Desi had the honour of interviewing PKR Deputy President Dr Syed Husin Ali for a substantive article to mark Malaysia's 50th Merdeka anniversary. Please note the article was prepared for an inaugural edition in English of a Suara Keadilan Digest, which is a major commitment from Desi as from January 2007, I decided to spend more time and efforts promoting what I believe in is the PARTY FOR THE FUTURE, with its motivating force: ITS TIME FOR CHANGE!
Only a mutlti-racial party striving for Social Justice and Economic Progress under its NEW ECONOMIC AGENDA as envisaged by the party leaders led by de facto chief DS ANWAR IBRAHIM can bring about the option of an alternative coalition to replace the present Barisan Nasional government. And it's now in the hands of the electorate to strive for that change with PKR playing the lead role as it makes concerted efforts to lead the various Opposition parties in a viable front to overthrow the BN, around too long, too jaded, too corrupt, and with a CEO too sleepy-eyed on the job.
Let's hear it from Dr Syed Husin, who's a politician with a difference -- base on principles and unwavering championing of the masses' cause and welfare, well known for his socialist political struggle, and some three years back, marking a turning point when he led Parti Rakyat Malaysia into a merger to form the present Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR).
______________________ INTERVIEW STARTS HERE _________________
The Government has reneged on many election promises,
especially its anti-corruption fight, says Syed Husin
KUALA LUMPUR: The present Government led by Datuk Seri
Abdullah Badawi has not fulfilled practically all that
he promised during the last elections, said PKR deputy
president Dr Syed Husin Ali in an interview with SK
He mentioned as examples two important issues.
Firstly, Pak Lah has completely
reneged on his promise to fight against corruption,
which has deteriorated since he became PM.
"There is grave suspicion of political interference
that led to
the instructions by the AG to close investigations on
corruption charges against a serving Deputy Minister,
the present police chief and an ex-Director of ACA,"
Syed Husin said.
The acquittal of Eric Chia has also raised many
question marks, he added.
Secondly, media control has never been as bad as it is
now, said the former academic.
"The media are often instructed what to publish and
what not to. There is a standing directive to
mainstream media, owned, controlled or influenced by
government parties not to give any publicity to Anwar
Ibrahim and keADILan," said Syed Husin, who had
turned to become fulltime politician when University
of Malaya authorities terminated his lectureship on
alleged infringement of the Universities and
University Colleges Act in 1990.
Bloggers who take independent and critical positions
are hounded and detained by the
police, as testified by recent police actions against
Raja Petra Kamaruddin and wife, also against a PKR
webmaster Nathaniel Tan, plus civil suits of
defamation against Jeff Ooi and Ahiruddin Atan aka
Rockybru by a government-linked mainstream newspaper
and cronies.
"Although the PM had promised about eight months ago
in Parliament to issue KDN permit to Suara
Keadilan, the party newspaper, he has conveniently
ignored it, despite constant reminders," he added.
SK Digest observed that in March 2004, there was
general acknowledgement of
a "feel good" factor given that it was Pak Lah's first
GE he was leading as UMNO and BN chief, and asked Syed
Husin about the current sentiments from the grassroots
for the forthcoming General Elections.
Syed Husin stated that the popularity ratings of both
Abdullah and UMNO have
slipped since the last GE, although apparently more
with the latter than the former.
※Generally, the public has become more disappointed
with Abdulla's leadership, that is perceived to be
weak, ineffective as well as without any clear policy
direction, and also with the government, which is seen
to be not sensitive to the plights of the ordinary
Furthermore, the cost of living has gone up, largely
as the results of increasing prices of food and
petroleum, higher charges for tolls, water and
electricity, and other factors affecting the common
folks most.
"In the run up to the next GE, the government is
trying to buy votes, by introducing all kinds of
financial incentives e.g. through pay rise of
government servants and hurried introduction of
development projects," he added.
Despite all these, overall, from independent polls
carried out especially by Merdeka
Centre and results of the four previous by-elections,
there appears to be voter shift to the opposition now,
especially among the Chinese, although the situation
remains almost constant among the Malays.
"The presence of Anwar Ibrahim provides an added
advantage. Even if he is not allowed to stand as a
candidate, he will be free to campaign actively during
the elections.
Indications now show that keADILan and the other
opposition parties will fare better in the forthcoming
general elections, Syed Husin predicted. (The GE is
expected to be held by
year-end or latest by March 2008 as PKR de facto
leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim would still be barred
from contesting till mid-April 2008.)
SK Digest also posed to the well-respected veteran the
question that after 50 years of Merdeka, of the state
of nationhood today as compared with the first decade
on achieving Independence -- Sept 1957-1967,
requesting him to summarise the main challenges facing
Malaysians as we
march towards the year 2020.
Syed Husin acknowledged that there is undoubtedly some
economic development, but
the progress made by Malaysia is way behind that
achieved by Singapore, Taiwan and Korea, although they
started almost on par in 1960.
"The per-capita income of these three countries is
respectively 5 to 3 times bigger than that of
"Although incidence of poverty has been reduced,
income and socio-economic
inequities have widened, as a result of concentration
of wealth in the hands of a few through cronyism,
corruption and commission. Despite all the government
talk about it, environmental pollution and destruction
continue without control," he lamented.
The national unity agenda mooted as one of the
objectives of the Merdeka struggle can be said to have
failed; ethnic tensions and divisions have become more
marked as a result of racial and divide and rule
policies. Standards of education, from the lowest to
the highest levels, have gone down; there is huge
number of graduate unemployment.
"Corruption is undermining the whole fabric of
society; social and ethical standards are sliding
down; there is increase in criminal and immoral
activities. The future of the country and the people
has become more uncertain," Syed Husin said with deep
Following are Dr Syed Husin's answers in Q and A
format to other issues:
Q1. From your vast political experience and long
university career -- an academic involved in partisan
politics -- can you identify if our campuses and
academic staff and the undergraduates have become
constrained and cocooned from playing a meaningful or
effective role in national affairs ...with respect to
the Universities and University Colleges Act, Akujanji
pledge, etc...
The standards of all public universities have
deteriorated. Among factors causing it: (a) quality of
student entering university has slipped owing to
falling standards of primary and secondary education,
despite more students scoring more s; (b) appointment
of VCs, majority of whom are
pro-government and of questionable academic merit, who
are only too keen to serve their political masters as
government servants or even as policemen at the
expense of academic autonomy and excellence; c)
promotion as professors/ associate professors and
deans/ heads on the basis of their political positions
and administrative loyalties, rather than recognized
scholarship and good administrative skills; (d)
constant interference if not control of the
universities through a direct political master, in the
name of Minister for Higher Education, to such an
extent that there is no more semblance of university
autonomy left; and (e) stranglehold on staff and
students through UUCA and Akujanji, for example, which
render them to be ※cademic eunuchs§ stripped of
academic creativity and critical mind.
Small wonder that the universities as academic
institutions -- owing to the quality of teaching,
research and publications as well as the crippled
minds of the students -- are slowly going down the
Q2. Briefly outline your political journey in
chronological order. Elaborate on some "key" turning
points eg your ISA detentions, change of name of PRSM
to PRM, and also the background leading to PRM merger
with Keadilan Nasional.
1958, Joined PRM while student at University of Malaya
1965-68: Secretary General of PRM, while lecturer at
1968-70: Deputy President of PRM;
1970: Parti Rakyat Malaya's (PRM) original name of the
party, changed name to PSRM (Parti Sosialis Rakyat
Malaysia), under the leadership of Kassim Ahmad;
1974-80: Detained under ISA, following Baling peasant
and student protests;
1990: PSRM reverted to its original name Parti Rakyat
Malaysia (PRM);
1990: On being elected President of PRM, asked by UM
to leave post of Professor of Anthropology and
Sociology, for breaching UUCA;
1990-2003: President of PRM;
2003- : Deputy President keADILan.
The idea of merger was mooted by Anwar Ibrahim, who
was then in jail, and first discussed through secret
communications with Syed Husin Ali, as President of
PRM. The idea was deliberated upon several times by
the PRM leadership and tabled at two National
Congresses of the Party. Finally, the merger of PRM
with Keadilan Nasional to form Parti Keadilan Rakyat
was agreed upon by about 80% of delegates present at
the PRM Congress in 2002. It was accepted that through
the merger, the alternative force would be stronger to
challenge Umno-Bn, and the struggle for social justice
and democracy could be more effectively carried out.
Q3. "Socialism" as an ideology did not make headway
for decades within Malaysia's parliamentary system,
yet there are pockets of believers still travelling
that path. Any messages to your (former) party mates
like those still trying to get PSM registered? What
were the chief reasons leading you to spearhead PRM's
merger with Keadilan Nasional to form the PKR just
three years back?
The PRM-PKN merger was a historical necessity, I felt.
It provided a bigger platform to fight for justice,
democracy, national unity, transparency and welfare of
the people. It was supported by vast majority of PRM
membership. The few people who are trying to continue
PRM now are going against the majority decision of the
Party Congress. Indeed a good number of them, as
delegates, voted for merger during the Congress in
2002. In fact, the person who now claims to be their
leader shed tears during his speech to persuade
delegate to support the merger plan as tabled at the
Congress. He later assumed position as Deputy
Secretary-General of Keadilan Rakyat, after merger.
But suddenly and surprisingly he changed direction.
They are not making any progress. I would advise him
and his handful of friends to carry out their struggle
through the bigger political vehicle of keADILan.
Q4. In the lead up to Aug 31, 2007 celebrations
planned by the BN government, year-in-year-out we hear
minsiterial exhortations to the rakyat, corporations
and SME businesses to fly the national flag?
Are there some underlying causes that prevent a
spontaneous demonstration of such perceived
"patriotic" spirit? -- To the extent when the
Informatin Minister has to resort with threats to
capture on camera those business establishments NOT
flying the Jalur Gemilang.
I think that they are demonstrating their opposition
to and disappointment with the government policies and
leadership. By the way, patriotism is not something
that is nurtured or obtained through threats and
Q5. Some of your comrades eg Kassim Ahmad, were wooed
over by UMNO. Were you ever in two minds about joining
the establishment UMNO party/any of BN components?
Will you offer yourself as a Candidate for the
forthcomg General Elections? I will understand if for
strategic reasons you may not want to detail such GE
plans, but a general sharing will do.
A number of Umno leaders (including Musa Hitam) tried
to persuade me in the sixties to join UMNO. Once I
convinced them of my principled pro-people,
pro-justice and pro-democracy stands, they never
bothered me any more.
____________________ Ends Interview __________________
DESIDERATA: Some additional Thinking Allowed tomorrow as Desiderata also throws a Merdeka Challenge to my Esteemed Readers. Stay toned. ~~ YL Chong
My Anthem
Friday, August 31, 2007
Thursday, August 30, 2007
MERDEKA: Eat, Drink and Be Merry?
On Friday (hey, that's tomorrow, I was slow in realising it!), Malaysians will be celebrating the 50th Independence Day; a day that will be graced with such meaningfulness of an ideal Malaysian person being a true and patriotic citizen. No doubts, the day will always be special as it marks a passage that the nation has been free from colonialism for 50 years since August 31, 1957.
Here lies an important question: How far have we progressed as a nation?
Not trying to be skeptical but there still are dilemmas surrounding the nation and its people. With globalisation, deregulation and liberalisation in a borderless world, everything must be handled with care as they are means to an end-not ends in themselves. Globalisation alongside new realities must bring better lives to all and not causing stunted growth within the people and nation.
Due to rapid growth and cultural changes, Malaysians are somehow still swimming in the dilemma sea-bed. Up surging technologies and accelerated means of communication, the youths today are facing deep social problems. Youths today are vastly different from those of yesteryears; a generation gap. It sounds oddly traditional but with on-going social problems, the future generation is not going to get better even if they are highly educated because of their attitudes.
True, without money, survival is hard. For example, some complaints about how internships are not paid lucratively but have it ever crossed their minds what is the definition of “internship” is all about? Being accepted into a company as an intern can be considered lucky enough as one is given the chance to prove their capabilities in applying what they have learned into the field rather than memorising dry facts of how something is supposed to work. Working as an intern is to gain experience to be on-the-job and academic credits, and at the same time, earning a little pocket money. It is a mistake to look at internships from the money perspective. After all, everyone is supposed to start from the bottom unless one is born with a silver spoon but how many of us are that fortunate?
