fRiends who abide with Thee always
in high and low tides
through thick and thin -- especially through your nightmare woements
cherishing tender times as One
dispersing the aches of a fall
we are All in One and One for More...
you made Desi's counting of fRiends on my two hands' fingers waver
from a lo of 3 to a hi of se7en, my Lucky Number
Thou art One who stays forever
He/she inspires this little poem
'Tho we have sometimes not kept in touch
But words don't do justice enough
to the genuine feelings we both know
that beat Constantly
in o u r heARTs
in waking hours
in less conscious moments
in slumber nice or knot...
we remember
we will never drop the "R"
inour f R i e n d ship
that's what we have destined ourselves
when we stay in our precious isle
True friendships outlast a lifetime :)
THOU art among my first (MinimuM) three countable on my li'l precious fingers! :) Take care, SweetDreams:):) Desi
And yes, mGf!
Yan of catsville, hope thou art flourishing, YL, Desi --- Dream friends come and hopefully stay...4badderORworse:)
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