --
DAP and PAS -- to continue his good work as Chief Executive Officer of Selangor, having proven with his record of
attaining a "surplus" budget for the most advanced state that had
lingered in deficit budgets under UMNO for five decades. Yes, it's not a sin to
plan a scheme of things for the Rakyat that Selangor could be the stepping
stone to taking over Putrajaya. In this scheme of things, Anwar Ibrahim will
continue to play a leading role, out of or within the prison walls, to help
achieve the goal of the alternative coalition to take over Putrajaya from
UMNO-led Barisan Nasional in the next General Elections (GE14), if only the
Coalition for Fair and Clean Elections (Bersih) and other similar minded
Non-Government Organisations and a better informed general public get a truly
reformed government that all fasir-minded Malaysians deserve.
DESI: I have written an Essay on usage of BIG words in a liitle Black Book published eight years ago ttiled "Midnight Voices and ....". If I wake up to the beautiful sound of cockerel cocking up, Insyallah, and the sun rays peeping into my room this Sunday, I shall reprise that essay for my readers' benefit.Buy me a capitalist Sundae BF? YL, knottyaAsusual
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