Moral values are of the supreme importance during the olden days whenever it comes to the elders in this society and familial ties. Virtues and values such as benevolence, empathy, sympathy, sincerity, honour, et cetera were the vital traits and strengths when it comes to raising a child. They say, ‘charity begins from home’ and it is applicable when it deals with morality amongst the youths of today. If you have observed clearly, we have lost this quality whenever we observe the younglings because they no longer have respect for others and ignorance and social values have taken hostage over their systems. This simple dilemma can be witnessed within the vicinity of public transportations. Nowadays, not everyone is willing to give up their seats for senior citizens, people with handicaps or pregnant ladies. Either they look away, or pretend that a wall is shielding their views. It is a sad sight truthfully. Do they really care anyway?
Talk about responsibilities and responsibilities. Many teenagers today do not know what ‘responsibility’ is about. You may want to argue that it is only the minority that does not know their own responsibilities as a child, a student or a young adult but have you noticed that many school children are flocking around shopping malls doing absolutely nothing after school hours or during school hours? More than often, you can see students lingering around malls when you think they are supposed to be flipping text books in school but lo and behold, this is the common sight. Well, if they totally understand their responsibilities as students, they ought to know better than to linger around malls which in the end jeopardizes their studies. Somehow, the ‘tidak apa’ or ‘I don’t really care’ attitude is there and come to think of it, these are the youths that will be representing the nation in the coming future as leaders, politicians, economists, and so forth. What do you think will happen if our future Prime Minister adopted the ‘tidak apa’ attitude? The nation will definitely crumble without second thoughts.
The world is moving and people are constantly changing --- either for better or worst. Yes, being skeptical and allowing pessimism to rule over is not going to enhance or cure anything but … But, how can you not be cynical when you see all these happening right before and in front of your eyes? Of course everyone is hoping for an enhanced future, quality living and also to be a leading nation, which is not impossible except for the fact that certain dilemmas have to be eradicated. We can put a stop to eat, drink and be merry adage and start improving this nation to higher level than now.
It is time for all of us to start caring about the future and what may happen if actions are not taken to improve lives and discharge existing dilemmas because once a person starts to care, it will spread in no time. Also, with the strength that we find in optimistic people, new ideals can be established so to improve the nation and people’s perceptions about their country and mottos.
Differences can be made if everyone is willing to lend in their hands and participate in making Malaysia a better place for all because we are Malaysians (that is for sure) and one goal that we have in common is to see Malaysia grow with each passing year into a better future for her people.
I am not perfect and these are only my viewpoints but I strongly believe that we can make our country a better place. Impossible is definitely nothing when we have the faith and optimism to lead and to create a new environment.
With this I wish every one of you a Happy 50th Independence Day!
DESIDERATA: This Young&Articulate -- final-year undergrad at the Nottinghm Forest campus, do they teach them shooting Bows&Arrows? Robin Cook as teacher-cum-chef and Mad Marian running helter-skelter (like a Mad Hatteress? from out Alice Lost in Alex Springs...) joining in making-merry even with married men like Zorro and Desi -- was with johnlee's batch, along with SabrinaTan and ImranAhmad to name a few of some half-dozen Y&A who became the pioneers in Desi's "AFamous" G7 Blogger Meets. She pens the penultimate contribution for 2007's MERDEKA ESSAY SERIES, a famous/notorious tradition hear! Her cyber-home at flags off a mystifying title challenging you with a teaser proclaiming: Laments of a Broken-Hearted Silhouette... One thought immediately occurs with "strictly rational" minds like Desi's -- Can a silhoutte suffer something like aheart break or a nervous breakdown?
Hey, you ER -- young, olde and even suckling Mum's breasts -- respond to kyels' Independence thoughts. I hope you throw some pastries at her too. I'll pick up the remnants and have them as BF titbits, or tits-tits for the birds!:)
I have a soft sport for Kyels since she's another poet-asSpirant like teh-see!:):)
On Friday (hey, that's tomorrow, I was slow in realising it!), Malaysians will be celebrating the 50th Independence Day; a day that will be graced with such meaningfulness of an ideal Malaysian person being a true and patriotic citizen. No doubts, the day will always be special as it marks a passage that the nation has been free from colonialism for 50 years since August 31, 1957.
Here lies an important question: How far have we progressed as a nation?
Not trying to be skeptical but there still are dilemmas surrounding the nation and its people. With globalisation, deregulation and liberalisation in a borderless world, everything must be handled with care as they are means to an end-not ends in themselves. Globalisation alongside new realities must bring better lives to all and not causing stunted growth within the people and nation.
Due to rapid growth and cultural changes, Malaysians are somehow still swimming in the dilemma sea-bed. Up surging technologies and accelerated means of communication, the youths today are facing deep social problems. Youths today are vastly different from those of yesteryears; a generation gap. It sounds oddly traditional but with on-going social problems, the future generation is not going to get better even if they are highly educated because of their attitudes.
True, without money, survival is hard. For example, some complaints about how internships are not paid lucratively but have it ever crossed their minds what is the definition of “internship” is all about? Being accepted into a company as an intern can be considered lucky enough as one is given the chance to prove their capabilities in applying what they have learned into the field rather than memorising dry facts of how something is supposed to work. Working as an intern is to gain experience to be on-the-job and academic credits, and at the same time, earning a little pocket money. It is a mistake to look at internships from the money perspective. After all, everyone is supposed to start from the bottom unless one is born with a silver spoon but how many of us are that fortunate?
Moral values are of the supreme importance during the olden days whenever it comes to the elders in this society and familial ties. Virtues and values such as benevolence, empathy, sympathy, sincerity, honour, et cetera were the vital traits and strengths when it comes to raising a child. They say, ‘charity begins from home’ and it is applicable when it deals with morality amongst the youths of today. If you have observed clearly, we have lost this quality whenever we observe the younglings because they no longer have respect for others and ignorance and social values have taken hostage over their systems. This simple dilemma can be witnessed within the vicinity of public transportations. Nowadays, not everyone is willing to give up their seats for senior citizens, people with handicaps or pregnant ladies. Either they look away, or pretend that a wall is shielding their views. It is a sad sight truthfully. Do they really care anyway?
Talk about responsibilities and responsibilities. Many teenagers today do not know what ‘responsibility’ is about. You may want to argue that it is only the minority that does not know their own responsibilities as a child, a student or a young adult but have you noticed that many school children are flocking around shopping malls doing absolutely nothing after school hours or during school hours? More than often, you can see students lingering around malls when you think they are supposed to be flipping text books in school but lo and behold, this is the common sight. Well, if they totally understand their responsibilities as students, they ought to know better than to linger around malls which in the end jeopardizes their studies. Somehow, the ‘tidak apa’ or ‘I don’t really care’ attitude is there and come to think of it, these are the youths that will be representing the nation in the coming future as leaders, politicians, economists, and so forth. What do you think will happen if our future Prime Minister adopted the ‘tidak apa’ attitude? The nation will definitely crumble without second thoughts.
The world is moving and people are constantly changing --- either for better or worst. Yes, being skeptical and allowing pessimism to rule over is not going to enhance or cure anything but … But, how can you not be cynical when you see all these happening right before and in front of your eyes? Of course everyone is hoping for an enhanced future, quality living and also to be a leading nation, which is not impossible except for the fact that certain dilemmas have to be eradicated. We can put a stop to eat, drink and be merry adage and start improving this nation to higher level than now.
It is time for all of us to start caring about the future and what may happen if actions are not taken to improve lives and discharge existing dilemmas because once a person starts to care, it will spread in no time. Also, with the strength that we find in optimistic people, new ideals can be established so to improve the nation and people’s perceptions about their country and mottos.
Differences can be made if everyone is willing to lend in their hands and participate in making Malaysia a better place for all because we are Malaysians (that is for sure) and one goal that we have in common is to see Malaysia grow with each passing year into a better future for her people.
I am not perfect and these are only my viewpoints but I strongly believe that we can make our country a better place. Impossible is definitely nothing when we have the faith and optimism to lead and to create a new environment.
With this I wish every one of you a Happy 50th Independence Day!
DESIDERATA: This Young&Articulate -- final-year undergrad at the Nottinghm Forest campus, do they teach them shooting Bows&Arrows? Robin Cook as teacher-cum-chef and Mad Marian running helter-skelter (like a Mad Hatteress? from out Alice Lost in Alex Springs...) joining in making-merry even with married men like Zorro and Desi -- was with johnlee's batch, along with SabrinaTan and ImranAhmad to name a few of some half-dozen Y&A who became the pioneers in Desi's "AFamous" G7 Blogger Meets. She pens the penultimate contribution for 2007's MERDEKA ESSAY SERIES, a famous/notorious tradition hear! Her cyber-home at flags off a mystifying title challenging you with a teaser proclaiming: Laments of a Broken-Hearted Silhouette... One thought immediately occurs with "strictly rational" minds like Desi's -- Can a silhoutte suffer something like aheart break or a nervous breakdown?
Hey, you ER -- young, olde and even suckling Mum's breasts -- respond to kyels' Independence thoughts. I hope you throw some pastries at her too. I'll pick up the remnants and have them as BF titbits, or tits-tits for the birds!:)
I have a soft sport for Kyels since she's another poet-asSpirant like teh-see!:):)
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
MERDEKA: A Well-Writ Letter
Should Be Shared as Widely as Possible with Fellow Malaysians. I don't know if I committed any offece under the PPPA1984, or I have to pay royalty, or stand in dat church korner in Ipoh. Please give me a spot away from where the roof leaks. Ooops, that only happens at that august Parliament House! mGf whispers.
Okay, from where it's knot "Semuanya Okay!" The latter cometh from the most developed State in Malaysia, but someONE says SOMETHING IS ROTTEN IN THE STATE OF .........ala-Denmark. ~~~~~~~
Teaser: Who said that? No, it's not the Bard! He was quoted and adapted.
NB: IF you gassed rite, Desi will bypass you tehtarik nixed with arSEN..; you donwan dat, do you?
How English-medium schools vanished overnight
Pin Pan Dan
Aug 24, 07 4:24pm
"I refer to the letter Wake up Najib, our education system is a failure.
In lambasting Deputy Prime Minister Najib Razak, Richard Teo went on to accuse his late father, Abdul Razak, of abolishing English-medium schools. I think Teo got his facts wrong and I would like to correct him on that score.
It was not Razak who sounded the death knell for English medium education in Malaysia which took place on Jan 1,1970 when all English-medium schools beginning from Standard One were changed to Malay-medium with English being taught only as a subject. Thereafter, the conversion process took place each succeeding year such that by 1983, all those who entered Std 1 in 1970 would have studied all subjects in Bahasa Malaysia up to their first year in university.
Hence in 13 years, the English-medium educational system from primary, secondary, post-secondary and university was completely phased out - with dire consequences as we can see today in the era of globalisation.
The move to end English-medium education took place in July or August 1969 when Malay feelings against Tunku Abdul Rahman were very high, shortly after the infamous May 13 racial riots in KL. Demonstrations by Malay students took place against the Tunku at Universiti Malaya, Mara colleges and other places.
They had been influenced by Dr Mahathir Mohamad's scurrilous letter blaming the Tunku for giving in too much to the Chinese and thus causing the May 13 riots. Among some of the contentious issues that Malay extremists were unhappy with the Tunku was their perception that he had neglected the status of the Malay language and Malay education. Malay-medium schools by and large were inferior to English-medium schools then. Malay extremists wanted to reverse this situation.
Monitoring the issue closely was then Education Minister Rahman Yaakub. Being a shrewd observer of movements in Umno, Rahman could sense the burning desire of Malay language extremists, who form a powerful lobby in Umno, to elevate the status of their language to a level higher than that of English, especially through schools. He decided to take a gamble that fateful day in July or August 1969 - and succeeded beyond his wildest dreams.
Out of the blue, Rahman announced the conversion of all English-medium schools to Malay- medium ones beginning from Standard 1 with effect from Jan 1, 1970. Many, including the Malay language extremists, were caught by surprise as the decision was sudden and arbitrary. Still, it could not be challenged by the non-Malays much as they had objected to it, as the country was under emergency rule exercised by the National Operations Council (NOC).
The Malay language extremists were nevertheless elated and cheered wildly and overnight Rahman Yaakub became their hero, idolised to the same extent as former Dewan Bahasa and Pustaka head Syed Nasir Ismail, another Malay language champion. Rahman was not even a Malay or an Umno member to begin with. He was in fact a Melanau Muslim from Sarawak and a member of Parti Bersatu Bumiputera, an ally of Umno. Rahman who studied law in the UK, was English-educated and spoke English better than Malay which was not his mother tongue.
But that did not prevent the opportunistic streak in him from exploiting a sensitive issue to be a hero of Malay language extremists who were about to emerge as some of the ‘king-makers’ in Umno after the May 13 incident. Rahman had become so popular among the Malay language extremists that when he resigned as education minister to contest the Sarawak elections in 1970 on the instructions of Umno, the Malay language extremists ‘protested’ asking for his retention as education minister.
