My Anthem

Sunday, July 26, 2009

CSI -- Malaysia (Part 2)

Continuing the ongoing CSI series -- Malaysia by Dr Rafick from
Desi's only the Cut&Past(E)ry chef-wannabe:)...
Please surf to the originator'sblog to also savour the inputs by several consistent Commenters who would make any CSI teAm proud, and useful.-- YL, Desi

Death at MACC: My CSI findings part VII
25/07/2009 by drrafick

1. Last night I received an email from an anonymous (Lets call him Mr. A) person who claims to be working with the mainstream media. I am not sure whether it is true or not but he claims that all MSM media will be running stories in the next few days that the wound on TBH base left hand (the media will say wrist) will be played up as a sign of suicide. It dawn upon me that I have not said anything about the triangular mark on the right hand.

2. My initial assessments without an image magnifier suggest that it could be some sort of a stain. With a magnifier, several important points could be highlighted. The first being, the location of the wound is not on the wrist but at the base of the right hand.

3. Secondly, the wound looks like a jagged wound and not a clean cut with blood dripping towards the center of the palm. It certainly looks like a deep laceration wound but then one thing that strikes me is that the amount of blood is minimal.

4. For a deep laceration wound, one would expect large amount of blood and blood clot over the wound. It was not there. Why? This is indeed a tough question to answer and there are several possibilities that can explain the nature and severity of the wound.

5. Firstly it could be that injury to the hand occurred after he died! Going by the nature of the wound on the right hand, it could have scraped a sharp object as he was being moved. Could it be that the sharp object is actually the retained portion of the broken window latch?

6. The other explanation is that it is simply a superficial laceration and as such the bleeding is minimal. Whether it is a superficial (shallow) or a deep laceration, it is not a clean cut. It looks like it has scraped against a sharp object. It does not look like a cut on the wrist.

7. Certainly if someone wants to commit suicide he will not cut there. It is just far too far (distal) from the wrist line where the major blood vessels are located. The cut would be from a sharp object and it would be a clean cut. If the person is right handed the cut would be on the left. I am not sure if TBH is right or left handed.

8. Some readers have postulated that the body was carried and placed at the site where the body was found. Humbly, I beg to differ. There are just too many tell tale signs to suggest that he had a fall from height.

9. Some readers suggested that a metal piece that was lying on the ground is not a watch and suggested that it could be a part of the window. I disagree that it is part of the window based on the color of the material alone.

10. With the help of a magnifier, I had a chance to have a closer look at the brightly shining object. What I saw is a metallic chromed object which may look like a watch or a bracelet. There is another thing that I saw on the object which looks like an image of Charlie Chaplin. I had magnified it for the readers to judge. Now I am not exactly sure what it is but I still have a strong believe that it is a watch. I might be wrong. At this stage, I believe suicide theory is definitely out.

11. I was alerted by some readers on the existence of a new blog which has made serious allegations against 2 DAP State Exco members on purportedly explaining “DAP corruption modus operandi” in Selangor at I suspect that it is part of a counter strategy that is being deployed by certain people to deflect the current issue surrounding TBH. Who are they? I can safely assume that what you ever think is right.

Picture sent to me by readers

For clearer view, download here.

12. A reader sent me the last photo (from kosmo) which I have enlarged and marked accordingly. From this angle, the wound in the buttock is clearer. The two legs appears fractured. The presence of a kerb that contribute to the direction of blood flow is also confirmed. There is visible signs that there is a hip fracture. The last piece of picture conclusively prove that his injuries are consistent with a fall from height.

Please note that
(a) There is no watch on the left wrist right shoe looks odd, as if the base came off the main shoe leaving behind the glue marks.
(b) The sole of the right shoe looks odd. It appears that the sole is split from the main shoe leaving behind glue marks on the main shoe


The above writing is based on assessment of various images and writings on the mainstream media (MSM) as well as the online media. I am trying to understand the tragedy that took place at Plaza Masalam. It would be great if I have access to MACC office and location where the body was found but without such access, readers can expect some gross margin of error in my writing. Do let me know what the errors are so that we can come to a clear conclusion on what transpired


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Unknown said...

Dear Desi

For a wider dissemination of the news on Miss Jane Burgermeister who was dismissed from her job as a journalist of an Austrian newspaper after she had file a bioterrorism against the people of the US and the rest of the world charges in the US. Details can found below or through googling.

Report about the worldwide Bio-Terror Assault on the Population


Donplaypuks® said...


I amazed anyone is seriously pursuing this suicide theory when TBH:

1. Has no record of suffering from depression or any mental disorders.

2. His parents and family members are not aware of him having any suicidal tendencies and there is no record anywhere of TBH.

3. Had a good job and future and was not known to have any finanacial (ah long) problems.

4. Was due to get married the next day and his fiance was expecting their child.

5. Is right handed and so any scars on his right wrist could not be suicide slashes. It may be attributable to scraping the window sill, pane, latch or walls in the act of falling from the window!

We are all of one Race, the Human Race. That is all that really matters.

chong y l said...

Thanks mozac8387, will definitely ook at the Reference sites and follow up...Che3ers,YL

chong y l said...

DPP: The "suicide" theory was well promoted by the MACC from the outset of the "death", but subsequent eye-openers, esp by well-informed/qualified author of rights2write plus his readers more or less have dumped that theory of the MACC high official into the dustbin where it deserves a resting place. YL, Desi

PS: We just hope the PM if he has any sense of justice will accede to wid e public appeals, including from Teoh BH's family in mourning, that the RCI's terms of reference be expanded to cover the How/Why of the victim's death, and not pass the buck to the resuisite-by-law Inquest by a lowly-ranked court official at Magistrate'slevel.

Donplaypuks® said...


An RCI is 1 thing, who heads the RCI is another matter and whether the RCO's recommendations will be acted upon by the AG is yet another issue.

I refer to the fate of the last 2 RCI's - NFA. Nuff said!!