Is the moon tired? She looks so pale
Within her misty veil;
She scales the sky from east to west,
And takes no rest.
Before the coming of the night
The moon shows papery white;
Before the dawning of the day,
She fades away.
Christina Rosetti
Finished typing at 12.52AM
Woke up feeling thirsty
After downing H20
Went for a P:)
Then checked on mGf the moon
None too soon, none too soon
He appears to be down
I'm afarid I see a frown:(
He like me can also get tired
I'd better scoot lest Da Moon's fired
Challengia topped up at 1.00am
to Lad' (and Others) who asked about Man Booker
Now why did Christina Rossetti refer to Da Moon
as "she" and not as a Man like Desi?
PLEASE ignore those US timelines heading the EstemedReaders comments, these people are not moonies, they are sunnies, so they refused to follow Desi's gr8 Malaysian times. It's okay, we enjoy the romance By the light of the silvery mOOn.
At 12:34 PM, Sabrina Tan said...
is it bcos she's a female writer? and all things beautiful are associated with the femme species:
the earth (she)
the ship (she)
wild guess..;)
have a great day!
At 5:54 PM, Yan said...
I know many women will not be happy with my reasoning -
Because the moon changes often,
like a fickle woman?
Just for fun for a beautiful Wednesday.
DESIDERATA need to mAke peAce (yesterday I told thee Desi is a loyal supporter of Pak Lah, remember?) with Readers whose answers though CONvincing and well RAT-ionalised, did not fit into Desi's Den of Rats and Mice in previous challenges. But through constant practice, the IQs of many mGf minda have risen to incredible heights, heading moon-wards (TRUE!) git...). So here's some humour to humour thee, on a hot bloody afternoon when this Sun usurped the trone from Moon which Yan insists is a She-ila I concede, or isit accede, watever! (BTW, Is this Sunny a He or a She, or 'omethin'-in-between, mGf -- another Challengia?):
"***A harried Mum had been feeding the three young ones with her balanced meal of fish-&-chips for a week, and the children were getting bored.
They started to whine. Their mother began to unwind.
“Kids, look here, you have got MEAT the fish, and you have got VEGE, the chips – what more would you ask for?”
“Mum, e can take the meat for a weak, but the same old chips make us weak and weep,” the eldest boy whined.
That evening the children came back from school, and Mum with a broad smile:) took the warmed-up dinner from the warmer, of course, can’t be the cooler, for the YoungOnes like it hot and yummylicious (Thanks, Primrose, for using thy word.)
“I swear by it, it’s yummy & delicious,” The s-miling Mum said.
“Okay dorks, today I’ve two MEATS for you, my darlin’s. Have a nice dinner, to stop tyhy whining -- Fish&Chicks,” as she smilingly :):):) lay three resplendent dishes of fliedFish&goldnern Chicks in front of the three young ‘uns:(:(:(.
“No!” roared the children. “Not fish and chi..s!”
NOTE: The above was cooked up from an original joke from Howdy’s zoo where a zookeeper served Finch&Chimps to the whining roaring Lion, which ended thus:
"No!" roars the lion. "Not finch and chimps again!" ****"
FOOTNOTE: DESIDERATA in all his Sunny Wisdom shall give Da Answer to the mOOy code when OUR TIRED fRiend Mr/Miss/mr+miss MooN appears again tight, maybe 8.00PM? Meanwhile, other moony types want to answer the 12.55AM and 11.19AM Challengia?
ENJOY! (se&en times, because that's sum of mGf and I's fave number! Is this grandma-tIckli'hly correct English?)
UPDATED@Msian time: 11.19AM
is it bcos she's a female writer? and all things beautiful are associated with the femme species:
the earth (she)
the ship (she)
wild guess..;)
have a great day!
Ar Desi
but do not forget that the moon is sometimes still visable during the day as she forgets to go to sleep or fade away ;) .I think its time i sleep zzz so tired .. goodnight my friend wish u sweet dreams ;)
Hi Sab & Yan:
Thanks for Xplaining the "she" in moonie.
I think both of thy answers fit the bill, as there is NO right or wrong answer, just if the RAT-ionales entertain in both cases.
I enjoyed both Sab's for her Femme rat-ionale, I'm sure all poets and writers would agree that Beauty lies in the Fe-mail persona than in Da Mail.
But being a real MCP, tinged with socialist meat, Desi falls for Yan's mousey Rationale -- lols! the bra-burning brigade may miake mince-meat of Desi! -- "the ever-chAnging-beautiful one has to be a fe-mail!"
Onething I like thee, Yan, you're TRULY OBJECTIVE with this Challengia.
But what about Sunny -- is he a mail, like Desi? OR an in-between, which is a possibility nowadays! No, can't be fe-mail, otherWISE there is no balance-lah, the Y&Y, Yin and Yang of Nature, and Life.
ah Sweets:
Really, the mOOn forgot to take her R&R?
Now I understand Y she did not appeAr tonight. I waited till 9PM to respond to Sab and Yan, hoping to tell them if the mOOn has recovered from her "tiredness" -- you can tell from its colour, and s-mile, or frown.
I guess'd she must have overstayed behind this hot afternnon's clouds. Let's wish her GoodDay & GoodNite in case She's confused.
SweetDreAms to all my Readers2:):):)esp the 3 mentioned.
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