The mainstream papers, of course, gave wide and prominent coverage of the event with pictures showing Rahman crying and asserting that ‘the (Malay) educational system was too strong for anyone (meaning non-Malays) to oppose it’.
On reflection, had Rahman announced his arbitrary decision to phase out English-medium schools if the Tunku had not fallen from grace among the Malays, he would certainly have been smacked down hard as in the case of Syed Nasir when the latter tried to create a big controversy over the government’s decision to allow a liberal usage of English after 1967 when Bahasa Malaysia became the sole official language of the country.
With the full backing of the federal government, Rahman returned to Sarawak and became its first Melanau Muslim chief minister in 1970 after the state elections, a tool of Umno to end Dayak political supremacy in the state, erstwhile represented by Stephen Kalong Ningkan.
Rahman had his share of ups and downs in politics, especially his bitterness at being ‘played out’ by his nephew Taib Mahmud whom he had groomed to take over the Sarawak CM’s post from him in 1981, but that is another story. Suffice to say, at this juncture, the non-Malays (and even some Malays) who cherished English education were already condemning him in the strongest possible terms, especially when looking at the sordid mess of the present education system.
Today, 37 years after Rahman Yaakub made that historic announcement, what do we see? Not only students, but teachers, and yes, even university lecturers who can't even string together a proper sentence of grammatically correct English, let alone speak the language fluently.
In the era of globalisation when English is so important, not being able to speak and write the language well seriously disadvantages our students and even working adults up to the age of 45, they who have been schooled under the present Malay-medium education system. It is only Malaysians above 45 as well as those whose parents were educated under the previous English education system who can speak and write English reasonably well to be in tune with globalisation. This because their parents wisely make it a point to converse with them in the language at home.
Mahathir, who was prime minister from 1981-2003, had conceded that though the move to phase out English-medium education was educationally wrong and even disastrous, nevertheless it was politically correct, at least to Umno. On reflection over the years, the move to phase out English- medium education when it was doing so well, was akin to someone cutting his nose to spite his own face.
The Malay-medium national schools have today, in fact, become almost 100 percent Malay Islamic schools with Chinese and Indian parents sending their children to the vernacular schools. Polarisation along ethnic lines has been unprecedented. The Malay-medium national schools remain a symbol of Umno's political rather than educational supremacy to the extend that even top Umno leaders have no faith in them and prefer to send their children to the UK, America, Canada, Australia and New Zealand for their education in English and usually also for matriculation proceeding to university.
In recognising the growing importance of English in the era of globalisation, Mahathir tried to revive the English-medium schools. However the Umno supreme council, which is even more powerful than Parliament, opposed the move on the grounds that it would undo all that Umno had done to ensure the supremacy of Malay education since 1970.
There were fears among Umno leaders that even Malay parents would prefer to send their children to English-medium schools should they be revived. The move to teach Maths and Science in English from various standards beginning 2003 was thus some sort of a ‘compromise’ on the part of Umno in recognising the growing importance of English while reaffirming the supremacy of Malay-medium education.
English education today remains the domain of the private sector, available only to a privileged few aside from the Umno and BN elites. Never again would it regain its former privileged and cherished status prior to the May 13 racial riots of 1969, more so with the country likely to become an Islamic state in the not too distant future.
To conclude for Teo's benefit, Razak was the education einister in the 1950s and came up with an educational report (The Razak Report) which, in fact, converted Chinese-medium secondary schools to English-medium as part of the government's ‘Malayanisation’ of the education system where equal status was given to both Malay and English as the medium of instruction in schools. It may thus seem ironical to Teo in the sense that Razak promoted English-medium education rather than killed it as Teo suggested.
DESIDERATA: has two more Postings to mark MERDEKA before the BIG day. So it's only right I leave the best for the climax -- so stay tuned for CON BF Fridae!
For doing so much work to keep thee entertained, my dear ER, on Fridae I need some reciprocal response, can?
Okay, from where it's knot "Semuanya Okay!" The latter cometh from the most developed State in Malaysia, but someONE says SOMETHING IS ROTTEN IN THE STATE OF .........ala-Denmark. ~~~~~~~
Teaser: Who said that? No, it's not the Bard! He was quoted and adapted.
NB: IF you gassed rite, Desi will bypass you tehtarik nixed with arSEN..; you donwan dat, do you?
How English-medium schools vanished overnight
Pin Pan Dan
Aug 24, 07 4:24pm
"I refer to the letter Wake up Najib, our education system is a failure.
In lambasting Deputy Prime Minister Najib Razak, Richard Teo went on to accuse his late father, Abdul Razak, of abolishing English-medium schools. I think Teo got his facts wrong and I would like to correct him on that score.
It was not Razak who sounded the death knell for English medium education in Malaysia which took place on Jan 1,1970 when all English-medium schools beginning from Standard One were changed to Malay-medium with English being taught only as a subject. Thereafter, the conversion process took place each succeeding year such that by 1983, all those who entered Std 1 in 1970 would have studied all subjects in Bahasa Malaysia up to their first year in university.
Hence in 13 years, the English-medium educational system from primary, secondary, post-secondary and university was completely phased out - with dire consequences as we can see today in the era of globalisation.
The move to end English-medium education took place in July or August 1969 when Malay feelings against Tunku Abdul Rahman were very high, shortly after the infamous May 13 racial riots in KL. Demonstrations by Malay students took place against the Tunku at Universiti Malaya, Mara colleges and other places.
They had been influenced by Dr Mahathir Mohamad's scurrilous letter blaming the Tunku for giving in too much to the Chinese and thus causing the May 13 riots. Among some of the contentious issues that Malay extremists were unhappy with the Tunku was their perception that he had neglected the status of the Malay language and Malay education. Malay-medium schools by and large were inferior to English-medium schools then. Malay extremists wanted to reverse this situation.
Monitoring the issue closely was then Education Minister Rahman Yaakub. Being a shrewd observer of movements in Umno, Rahman could sense the burning desire of Malay language extremists, who form a powerful lobby in Umno, to elevate the status of their language to a level higher than that of English, especially through schools. He decided to take a gamble that fateful day in July or August 1969 - and succeeded beyond his wildest dreams.
Out of the blue, Rahman announced the conversion of all English-medium schools to Malay- medium ones beginning from Standard 1 with effect from Jan 1, 1970. Many, including the Malay language extremists, were caught by surprise as the decision was sudden and arbitrary. Still, it could not be challenged by the non-Malays much as they had objected to it, as the country was under emergency rule exercised by the National Operations Council (NOC).
The Malay language extremists were nevertheless elated and cheered wildly and overnight Rahman Yaakub became their hero, idolised to the same extent as former Dewan Bahasa and Pustaka head Syed Nasir Ismail, another Malay language champion. Rahman was not even a Malay or an Umno member to begin with. He was in fact a Melanau Muslim from Sarawak and a member of Parti Bersatu Bumiputera, an ally of Umno. Rahman who studied law in the UK, was English-educated and spoke English better than Malay which was not his mother tongue.
But that did not prevent the opportunistic streak in him from exploiting a sensitive issue to be a hero of Malay language extremists who were about to emerge as some of the ‘king-makers’ in Umno after the May 13 incident. Rahman had become so popular among the Malay language extremists that when he resigned as education minister to contest the Sarawak elections in 1970 on the instructions of Umno, the Malay language extremists ‘protested’ asking for his retention as education minister.
The mainstream papers, of course, gave wide and prominent coverage of the event with pictures showing Rahman crying and asserting that ‘the (Malay) educational system was too strong for anyone (meaning non-Malays) to oppose it’.
On reflection, had Rahman announced his arbitrary decision to phase out English-medium schools if the Tunku had not fallen from grace among the Malays, he would certainly have been smacked down hard as in the case of Syed Nasir when the latter tried to create a big controversy over the government’s decision to allow a liberal usage of English after 1967 when Bahasa Malaysia became the sole official language of the country.
With the full backing of the federal government, Rahman returned to Sarawak and became its first Melanau Muslim chief minister in 1970 after the state elections, a tool of Umno to end Dayak political supremacy in the state, erstwhile represented by Stephen Kalong Ningkan.
Rahman had his share of ups and downs in politics, especially his bitterness at being ‘played out’ by his nephew Taib Mahmud whom he had groomed to take over the Sarawak CM’s post from him in 1981, but that is another story. Suffice to say, at this juncture, the non-Malays (and even some Malays) who cherished English education were already condemning him in the strongest possible terms, especially when looking at the sordid mess of the present education system.
Today, 37 years after Rahman Yaakub made that historic announcement, what do we see? Not only students, but teachers, and yes, even university lecturers who can't even string together a proper sentence of grammatically correct English, let alone speak the language fluently.
In the era of globalisation when English is so important, not being able to speak and write the language well seriously disadvantages our students and even working adults up to the age of 45, they who have been schooled under the present Malay-medium education system. It is only Malaysians above 45 as well as those whose parents were educated under the previous English education system who can speak and write English reasonably well to be in tune with globalisation. This because their parents wisely make it a point to converse with them in the language at home.
Mahathir, who was prime minister from 1981-2003, had conceded that though the move to phase out English-medium education was educationally wrong and even disastrous, nevertheless it was politically correct, at least to Umno. On reflection over the years, the move to phase out English- medium education when it was doing so well, was akin to someone cutting his nose to spite his own face.
The Malay-medium national schools have today, in fact, become almost 100 percent Malay Islamic schools with Chinese and Indian parents sending their children to the vernacular schools. Polarisation along ethnic lines has been unprecedented. The Malay-medium national schools remain a symbol of Umno's political rather than educational supremacy to the extend that even top Umno leaders have no faith in them and prefer to send their children to the UK, America, Canada, Australia and New Zealand for their education in English and usually also for matriculation proceeding to university.
In recognising the growing importance of English in the era of globalisation, Mahathir tried to revive the English-medium schools. However the Umno supreme council, which is even more powerful than Parliament, opposed the move on the grounds that it would undo all that Umno had done to ensure the supremacy of Malay education since 1970.
There were fears among Umno leaders that even Malay parents would prefer to send their children to English-medium schools should they be revived. The move to teach Maths and Science in English from various standards beginning 2003 was thus some sort of a ‘compromise’ on the part of Umno in recognising the growing importance of English while reaffirming the supremacy of Malay-medium education.
English education today remains the domain of the private sector, available only to a privileged few aside from the Umno and BN elites. Never again would it regain its former privileged and cherished status prior to the May 13 racial riots of 1969, more so with the country likely to become an Islamic state in the not too distant future.
To conclude for Teo's benefit, Razak was the education einister in the 1950s and came up with an educational report (The Razak Report) which, in fact, converted Chinese-medium secondary schools to English-medium as part of the government's ‘Malayanisation’ of the education system where equal status was given to both Malay and English as the medium of instruction in schools. It may thus seem ironical to Teo in the sense that Razak promoted English-medium education rather than killed it as Teo suggested.
DESIDERATA: has two more Postings to mark MERDEKA before the BIG day. So it's only right I leave the best for the climax -- so stay tuned for CON BF Fridae!
For doing so much work to keep thee entertained, my dear ER, on Fridae I need some reciprocal response, can?
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
MERDEKA: Travelling Back In Time
DESIDERATA was surfing through his own archives to lift out of the cobwebs something PERSONAL for me to reflect on as Merdeka approaches. I find my second anniversary of Desi's Place struck a chord and I don't know the exact reason why I reprised this today. Maybe some happenings don't need a reason. Being alive and kicking now is reason enough.
___________ REPRISE OF POST March 15, 2007 ______________
I was working at an online newspaper for a year not that long ago and so was well exposed to electronic sources of news and debate, mainly from foreign sources, and I felt most at home with the American and British scenes. Having worked some time with the Aussie diplomatic mission, I also had a soft sport for Down Under people and happenings.
Being of Chinoserie ancestry -- but first and foremost a Malaysian, I stress! -- and knowing a smattering of Mandarin so I can comfortably see annd enjoy a movie like The Banquet without the need to staray to the subtitles, emerging China as a political and economic juggernaut also naturally was my radar-scape.
But being born and bred in NegaraKu, I feel very at home whether in a kampong/ new village or town/ bandar or the city of Kuala Lumpur (though I have never trusted local KL-ites compleatly! hence I describe the capital as B'g, B'd Wolfish Koala Lumpuh!), Desi would never allow any blardy idiot to question my loyalty as a Malaysian.
I mostly enjoy Malay, Chinese and Indian cuisines seven days a week, but make an exception to have a CON BF (continental breakfast) on a Sunday, my capitalist indulgence as I am an out-of-the-closet Socialist (In the league of the current French Sigolene Royale, someone I tease mGf based in London who is quite introvert plus sensitive/ble? > hence "sensintrovert")
Chapter 1
As a freelance journalist taking up blogging chiefly influenced by JeffOoi exactly two years ago, I was happy to be able to connect with a core group of fellow/fella (Fella is defined as the female counterpart as fellow is always considered male) bloggers. I must also thank those readers who don't blog but visit often enough to engage in conversations.
There is yet a more connected group who progressed to join Desi's EMAIL LIST, numbering about 12-15 gathered over 24 months. (YOU know who you are if you have exchanged thoughts in intimate detail with Desi. This is mainly jesting -- most ly talking shop on political matters that are not safe to go public; well a small percentage of mayhaps five percent do venture into personal territory, but that's reserved for spinning my fictional novels later, with Hollywood blockbustier in mind. Rest assured I'd do it a 30% to the protagonist-blogger who has opened up his/her/gender-neutral soul to Desi.)
Most of all, I must thank these various categories of EsteemedReaders ("ER") who take the time and trouble to comment on my "writes", more formal as in a serious Essay following all the rules of Intro, Body and Conclusion; 'rites as in recording Malaysiana titbits and snippets that are eye-catching and define our local culture and politics; and lastly, more lustily perhaps than the earlier two, my writHings. In this category I lend my pretty frank thoughts on Malaysian goings-in which concern or trouble or amuse me as a Malysian citizen. The "H" implies that Desi does a lot of gymnastics, sometimes using the much maligned DDC ("Da Desi Code" methinks first gifted by the hoRst of; the R in host arose from an actual event narrated to Desi about how a Guest speaker was pronouncing this word with the R sound consistently -- neigh, neigh!)
Back to my stated Objectives as revealed in my first three Posts from March 15, 2005, to date they are, in gist:
I shall be touching on subjects broadly categorised as desiderata.english; desiderata.civilsociety; desiderata.truth -- generally with the ultimate objective of promoting the love and appreciation of outstanding writings in English; the cultivation and promotion of human traits and endeavours to build a civil Malaysian society, and finally, if possible, embark with fellow travellers in this journey called Life in the pursuit of Truth, that undefinable yet essential and desiderable, in my opinion, ingredient in the civilization process so that the human race continues to uplift itself beyond and above the banal, the demeaning and the destructive actvities that now pervade, and in some societies, even dominate human activities worldwide.
I believe I am by nature and nurture an organiser and team leader (RESUME hilites include Student Union's office-bearer; Press Training Programme Director; Chairman of LES Committee Chairman at AHC), so it was a natural course I organised what I termed as G7 meetings among Bloggers, mostly KL-based. Numbering half a dozen such meets, with quorum ranging from 2 to SE7EN. These meets gave the participants to see the person behind the anonymous masks of the cyber-writer, and I think all of us ranked these as a peak in our journeys. What say you, mates, Yes?
I believe in a non-profit adventure that is my type of blogging, it's the constant Hi's with very few Lo's (when combined, Hi-Los are still pleasing!) that makes Blogging a happy and learning adventure. The blogging experience spans a wide age range, non-discriminatory of sex, colour and race. Religion and partisan politics take up little space in our discourse; mostly it has been friendly banter and trading of jokes, satire, allowing for caustic soda in-the-face barb trading with an occasional "stranger". Few and in-betwen, such hostile encounters were easily terminated by one party just calling TIME-OUT, erase all traces of animosity and there's no legacy of enmity to bequeath. I can only off-hand record two such episodes.
Chapter 2
Today I arrive at a sort of crossroads. This Second Anniversary on the Ides of March ushers in what I think is the second chapter as I spent some time the past few weeks of where I am, and the journey I had traveled thus far. Much waters has flowed under the cyber-bridge. I have gained much, didn't lose any, perhaps made a few enemies I term as Agents Provocateur (APs), so I count my journey positive, productive and most important in my mind, "enjoyable".
I have reviewed my Three Original Objectives, and today announce that I have retained
the three objectives, viz:
* Civil Society;
** Promotion of the English language, especially using Poetry as a Special Medium;
*** Truth-seeking.
But to be added a fourth, namely:
**** Nation-building,
which I think is timely and must enjoy priority as Malaysia approaches its 50th anniversary of birth.
I would think Nation-building would encompass Politics, whether Partisan or Non-partisan. I have decided that a citizen has every right to involve himself/herself in partisan politics, and this would not detract from the role of any Blogger in contributing to the community.
I borrow the words of a media fraternity member: "One cannot remain neutral in a moving train." -- Jacqueline Ann Surin, whose writings have caused much and spirited debates in blogosphere, and mGf Howsy holds her in higher esteem than Desi (YOU, Time's Person of the Year 2006, can interpret this statement any way YOU like, Desi, as you know, tries to practise democracy even in all his discusioins, especially when media is the open field. Blogsworld members aspire and want to be treated with respect as the Fifth Estate. So let's start by adhering to the same exacting and high standards demanded of the Fourth Estate.
At the personal level,
I penned the following over the past 48 hours.
Inside the head resides the rational mind,
In the heart dwells one's soul seeking its home.
But to my mind, at journey's end it's all fruitless
If a seeker finds he has gained much of worldly treasures
but can't feel the warmth in his/her heart at night
to feel the comfort of a person at peace with his soul
The ultimate treasure
resides within the individual's heart
even as soon his life's journey began
except many did not feel their own heartbeats
until it's too late, the heart has stopped chanting.
Follow That Dream
by Elvis Presley
When your heart gets restless, time to move along
When your heart gets weary, time to sing a song
But when a dream is calling you,
There's just one thing that you can do
Well, you gotta follow that dream wherever that dream may lead
You gotta follow that dream to find the love you need
AS the song comes over the airwaves, my thoughts often go back to some lonesome travel by an Andalusian shepherd boy who one night dreamt of a distant treasure in the Egyptian pyramids. This shepherd boy broke out of the comfort zone of his father's Andalusian farm in Spain to set out for Morocco, then towards Egypt seeking "the soul of the world". When he bade farewell, his father's only advice was: "Travel the world until you see that our castle is the greatest, and our women the most beautiful".
His journey through desert storms, narrow escapades from theives and marauding robbers, and from other life-threatening situations, being left penniless, and betrayed by a companion -- these werre challenges in an answer to a call to follow his dream that a youth could not ignore or resist, even with a sacrifice of leaving behind his sweetheart. To seek out his destiny he must, or else his heart would not let him rest, for he would be trapped with an unquenched thirst. Even his sweetheart understood his longing, so wished him well on his journey. She too sought the peace within even as her sweetheart sought his far away in a strange and foreign land.
My dear ER, if you have the time, try to read
The Alchemist
Paulo Coelho
The Brazilian story-teller only suggests.
He hints. He asks thee to listen to your heart.
As Santiago the shepherd boy travelled on his journey, he found that was "a language that doesn't depend on words". He realised: "If I can learn to understand this language without words, I can learn to understand the world."
So each of us have to define our dreams, then follow these dreams, because to find the Truth at the end of such a quest on Earth is the way to find "God", which could mean happiness, fulfilment, and understanding the ultimate purpose intended by an Almighty perhaps, of individual Man's transient journey on this good earth.
The novel tells the tale of Santiago, a boy who has a dream and the courage to follow it. After listening to "the signs" the boy learns of various intangibles on a terrestrial trip, alike in spirit Jonathan Livingstone Seagull's adventures on air, guided by a few stranger-friends and "omens" that cropped up.His search for a hidden treasure located near the pyramids in Egypt would end...YOU find out yourself, for Desi's a practising democrazee and wouldn't want to serve thee false "madsin" forced down the throat.
I know I must write first true to my heart's desire.
The desiderata of happiness is to seek the Truth within one's soul
to be able to separate the precious from the banal
to discern the right from wrong
to find meaning and tranquility in the dance of life
While we may stumble, even fall,
we learn the language of overcoming the tests
So we won't lose the rhyme, nor the rhythm
As a quest can end in failure
because of corruption of the soul
by discordant notes and unsound distractions.
I just completed the first and second years' movements.
I am still composing the symphony of Life.
The third movement has just begun.
Do be one of my travelling companions
to be entranced by this common dance of life.
___________ REPRISE OF POST March 15, 2007 ______________
I was working at an online newspaper for a year not that long ago and so was well exposed to electronic sources of news and debate, mainly from foreign sources, and I felt most at home with the American and British scenes. Having worked some time with the Aussie diplomatic mission, I also had a soft sport for Down Under people and happenings.
Being of Chinoserie ancestry -- but first and foremost a Malaysian, I stress! -- and knowing a smattering of Mandarin so I can comfortably see annd enjoy a movie like The Banquet without the need to staray to the subtitles, emerging China as a political and economic juggernaut also naturally was my radar-scape.
But being born and bred in NegaraKu, I feel very at home whether in a kampong/ new village or town/ bandar or the city of Kuala Lumpur (though I have never trusted local KL-ites compleatly! hence I describe the capital as B'g, B'd Wolfish Koala Lumpuh!), Desi would never allow any blardy idiot to question my loyalty as a Malaysian.
I mostly enjoy Malay, Chinese and Indian cuisines seven days a week, but make an exception to have a CON BF (continental breakfast) on a Sunday, my capitalist indulgence as I am an out-of-the-closet Socialist (In the league of the current French Sigolene Royale, someone I tease mGf based in London who is quite introvert plus sensitive/ble? > hence "sensintrovert")
Chapter 1
As a freelance journalist taking up blogging chiefly influenced by JeffOoi exactly two years ago, I was happy to be able to connect with a core group of fellow/fella (Fella is defined as the female counterpart as fellow is always considered male) bloggers. I must also thank those readers who don't blog but visit often enough to engage in conversations.
There is yet a more connected group who progressed to join Desi's EMAIL LIST, numbering about 12-15 gathered over 24 months. (YOU know who you are if you have exchanged thoughts in intimate detail with Desi. This is mainly jesting -- most ly talking shop on political matters that are not safe to go public; well a small percentage of mayhaps five percent do venture into personal territory, but that's reserved for spinning my fictional novels later, with Hollywood blockbustier in mind. Rest assured I'd do it a 30% to the protagonist-blogger who has opened up his/her/gender-neutral soul to Desi.)
Most of all, I must thank these various categories of EsteemedReaders ("ER") who take the time and trouble to comment on my "writes", more formal as in a serious Essay following all the rules of Intro, Body and Conclusion; 'rites as in recording Malaysiana titbits and snippets that are eye-catching and define our local culture and politics; and lastly, more lustily perhaps than the earlier two, my writHings. In this category I lend my pretty frank thoughts on Malaysian goings-in which concern or trouble or amuse me as a Malysian citizen. The "H" implies that Desi does a lot of gymnastics, sometimes using the much maligned DDC ("Da Desi Code" methinks first gifted by the hoRst of; the R in host arose from an actual event narrated to Desi about how a Guest speaker was pronouncing this word with the R sound consistently -- neigh, neigh!)
Back to my stated Objectives as revealed in my first three Posts from March 15, 2005, to date they are, in gist:
I shall be touching on subjects broadly categorised as desiderata.english; desiderata.civilsociety; desiderata.truth -- generally with the ultimate objective of promoting the love and appreciation of outstanding writings in English; the cultivation and promotion of human traits and endeavours to build a civil Malaysian society, and finally, if possible, embark with fellow travellers in this journey called Life in the pursuit of Truth, that undefinable yet essential and desiderable, in my opinion, ingredient in the civilization process so that the human race continues to uplift itself beyond and above the banal, the demeaning and the destructive actvities that now pervade, and in some societies, even dominate human activities worldwide.
I believe I am by nature and nurture an organiser and team leader (RESUME hilites include Student Union's office-bearer; Press Training Programme Director; Chairman of LES Committee Chairman at AHC), so it was a natural course I organised what I termed as G7 meetings among Bloggers, mostly KL-based. Numbering half a dozen such meets, with quorum ranging from 2 to SE7EN. These meets gave the participants to see the person behind the anonymous masks of the cyber-writer, and I think all of us ranked these as a peak in our journeys. What say you, mates, Yes?
I believe in a non-profit adventure that is my type of blogging, it's the constant Hi's with very few Lo's (when combined, Hi-Los are still pleasing!) that makes Blogging a happy and learning adventure. The blogging experience spans a wide age range, non-discriminatory of sex, colour and race. Religion and partisan politics take up little space in our discourse; mostly it has been friendly banter and trading of jokes, satire, allowing for caustic soda in-the-face barb trading with an occasional "stranger". Few and in-betwen, such hostile encounters were easily terminated by one party just calling TIME-OUT, erase all traces of animosity and there's no legacy of enmity to bequeath. I can only off-hand record two such episodes.
Chapter 2
Today I arrive at a sort of crossroads. This Second Anniversary on the Ides of March ushers in what I think is the second chapter as I spent some time the past few weeks of where I am, and the journey I had traveled thus far. Much waters has flowed under the cyber-bridge. I have gained much, didn't lose any, perhaps made a few enemies I term as Agents Provocateur (APs), so I count my journey positive, productive and most important in my mind, "enjoyable".
I have reviewed my Three Original Objectives, and today announce that I have retained
the three objectives, viz:
* Civil Society;
** Promotion of the English language, especially using Poetry as a Special Medium;
*** Truth-seeking.
But to be added a fourth, namely:
**** Nation-building,
which I think is timely and must enjoy priority as Malaysia approaches its 50th anniversary of birth.
I would think Nation-building would encompass Politics, whether Partisan or Non-partisan. I have decided that a citizen has every right to involve himself/herself in partisan politics, and this would not detract from the role of any Blogger in contributing to the community.
I borrow the words of a media fraternity member: "One cannot remain neutral in a moving train." -- Jacqueline Ann Surin, whose writings have caused much and spirited debates in blogosphere, and mGf Howsy holds her in higher esteem than Desi (YOU, Time's Person of the Year 2006, can interpret this statement any way YOU like, Desi, as you know, tries to practise democracy even in all his discusioins, especially when media is the open field. Blogsworld members aspire and want to be treated with respect as the Fifth Estate. So let's start by adhering to the same exacting and high standards demanded of the Fourth Estate.
At the personal level,
I penned the following over the past 48 hours.
Inside the head resides the rational mind,
In the heart dwells one's soul seeking its home.
But to my mind, at journey's end it's all fruitless
If a seeker finds he has gained much of worldly treasures
but can't feel the warmth in his/her heart at night
to feel the comfort of a person at peace with his soul
The ultimate treasure
resides within the individual's heart
even as soon his life's journey began
except many did not feel their own heartbeats
until it's too late, the heart has stopped chanting.
Follow That Dream
by Elvis Presley
When your heart gets restless, time to move along
When your heart gets weary, time to sing a song
But when a dream is calling you,
There's just one thing that you can do
Well, you gotta follow that dream wherever that dream may lead
You gotta follow that dream to find the love you need
AS the song comes over the airwaves, my thoughts often go back to some lonesome travel by an Andalusian shepherd boy who one night dreamt of a distant treasure in the Egyptian pyramids. This shepherd boy broke out of the comfort zone of his father's Andalusian farm in Spain to set out for Morocco, then towards Egypt seeking "the soul of the world". When he bade farewell, his father's only advice was: "Travel the world until you see that our castle is the greatest, and our women the most beautiful".
His journey through desert storms, narrow escapades from theives and marauding robbers, and from other life-threatening situations, being left penniless, and betrayed by a companion -- these werre challenges in an answer to a call to follow his dream that a youth could not ignore or resist, even with a sacrifice of leaving behind his sweetheart. To seek out his destiny he must, or else his heart would not let him rest, for he would be trapped with an unquenched thirst. Even his sweetheart understood his longing, so wished him well on his journey. She too sought the peace within even as her sweetheart sought his far away in a strange and foreign land.
My dear ER, if you have the time, try to read
The Alchemist
Paulo Coelho
The Brazilian story-teller only suggests.
He hints. He asks thee to listen to your heart.
As Santiago the shepherd boy travelled on his journey, he found that was "a language that doesn't depend on words". He realised: "If I can learn to understand this language without words, I can learn to understand the world."
So each of us have to define our dreams, then follow these dreams, because to find the Truth at the end of such a quest on Earth is the way to find "God", which could mean happiness, fulfilment, and understanding the ultimate purpose intended by an Almighty perhaps, of individual Man's transient journey on this good earth.
The novel tells the tale of Santiago, a boy who has a dream and the courage to follow it. After listening to "the signs" the boy learns of various intangibles on a terrestrial trip, alike in spirit Jonathan Livingstone Seagull's adventures on air, guided by a few stranger-friends and "omens" that cropped up.His search for a hidden treasure located near the pyramids in Egypt would end...YOU find out yourself, for Desi's a practising democrazee and wouldn't want to serve thee false "madsin" forced down the throat.
I know I must write first true to my heart's desire.
The desiderata of happiness is to seek the Truth within one's soul
to be able to separate the precious from the banal
to discern the right from wrong
to find meaning and tranquility in the dance of life
While we may stumble, even fall,
we learn the language of overcoming the tests
So we won't lose the rhyme, nor the rhythm
As a quest can end in failure
because of corruption of the soul
by discordant notes and unsound distractions.
I just completed the first and second years' movements.
I am still composing the symphony of Life.
The third movement has just begun.
Do be one of my travelling companions
to be entranced by this common dance of life.
Monday, August 27, 2007
MERDEKA: India's Experience
This is a blues Monday, and methinks it’s not good for a look at Malaysia for a MERDEKA post as the blues may affect my psyche and the outcome would not be idealistically balanced, which will be among a newshound’s meanest regrets; however, it’s relevant and beneficial if we look at an elder brother, INDIA, who just celebrated its 60th anniversary of Independence from our Colonial masters, the Brits. Desi was lucky to enjoy a considerate nephew’s recent sojourn to India on a work assignment, returning with a bundle of India’s celebrated English publications of exquisite English. We once ranked up there (I was tempted to use ‘dare’ but it being a serious contemplation, and on pain I be accused of being a mere karaoke singer-blogger! I desist:)) with India, and neighbour Singapore, in international standing as far as mastery of the “white masters’ lingo” was concerned, but alas, less than 15 years after 1957, politics ruined a large part of a rich heritage. Sad.
Mad, but some misguided nationalists are glad.
Okay, back to Abe’s gift – he knows Desi as a book collector and for the Voice’ benefit, I take this seriously -- and about collecting butterflies like cyber shepherds and aMore buxomy pals, that’s just pastime, and here past means the opposite of now and the future!
Back to serious mode, can we be humble to learn from India, the next economic power after China, with the USA’s super-deficit budget-dependent economy faltering. Again, some misguided Malaysians like to say NegaraKu is “Semuanya okay – tengoklah, bandingkan dengan Zimbabwe, Latin America, kita Okay!” when we should always benchmark against the top of the world, so that when we aim for the sky, at least we land on the tree top, not flat on the ground.
From the outset, let Desi record the greatest gratitude to India Today's bosses in a unilateral assumption that it’s okay to quote liberally from the esteemed news magazine for sharing at my Blog which is 100% non-profit though it’s leaning towards a political party trying to form an alternative coalition for the Rakyat’s options for a more progressive Government in this soon-to-be-50 nation. If any sweet suit is receivable, I’ll send on the bill to Blog House to see if Prez Rockybru and his coterie of lawyers would handle. Testing the waters again, ah, news hounddog wagging its wet-in-the-ears tale...
Titled “What Unites India”, the INDIA TODAY edition of August 20, 2007,-- which is now my collector’s item as it is an INDEPENDENCE DAY SPECIAL going for 20million! – I will extract some key notes to share with my EsteemedReaders so that when you adjourn for lunch or tea, long and lingering, spare some space in thy burgeoning tummy for food for thought. Eat healthy, live wealthy and die with a smile on your face doing the right thing for NegaraKu. Forget the rap, jest wrapped up in a new initiative called PELITAR. If you must know in greater detail what Pelitar means besides the Legacy and Inspiration of Tunku Abdul Rahman surf to initiator’s abode,
First off, here’s just one paragraph, in closing wan, from AROON PURIE, the magazine’s editor-in-chief:
‘What Unites India?’ is a fascinating question because, as you will find from this issue, there was no one answer. Everyone has their own hypothesis. Very much like India, where everyone has an opinion but we still call ourselves Indians. I think writer Patrick French puts it well when he says, “What unites India today is a sense of possibility.” Jai Hind.
The first Essay by S. PRASANNARAJAN has this Intro:
Freedom abhors perfection. In the history of nations, it is
A narrative in which idealism is in combat with ideology, and the
Romance of struggle gives in to the reality of incompatibility. Old
Demons in tattered but still colourful clothes of ethnicity and
Tribalism have the habit of gate-crashing the freedom party.
Hate Rearmed patrols the liberated streets. In the evening of the
Last century, when the idyll of communism was shattered, when
The Lie was finaly laid to rest, we saw how the poignancy of free-
Dom was accompanied by the agony of separation. Those were
The days when the punsters of journalism could stretch their
Creativity, raning from Mikhalangelo (Gorbachev) to Check-
O-Slavakia. The story of 1989, Europe’s annus mirabilis, would
Outgrow the beauty of the Magic Lantern and the Second Prague Spring.
In Central Europe, the phraseology of liberation would be expanded to
include "the Second Holocausr" and "ethnic cleansing". Today, as
Mesopotamia stages the new century's passion play of freedom, we know
the world hasn't gone too far. Freedom divides the mind, and it kills.
PATRICK FRENCH, in another Essay titled
writes on the main thesis of
“Until the 19th century, the idea of India was vague – although it became politically necessary to create it in hindsight, and invoke the emperor Ashoka with his pillar and wheel. In revious times, a person owed loyalty to little beyond an extended family, a place, or perhaps a profession. Today, when national identity is so strong, it is easy to forget the extent to which Indianness is a recent creation. Once the British had conquered territory and painted the map rd, it became easier to see what needed to be opposed. A common sense of pride and purpose grew, with khadi as the first truly pan-Indian symbol. The freedom movement evicted the alien rulers easily compared to the long and bloody battles for nationhood elsewhere in the world, giving an optimistic momentum that inspired the strugglesof other occupied people.
“Being Indian is a powerful identity, internationally recognized in a way that being, say, Burkinabe, is not. The days when an ambitious person had to try to escape overseas are long gone; instead, successful businessmen return in the hope of making money and rediscovering a land they had lost. Indians who live abroad like to exist on their own terms in a sate of suspended animation, going to each other’s weddings and family parties, imagining they are still at home.
“The economic boost of the last ten years has engineered a propulsion that has changed the way the Indians think about themselves. They now have a chance to shape their destiny.”
“Schoolchildren are taught that the country comes before everything else. It is a kind of brainwashing, but it has been remarkably effective, and underpins India’s unity.”
DESIDERATA: Last but not least, a short on political power.
Just a couple of quotes as a telescopic zeroing on the core that matters. Maybe Malaysian politicians must take note and ponder.
In the Essay on “United We RULE”, by PRABHU CHAWLA
“India remains united politically as well as geographically
because our power elite had mastered the art of mergers and acquisitions
much before India Inc did."
Mad, but some misguided nationalists are glad.
Okay, back to Abe’s gift – he knows Desi as a book collector and for the Voice’ benefit, I take this seriously -- and about collecting butterflies like cyber shepherds and aMore buxomy pals, that’s just pastime, and here past means the opposite of now and the future!
Back to serious mode, can we be humble to learn from India, the next economic power after China, with the USA’s super-deficit budget-dependent economy faltering. Again, some misguided Malaysians like to say NegaraKu is “Semuanya okay – tengoklah, bandingkan dengan Zimbabwe, Latin America, kita Okay!” when we should always benchmark against the top of the world, so that when we aim for the sky, at least we land on the tree top, not flat on the ground.
From the outset, let Desi record the greatest gratitude to India Today's bosses in a unilateral assumption that it’s okay to quote liberally from the esteemed news magazine for sharing at my Blog which is 100% non-profit though it’s leaning towards a political party trying to form an alternative coalition for the Rakyat’s options for a more progressive Government in this soon-to-be-50 nation. If any sweet suit is receivable, I’ll send on the bill to Blog House to see if Prez Rockybru and his coterie of lawyers would handle. Testing the waters again, ah, news hounddog wagging its wet-in-the-ears tale...
Titled “What Unites India”, the INDIA TODAY edition of August 20, 2007,-- which is now my collector’s item as it is an INDEPENDENCE DAY SPECIAL going for 20million! – I will extract some key notes to share with my EsteemedReaders so that when you adjourn for lunch or tea, long and lingering, spare some space in thy burgeoning tummy for food for thought. Eat healthy, live wealthy and die with a smile on your face doing the right thing for NegaraKu. Forget the rap, jest wrapped up in a new initiative called PELITAR. If you must know in greater detail what Pelitar means besides the Legacy and Inspiration of Tunku Abdul Rahman surf to initiator’s abode,
First off, here’s just one paragraph, in closing wan, from AROON PURIE, the magazine’s editor-in-chief:
‘What Unites India?’ is a fascinating question because, as you will find from this issue, there was no one answer. Everyone has their own hypothesis. Very much like India, where everyone has an opinion but we still call ourselves Indians. I think writer Patrick French puts it well when he says, “What unites India today is a sense of possibility.” Jai Hind.
The first Essay by S. PRASANNARAJAN has this Intro:
Freedom abhors perfection. In the history of nations, it is
A narrative in which idealism is in combat with ideology, and the
Romance of struggle gives in to the reality of incompatibility. Old
Demons in tattered but still colourful clothes of ethnicity and
Tribalism have the habit of gate-crashing the freedom party.
Hate Rearmed patrols the liberated streets. In the evening of the
Last century, when the idyll of communism was shattered, when
The Lie was finaly laid to rest, we saw how the poignancy of free-
Dom was accompanied by the agony of separation. Those were
The days when the punsters of journalism could stretch their
Creativity, raning from Mikhalangelo (Gorbachev) to Check-
O-Slavakia. The story of 1989, Europe’s annus mirabilis, would
Outgrow the beauty of the Magic Lantern and the Second Prague Spring.
In Central Europe, the phraseology of liberation would be expanded to
include "the Second Holocausr" and "ethnic cleansing". Today, as
Mesopotamia stages the new century's passion play of freedom, we know
the world hasn't gone too far. Freedom divides the mind, and it kills.
PATRICK FRENCH, in another Essay titled
writes on the main thesis of
“Until the 19th century, the idea of India was vague – although it became politically necessary to create it in hindsight, and invoke the emperor Ashoka with his pillar and wheel. In revious times, a person owed loyalty to little beyond an extended family, a place, or perhaps a profession. Today, when national identity is so strong, it is easy to forget the extent to which Indianness is a recent creation. Once the British had conquered territory and painted the map rd, it became easier to see what needed to be opposed. A common sense of pride and purpose grew, with khadi as the first truly pan-Indian symbol. The freedom movement evicted the alien rulers easily compared to the long and bloody battles for nationhood elsewhere in the world, giving an optimistic momentum that inspired the strugglesof other occupied people.
“Being Indian is a powerful identity, internationally recognized in a way that being, say, Burkinabe, is not. The days when an ambitious person had to try to escape overseas are long gone; instead, successful businessmen return in the hope of making money and rediscovering a land they had lost. Indians who live abroad like to exist on their own terms in a sate of suspended animation, going to each other’s weddings and family parties, imagining they are still at home.
“The economic boost of the last ten years has engineered a propulsion that has changed the way the Indians think about themselves. They now have a chance to shape their destiny.”
“Schoolchildren are taught that the country comes before everything else. It is a kind of brainwashing, but it has been remarkably effective, and underpins India’s unity.”
DESIDERATA: Last but not least, a short on political power.
Just a couple of quotes as a telescopic zeroing on the core that matters. Maybe Malaysian politicians must take note and ponder.
In the Essay on “United We RULE”, by PRABHU CHAWLA
“India remains united politically as well as geographically
because our power elite had mastered the art of mergers and acquisitions
much before India Inc did."
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Pelitar to Foster the Malaysianness in Us
mGf Howsy, Hafiz hijacked a lift true blogger-style from Nat Tan and LiTsin to spend a look-see of a new haunt that the National Alliance of Bloggers has nestled in -- WoW! in Damansara Heights where all those who have arrived are still arriving.
This li'l Sunday merrinote is dedicated to Haris Ibrahim and his merry gangz working very heart to thread the Malaysianness in each and everyone of us Rakyat Malaysia. I am glad I made it to the simple do (deed), thanks to with a littkle help from my friend and fave palindrome. He and LT had to leave early, so Howsy and I had double helping of the succulent satay. Tehtarik ran out early, so the syrup iced tasted doubly sweet. I subtly asked the host if he would also gift the hungry guests from out-of-town roast lamb -- hey, Eli, make sure you attend next year's DO! -- the next time around; maybe charge the late comers RM10-20 each:)
Oh, a tour of "Blog House" -- located at prime spot that is numbered 66 Lorong Setiabestari 2, off Jalan Beringin, Damansara Heights -- impressed Howsy and Desi -- we "marked" out potential sites for us to squat over when we run out of lodger's funds down in B'g, B'd wolfish city. We hail from the ulu, you see.
For the rest, let me try my verse in English, much inspired by saiko JeffOoi's pantun-ing lusty night promoting the values espoused via Pelitar -- The Legacy and Inspiration of Tuanku Abdul Rahman.
It was a gala night
I met a 11-year old Aishah so bright
Her credo of being Malaysian is "... to have Chinese as best friends even though you are a Malay"
I spied at Screenshots and just hours later I saw the embodiment of the true Malaysian child
I pray we adults nurture such wisdom aMore
among the youths of the day
That's the Pelitar way, Aishah's way
So spirited in one not so meek and mild
Initiatior Haris reveres the founding Father of Independence
He made a presentation of what The Way Forward for Bangsa Malaysia should be
May we practise in word and deed the Tunku's legacy
Above race, colour, creed, gender and age
weways lending a helping hand to one another
That golden philosophy of Oneness to thread the potential nobility
Inherent in all of us,
IF, and only IF
We make a special effort to remain colour-blind
Find time to say hello to our neighbours amidst our daily grind
It matters not if they originate with Malay, Indian, Chinese, Kadazan or Timbuktooian heritage
At the age of fifty, as a nation we have not yet struck a home-run
But still, we have made some headway, we can do it seriously, and yet have fun
Tunku's example of a life of simplicity, frolic amidst the heavy burden of government
Extolling the virtues of kindness and shared burdens
Mutual respect for our fellowmen
Thers is a challenging mission ahead of us all
We need to make a concerted effort for the simple reason
This is NEGARKU, the one and only Homeland for all of us Malaysians,
above race, colour, creed, or gender and age.
NOTE: THe evening was preceded by a Panel discussion attended by 76 registered concerned Malaysians brainstorming on Bangsa Malaysia and Haris' proposed Initiative called PELITAR. Their efforts are to be applauded.
The gathering also recited the RUKUNEGARA.
This li'l Sunday merrinote is dedicated to Haris Ibrahim and his merry gangz working very heart to thread the Malaysianness in each and everyone of us Rakyat Malaysia. I am glad I made it to the simple do (deed), thanks to with a littkle help from my friend and fave palindrome. He and LT had to leave early, so Howsy and I had double helping of the succulent satay. Tehtarik ran out early, so the syrup iced tasted doubly sweet. I subtly asked the host if he would also gift the hungry guests from out-of-town roast lamb -- hey, Eli, make sure you attend next year's DO! -- the next time around; maybe charge the late comers RM10-20 each:)
Oh, a tour of "Blog House" -- located at prime spot that is numbered 66 Lorong Setiabestari 2, off Jalan Beringin, Damansara Heights -- impressed Howsy and Desi -- we "marked" out potential sites for us to squat over when we run out of lodger's funds down in B'g, B'd wolfish city. We hail from the ulu, you see.
For the rest, let me try my verse in English, much inspired by saiko JeffOoi's pantun-ing lusty night promoting the values espoused via Pelitar -- The Legacy and Inspiration of Tuanku Abdul Rahman.
It was a gala night
I met a 11-year old Aishah so bright
Her credo of being Malaysian is "... to have Chinese as best friends even though you are a Malay"
I spied at Screenshots and just hours later I saw the embodiment of the true Malaysian child
I pray we adults nurture such wisdom aMore
among the youths of the day
That's the Pelitar way, Aishah's way
So spirited in one not so meek and mild
Initiatior Haris reveres the founding Father of Independence
He made a presentation of what The Way Forward for Bangsa Malaysia should be
May we practise in word and deed the Tunku's legacy
Above race, colour, creed, gender and age
weways lending a helping hand to one another
That golden philosophy of Oneness to thread the potential nobility
Inherent in all of us,
IF, and only IF
We make a special effort to remain colour-blind
Find time to say hello to our neighbours amidst our daily grind
It matters not if they originate with Malay, Indian, Chinese, Kadazan or Timbuktooian heritage
At the age of fifty, as a nation we have not yet struck a home-run
But still, we have made some headway, we can do it seriously, and yet have fun
Tunku's example of a life of simplicity, frolic amidst the heavy burden of government
Extolling the virtues of kindness and shared burdens
Mutual respect for our fellowmen
Thers is a challenging mission ahead of us all
We need to make a concerted effort for the simple reason
This is NEGARKU, the one and only Homeland for all of us Malaysians,
above race, colour, creed, or gender and age.
NOTE: THe evening was preceded by a Panel discussion attended by 76 registered concerned Malaysians brainstorming on Bangsa Malaysia and Haris' proposed Initiative called PELITAR. Their efforts are to be applauded.
The gathering also recited the RUKUNEGARA.
Saturday, August 25, 2007
MERDEKA: Transparency, Where Art Thou?
When Pak Lah assumed the stewardship of NegaraKu as its CEO in November 2003, he has been promising again and again he would promote an open, transparent and accountable government. Almost four years of muddied waters have flowed under the bridge to nowhere, and in the state of Selangor sepcecially, its MB and Little Napoeleons have given credence to former PM Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad's recent lament: There is something rotten in the state of Selangor ala Denmark.
First, there is the RM4.6billion bailout (the Government says it's "soft loans") of the beleaguered white elephant that is the Port Klang Free Zone annnounced just days earlier in-thy-face manner.
Second, flashing through all the MSM frontpage headlines today is the latest saga of the famous (?), in the State government's eyes-lah! or notorious, IMHO-lah for what's it is worth, shenanigans of a State Assemblyman in the most developed state in the fair land called Malaysia. I hope my Esteemed Readers have not forgotten about Zakaria's "small" house, or was it a squatter hut?
Poster courtesy of Mob1900.
From the NST,
OFF THE HOOK: All 37 charges faced by Zakaria Mat
Deros and six company directors dropped
Just a RM1,400 fine, when they could have been jailed
a maximum of five years and fined up to RM30,000 on
each charge.
KUALA LUMPUR: The numbers just don’t add up.
All it took seven company directors, including Port
Klang assemblyman Datuk Zakaria Mat Deros, to escape
37 charges under the Companies Act 1965 was the
payment of a RM1,400 fine to the Companies Commission
of Malaysia (CCM) on July 31.
Ng Ai Cheng, Yet Kiong Siang, Ng Swee Kiat, Ng Sho See
and Sukhinderjit Singh, directors of Harvest Court
Industries and Darues Kadir of Titi Steel were not
even in the magistrate’s court yesterday when the
cases came up for hearing.
They and Zakaria — a director of both companies —
could have been jailed a maximum of five years and
fined up to RM30,000 on each charge.
The charges included failure to submit profit-and-loss
statements, financial statements and hold annual
general meetings.
CCM senior prosecutor Azmil Haron told Klang
magistrate Fadzilatul Isma Ahmad Refngah that the
deputy public prosecutor had instructed him to drop
the charges.
Although he did not provide a reason in court for
doing so, Azmil later told the New Straits Times that
the decision followed the early payment of the fine by
the companies.
"They did so early (on July 31) although the deadline
for settling the fine was Aug 10."
Azmil declined to comment when asked why both
companies were let off easily despite the severity of
the charges.
Lawyers Mozni Sham Ahmad and Joseph R. Samuel
represented the companies and directors.
Mozni said outside the court that Zakaria was in
Malacca attending the funeral of his youngest sister
who died yesterday.
"My client (Zakaria) is a state assemblyman who
upholds the law and has never breached it."
He added that the charges were not against individuals
but against the companies.
Mozni said the charges were dropped after
representation was made to the Director-General of the
Companies Commission.
"We had discussions with the Companies Commission,
with the prosecution (and subsequently) deciding to
withdraw the charges."
The case first came up at the Sessions Court on July
20 but the six were not present, forcing the
postponement of the case to yesterday.
Zakaria made headlines last year after building a
mansion without approval and defaulting on assessment
fees for 11 years.
He was later fined RM24,000 by the Klang Municipal
As a result, he was investigated by the
Anti-Corruption Agency and one case is still pending,
although two were dropped in May because of lack of
An Olde Record Playing
Build me a four-storey house in the steal of the night, like Desi's
On land as wide as that my eyes can see and as far as the hungry lenses
allow me
I'm an honourable royal town Councillor, poor mouse that I am
Can't afford more than four storeys, damn, damn
Our agriciultural park land is in good and safe hands
Take my word for It! CEO of developed State assures
But from helicopter sleepy-eyed PM could see no blade of grass
Over huge expanse of bare sparse lands
Oh, between you and I, I'll do a Sandiwara act
As MB say a few words of repentance, smile with tact
You pretend to be full or remorse just these few days
Then SemuaNya Okay!
I promise thee transparency and accountability
But when I say I promise it's just my word you see
Thieves have honour among the, damn stupid fellows
Among us raified species, our word is just for show to be
These stupid electorate, they demand responsibility
Of course, to my BN colleagues, special to UMNO, and my family
First, there is the RM4.6billion bailout (the Government says it's "soft loans") of the beleaguered white elephant that is the Port Klang Free Zone annnounced just days earlier in-thy-face manner.
Second, flashing through all the MSM frontpage headlines today is the latest saga of the famous (?), in the State government's eyes-lah! or notorious, IMHO-lah for what's it is worth, shenanigans of a State Assemblyman in the most developed state in the fair land called Malaysia. I hope my Esteemed Readers have not forgotten about Zakaria's "small" house, or was it a squatter hut?

From the NST,
OFF THE HOOK: All 37 charges faced by Zakaria Mat
Deros and six company directors dropped
Just a RM1,400 fine, when they could have been jailed
a maximum of five years and fined up to RM30,000 on
each charge.
KUALA LUMPUR: The numbers just don’t add up.
All it took seven company directors, including Port
Klang assemblyman Datuk Zakaria Mat Deros, to escape
37 charges under the Companies Act 1965 was the
payment of a RM1,400 fine to the Companies Commission
of Malaysia (CCM) on July 31.
Ng Ai Cheng, Yet Kiong Siang, Ng Swee Kiat, Ng Sho See
and Sukhinderjit Singh, directors of Harvest Court
Industries and Darues Kadir of Titi Steel were not
even in the magistrate’s court yesterday when the
cases came up for hearing.
They and Zakaria — a director of both companies —
could have been jailed a maximum of five years and
fined up to RM30,000 on each charge.
The charges included failure to submit profit-and-loss
statements, financial statements and hold annual
general meetings.
CCM senior prosecutor Azmil Haron told Klang
magistrate Fadzilatul Isma Ahmad Refngah that the
deputy public prosecutor had instructed him to drop
the charges.
Although he did not provide a reason in court for
doing so, Azmil later told the New Straits Times that
the decision followed the early payment of the fine by
the companies.
"They did so early (on July 31) although the deadline
for settling the fine was Aug 10."
Azmil declined to comment when asked why both
companies were let off easily despite the severity of
the charges.
Lawyers Mozni Sham Ahmad and Joseph R. Samuel
represented the companies and directors.
Mozni said outside the court that Zakaria was in
Malacca attending the funeral of his youngest sister
who died yesterday.
"My client (Zakaria) is a state assemblyman who
upholds the law and has never breached it."
He added that the charges were not against individuals
but against the companies.
Mozni said the charges were dropped after
representation was made to the Director-General of the
Companies Commission.
"We had discussions with the Companies Commission,
with the prosecution (and subsequently) deciding to
withdraw the charges."
The case first came up at the Sessions Court on July
20 but the six were not present, forcing the
postponement of the case to yesterday.
Zakaria made headlines last year after building a
mansion without approval and defaulting on assessment
fees for 11 years.
He was later fined RM24,000 by the Klang Municipal
As a result, he was investigated by the
Anti-Corruption Agency and one case is still pending,
although two were dropped in May because of lack of
An Olde Record Playing
Build me a four-storey house in the steal of the night, like Desi's
On land as wide as that my eyes can see and as far as the hungry lenses
allow me
I'm an honourable royal town Councillor, poor mouse that I am
Can't afford more than four storeys, damn, damn
Our agriciultural park land is in good and safe hands
Take my word for It! CEO of developed State assures
But from helicopter sleepy-eyed PM could see no blade of grass
Over huge expanse of bare sparse lands
Oh, between you and I, I'll do a Sandiwara act
As MB say a few words of repentance, smile with tact
You pretend to be full or remorse just these few days
Then SemuaNya Okay!
I promise thee transparency and accountability
But when I say I promise it's just my word you see
Thieves have honour among the, damn stupid fellows
Among us raified species, our word is just for show to be
These stupid electorate, they demand responsibility
Of course, to my BN colleagues, special to UMNO, and my family
Thursday, August 23, 2007
A Y&A's Thoughts on the "Social Contract"
DESIDERATA in his 2-1/2-years of blogging journey has met with several bright young and articulates, and chief among them is a 17-year-old, johnleemk, soon to be leaving Malaysian shores for tertiary studies further afield. I am glad to see fresh faces full of original ideas, lending critical thoughts -- well argued, yes, giving exciting rationales -- that make even seniors like me stop and ponder. Age is actually not much of a determinant in rational and mature discourse -- it's more of the participant's knowledge of himself/herself and the preparation in terms of reading and research that will govern his/her input in any discussion.
I find johnleemk exceptional for his age because if you encounter him for the first time via cyberspace, with no prior knowledge of his background and where he hails from, a reader could mistake easily to thik he's a post-doctoral student at the minimum.
I write this honestly not to flatter him -- but giving credit where credit is due -- and I do wish there are more Y&As like him so that NegaraKu on approaching the golden age of 50 in a week-plus time, could reasonably see the emergence of a potential Nobel laureate coming out of Malaysia, IF...
The "IF" ends the optimism in YL Chong as a journalist as I see there is a whole array of forces, known parameters and unknown factors, standing in the way of Young and Articulate Malaysians trying to maximise their potential to bring honour and glory to our country.
I ran a joint piece of writing from myGOoDfriend DIN MERICAN and hisGOoDfriend Dr Lim Teck Ghee on the timeliness of Seeking a New National Consensus. I followed up with a quick call to johnleeemk to update a piece on the much-referred to Social Contract and he promptly obliged. For more insights on the youth's writes, please surf to:
Dear ER, pleae engage this young man -- he's quite a humble fellow, and I've checked his IC, yes, he's an-18-going-on-17.Desi wishes he's 71-going-back-17 too, and I mayhaps can join the Noble laureate wannabees?
Rewriting the Social Contract: A Contract of the People
Celebrating our 50th national day by rejecting the social contract that never was.
Written by johnleemk on 11:54:11 pm Aug 22, 2007.
A lot has been said about the Malaysian social contract. All sorts of perspectives and views have been advanced. Much has been made in many fora, from Malaysiakini to establishment media, of this supposed agreement.
I make no secret of my opposition to the social contract; I even have my doubts as to whether it exists as anything other than a boogeyman of the ruling regime.
Having written reams of material on the anachronism and archaism that is the social contract, nothing more than a brief recap should be necessary to sum up why I believe it is long past its due date.
The biggest problem with the "social contract" is its nebulous nature. What is the social contract? Can anyone point to a piece of paper and tell me, "This is our social contract"
Please don't say it's the Federal Constitution — the Federal Constitution never consigns any class of people to a second class of citizenship, as many proponents of the social contract would have it; indeed, it specifically protects the provisions for citizenship from wanton amendment.
As we can see, there is no obvious literal basis for the view that some Malaysians can be easily stripped of their citizenship or told to leave the country. There is no obvious literal basis for the view that some Malaysians are intrinsically superior or more true blue Malaysian than others.
Even if we assume that there is some unwritten or hidden document which binds us all (though this obviously raises the question of how something which does not exist can be binding), what does this document state?
Even if we assume that there is some unwritten or hidden document which binds us all (though this obviously raises the question of how something which does not exist can be binding), what does this document state?
Let us assume now that this document specifies that the Malay Malaysians granted citizenship to non-Malay Malaysians in return for something. This deal may be binding on those who agreed to it, but why should it bind those who did not?
Even if we take it that every Malaysian alive in 1957 and/or 1963 agreed to this pact, does this mean that the deal can be forced down the throats of Malaysians born past this date? How can this be so when the agreement is nothing more than a verbal understanding, never codified in the law?
And in the first place, if there is a social contract, it seems to me that this was not one negotiated by the people, but negotiated by members of the ruling regime amongst themselves and foisted on the people of Malaysia as a fait accompli. If such an oral contract exists, according to the diaries of Tun Dr Ismail, it concerned only making the Malay language the official language, so the points argued by proponents of the second class citizenship argument are moot.
In any case, there is far too much fetishism of the social contract. As humans, we are inclined to favour the status quo, but there is no rational reason for this. If the way things had always been done was the best way, we should still be living in caves and be subject only to the law of the jungle.
The social contract, as it is understood by those who argue that non-bumiputras are second-class citizens who can have their rights withdrawn if they question anything the ruling regime classifies as "sensitive", is obviously deficient. I cannot imagine anyone in their right mind defending it, and yet many apparently thinking non-bigots do not seem to have a problem with the social contract. In their mind, the problem is with "implementation".
Now, obviously implementation is important. A good principle implemented poorly is little better than a bad principle executed brilliantly. But what good is altering our existing policies if the principles of discrimination behind them go untouched?
Why should the members of one ethnic group be considered the only ones sufficiently loyal to the country to be first class citizens? After all, official government statistics indicate that 70% of those who have given up their Malaysian citizenship in the past decade are Malay.
If the only defence, the only recourse, we can find is that "Our founding fathers came up with it, so it must be good," the debate has clearly and decisively been lost by the social contract. It is completely fallacious to argue that our founding fathers were infallible, that our changed society should still be dominated by the divisions of yesteryear.
Does anyone seriously want to argue that we are like the Malaysian nation of 50 years ago, where a substantial portion of the populace could recall being born or raised overseas, where a substantial portion took as much or more interest in the politics of China or India rather than Malaysia? Does anyone seriously believe that the Malaysians of today have any divided loyalties, any divided feelings about which country is their true homeland?
If not, then why on earth is an agreement crafted by a few men in high places for a completely different society being asserted as the one and only ultimate document which can rule and govern our society today, assuming there is such an agreement at all? If we believe in democracy, even if you argue the society of today is exactly like the society of five decades ago, why should we be governed by a document drafted in secret by a few men, rather than a document which has obtained the approval of the Malaysian people by at least being included in the Constitution approved by an elected legislative body?
Finally, someone may have seen the light. To be honest, I am surprised that anyone in UMNO — yes, the party whose present deputy president once threatened to bathe his keris in the blood of Malaysian citizens, and whose present youth wing's president has similarly waved the keris, while his subordinates demand to know when he intends to use it — would dare to suggest that it is high time we sort out this problem of a social contract foisted on Malaysian society by an elite few.
Muhyiddin Yassin, a vice-president of UMNO, has declared that it is time Malaysians discuss the position of the social contract and hammer out a new "national consensus". Correctly, he points out that Malaysians have moved on since independence — how can a generation which has known no other homeland and no other loyalties be treated the same and behave the same as a generation of true migrants?
Of course, he had to go ahead and spoil it by making a number of boo-boos. He spoke of "reaffirming" the social contract — in other words, go ahead and discuss the issue, but the only conclusion you may reach is the one I want! He insinuated that the thinking of my generation may be deviant because we have been influenced by the West (can anyone tell me what automatically makes anything associated with the West inappropriate?).
Most egregiously disappointing though, was his and other members of the ruling regime's expressed preference for a discussion of the social contract behind closed doors. Excuse me, but if this is supposed to be a national consensus, why are only elite members of the regime allowed to discuss the problems faced by this country? Should we not call this a consensus of rich, powerful and corrupt (the three tend to go together) pricks who presume they know what's best for Malaysians? (About the only good thing I can see plausibly coming out of this is the dissolution of the unfounded belief that the social contract is immutable.)
What our country needs is not some fancy social contract, of which there is no public record. There is no reason for any Malaysian except those who have explicitly agreed to partake of it to subject themselves to an oral contract which has not been put under seal and enshrined in any law. We must and should celebrate our 50th national day by tossing this idiocy of a contract on the dustheap of history.
Who in their right mind believes that loyalty and love for the country is determined by genes? Why is a Malay drug addict considered a "true Malaysian", while a Chinese who dies in the service of his country considered part of the kaum pendatang and a second-class citizen at best? Why can an Indonesian immigrant's son gain citizenship and thus become a "true Malaysian", while people who can trace their local ancestry to centuries back remain pendatang asing? What kind of perverted "social contract" is this?
This perverted social contract, if it exists at all, exists only in the minds of those who choose to accept it. It has never been set out in the law. The choice is ours; we can persist in believing this nonsense that some people are more Malaysian than others, or we can choose to believe that every Malaysian should be judged by their individual deeds, and not prejudged by an accident of birth. The choice is ours; do we wish to see our 50-year-old nation stillborn?
I find johnleemk exceptional for his age because if you encounter him for the first time via cyberspace, with no prior knowledge of his background and where he hails from, a reader could mistake easily to thik he's a post-doctoral student at the minimum.
I write this honestly not to flatter him -- but giving credit where credit is due -- and I do wish there are more Y&As like him so that NegaraKu on approaching the golden age of 50 in a week-plus time, could reasonably see the emergence of a potential Nobel laureate coming out of Malaysia, IF...
The "IF" ends the optimism in YL Chong as a journalist as I see there is a whole array of forces, known parameters and unknown factors, standing in the way of Young and Articulate Malaysians trying to maximise their potential to bring honour and glory to our country.
I ran a joint piece of writing from myGOoDfriend DIN MERICAN and hisGOoDfriend Dr Lim Teck Ghee on the timeliness of Seeking a New National Consensus. I followed up with a quick call to johnleeemk to update a piece on the much-referred to Social Contract and he promptly obliged. For more insights on the youth's writes, please surf to:
Dear ER, pleae engage this young man -- he's quite a humble fellow, and I've checked his IC, yes, he's an-18-going-on-17.Desi wishes he's 71-going-back-17 too, and I mayhaps can join the Noble laureate wannabees?
Rewriting the Social Contract: A Contract of the People
Celebrating our 50th national day by rejecting the social contract that never was.
Written by johnleemk on 11:54:11 pm Aug 22, 2007.
A lot has been said about the Malaysian social contract. All sorts of perspectives and views have been advanced. Much has been made in many fora, from Malaysiakini to establishment media, of this supposed agreement.
I make no secret of my opposition to the social contract; I even have my doubts as to whether it exists as anything other than a boogeyman of the ruling regime.
Having written reams of material on the anachronism and archaism that is the social contract, nothing more than a brief recap should be necessary to sum up why I believe it is long past its due date.
The biggest problem with the "social contract" is its nebulous nature. What is the social contract? Can anyone point to a piece of paper and tell me, "This is our social contract"
Please don't say it's the Federal Constitution — the Federal Constitution never consigns any class of people to a second class of citizenship, as many proponents of the social contract would have it; indeed, it specifically protects the provisions for citizenship from wanton amendment.
As we can see, there is no obvious literal basis for the view that some Malaysians can be easily stripped of their citizenship or told to leave the country. There is no obvious literal basis for the view that some Malaysians are intrinsically superior or more true blue Malaysian than others.
Even if we assume that there is some unwritten or hidden document which binds us all (though this obviously raises the question of how something which does not exist can be binding), what does this document state?
Even if we assume that there is some unwritten or hidden document which binds us all (though this obviously raises the question of how something which does not exist can be binding), what does this document state?
Let us assume now that this document specifies that the Malay Malaysians granted citizenship to non-Malay Malaysians in return for something. This deal may be binding on those who agreed to it, but why should it bind those who did not?
Even if we take it that every Malaysian alive in 1957 and/or 1963 agreed to this pact, does this mean that the deal can be forced down the throats of Malaysians born past this date? How can this be so when the agreement is nothing more than a verbal understanding, never codified in the law?
And in the first place, if there is a social contract, it seems to me that this was not one negotiated by the people, but negotiated by members of the ruling regime amongst themselves and foisted on the people of Malaysia as a fait accompli. If such an oral contract exists, according to the diaries of Tun Dr Ismail, it concerned only making the Malay language the official language, so the points argued by proponents of the second class citizenship argument are moot.
In any case, there is far too much fetishism of the social contract. As humans, we are inclined to favour the status quo, but there is no rational reason for this. If the way things had always been done was the best way, we should still be living in caves and be subject only to the law of the jungle.
The social contract, as it is understood by those who argue that non-bumiputras are second-class citizens who can have their rights withdrawn if they question anything the ruling regime classifies as "sensitive", is obviously deficient. I cannot imagine anyone in their right mind defending it, and yet many apparently thinking non-bigots do not seem to have a problem with the social contract. In their mind, the problem is with "implementation".
Now, obviously implementation is important. A good principle implemented poorly is little better than a bad principle executed brilliantly. But what good is altering our existing policies if the principles of discrimination behind them go untouched?
Why should the members of one ethnic group be considered the only ones sufficiently loyal to the country to be first class citizens? After all, official government statistics indicate that 70% of those who have given up their Malaysian citizenship in the past decade are Malay.
If the only defence, the only recourse, we can find is that "Our founding fathers came up with it, so it must be good," the debate has clearly and decisively been lost by the social contract. It is completely fallacious to argue that our founding fathers were infallible, that our changed society should still be dominated by the divisions of yesteryear.
Does anyone seriously want to argue that we are like the Malaysian nation of 50 years ago, where a substantial portion of the populace could recall being born or raised overseas, where a substantial portion took as much or more interest in the politics of China or India rather than Malaysia? Does anyone seriously believe that the Malaysians of today have any divided loyalties, any divided feelings about which country is their true homeland?
If not, then why on earth is an agreement crafted by a few men in high places for a completely different society being asserted as the one and only ultimate document which can rule and govern our society today, assuming there is such an agreement at all? If we believe in democracy, even if you argue the society of today is exactly like the society of five decades ago, why should we be governed by a document drafted in secret by a few men, rather than a document which has obtained the approval of the Malaysian people by at least being included in the Constitution approved by an elected legislative body?
Finally, someone may have seen the light. To be honest, I am surprised that anyone in UMNO — yes, the party whose present deputy president once threatened to bathe his keris in the blood of Malaysian citizens, and whose present youth wing's president has similarly waved the keris, while his subordinates demand to know when he intends to use it — would dare to suggest that it is high time we sort out this problem of a social contract foisted on Malaysian society by an elite few.
Muhyiddin Yassin, a vice-president of UMNO, has declared that it is time Malaysians discuss the position of the social contract and hammer out a new "national consensus". Correctly, he points out that Malaysians have moved on since independence — how can a generation which has known no other homeland and no other loyalties be treated the same and behave the same as a generation of true migrants?
Of course, he had to go ahead and spoil it by making a number of boo-boos. He spoke of "reaffirming" the social contract — in other words, go ahead and discuss the issue, but the only conclusion you may reach is the one I want! He insinuated that the thinking of my generation may be deviant because we have been influenced by the West (can anyone tell me what automatically makes anything associated with the West inappropriate?).
Most egregiously disappointing though, was his and other members of the ruling regime's expressed preference for a discussion of the social contract behind closed doors. Excuse me, but if this is supposed to be a national consensus, why are only elite members of the regime allowed to discuss the problems faced by this country? Should we not call this a consensus of rich, powerful and corrupt (the three tend to go together) pricks who presume they know what's best for Malaysians? (About the only good thing I can see plausibly coming out of this is the dissolution of the unfounded belief that the social contract is immutable.)
What our country needs is not some fancy social contract, of which there is no public record. There is no reason for any Malaysian except those who have explicitly agreed to partake of it to subject themselves to an oral contract which has not been put under seal and enshrined in any law. We must and should celebrate our 50th national day by tossing this idiocy of a contract on the dustheap of history.
Who in their right mind believes that loyalty and love for the country is determined by genes? Why is a Malay drug addict considered a "true Malaysian", while a Chinese who dies in the service of his country considered part of the kaum pendatang and a second-class citizen at best? Why can an Indonesian immigrant's son gain citizenship and thus become a "true Malaysian", while people who can trace their local ancestry to centuries back remain pendatang asing? What kind of perverted "social contract" is this?
This perverted social contract, if it exists at all, exists only in the minds of those who choose to accept it. It has never been set out in the law. The choice is ours; we can persist in believing this nonsense that some people are more Malaysian than others, or we can choose to believe that every Malaysian should be judged by their individual deeds, and not prejudged by an accident of birth. The choice is ours; do we wish to see our 50-year-old nation stillborn?
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
MERDEKA: A New National Consensus?
An interesting development sees an UMNO Vice-President -- another PM-aspirant waiting IMPatiently in the wings? -- floating an "unexpected" (IMHO-lah ~~ Desi) suggestion that Malaysians should conduct a REVIEW of the national consensus as we mature into the golden age of 50 years. And why not? I am game that we re-look at the implied SOCIAL CONTRACT that our founding fathers forged to achieve Independence in 19957.
We are at a significant crossroads, and two senior Malaysians lend their thoughts on:
Dear ER, please Engage Sdr Din Merican and Dr Lim Teck Ghee,
co-writing as most academicians are wont to do;
definitely not working hand-in-glove as most
politikus are wont to act. That's the striking difference.
(Desi's opinion hear! -- not Din's nor Teck Ghee's...)
The New National Consensus
"We are glad that some leaders in the government are beginning to realize that we are living in trying times and that it is necessary to put an end to the divisions in our country. This threat to Malaysia, in our view, is mainly driven by populist and opportunistic politics across the divide based on notions of racial or religious dominance and superiority.
The PM's remarks that "[A] true Malaysian patriot loves Malaysia and all Malaysians" needs to be embraced and put into practice by all politicians and the public. As the PM has also rightly re-emphasized, we are, deep down, all Malaysians. This is etched in our psyche, irrespective of ethnicity.
However, it is undeniable that our common sense of Malaysianness has been deeply eroded. If the nation's leaders took time to ask our young people the root causes of the disunity and discontent, we are sure that many of our young - if not most - will point to the country's politicians of all stripes.
Meanwhile, UMNO Vice President, Muhyiddin Yassin, has reinforced the PM's message by calling for a new national consensus and by reiterating the need for a renewal of national unity.
Sobriety seems to be finally returning into the national debate. What Malaysians, regardless of their racial backgrounds, want is responsible and sensible discourse and outcomes in keeping with decency, fair play and justice.
We share the view that the new national agenda cannot be designed solely or mainly by any single party. Everyone, not just politicians, has a stake in the present and future of our country. In this context, an agenda or consensus imposed from the top with token participation by others will not receive the support of Malaysians.
The new consensus and renewal of national unity should be on the basis of the spirit and letter of the Constitution and the principles and objectives of the Rukun Negara.
As a start, we must all recognize that over the last decade or two governance has weakened and undermined the vision of our founding fathers, in particular the Tunku who was a strong advocate of compromise and accommodation to nurture a sense of Malaysianness. The Tunku realized that Malaysia can only succeed on the basis of partnership among all races.
What was also well understood was that the Malay leadership should lead, but not dominate. This was the secret behind the success of the Tunku's Alliance and the initial Barisan Nasional concept. Our political and socio-economic stability was based on power sharing and consensus in decision making, not on a "winner take all", "victor-vanquished?mind set.
Since then Malaysian political and socio-economic development has come at great cost. There has been rampant populism, misuse of resources, increasingly strident race-based politics, a breakdown in the rule of law, environment degradation and social ills. Greed has become the creed of our day.
Worse, religion has been brought into the political fray and abused. Although Islam is the official religion, freedom of worship is written into the Constitution. All Malaysians should accept it. It is a small minority of politicians and civil servants who have made religion an issue for their own ends.
We welcome the Prime Minister's call for Malaysianness and Muhyiddin's reiteration for a participatory dialogue aimed at examining the sensitive issues of our time and at arriving at a new national consensus based on the enduring principles of the Constitution and the Rukun Negara..
We, and other Malaysians, await with great interest to hear the details of when and how this participatory dialogue will be set up, and the various ground rules that will be observed to make it a truly inclusive and representative forum.
Din Merican and Lim Teck Ghee"
We are at a significant crossroads, and two senior Malaysians lend their thoughts on:
Dear ER, please Engage Sdr Din Merican and Dr Lim Teck Ghee,
co-writing as most academicians are wont to do;
definitely not working hand-in-glove as most
politikus are wont to act. That's the striking difference.
(Desi's opinion hear! -- not Din's nor Teck Ghee's...)
The New National Consensus
"We are glad that some leaders in the government are beginning to realize that we are living in trying times and that it is necessary to put an end to the divisions in our country. This threat to Malaysia, in our view, is mainly driven by populist and opportunistic politics across the divide based on notions of racial or religious dominance and superiority.
The PM's remarks that "[A] true Malaysian patriot loves Malaysia and all Malaysians" needs to be embraced and put into practice by all politicians and the public. As the PM has also rightly re-emphasized, we are, deep down, all Malaysians. This is etched in our psyche, irrespective of ethnicity.
However, it is undeniable that our common sense of Malaysianness has been deeply eroded. If the nation's leaders took time to ask our young people the root causes of the disunity and discontent, we are sure that many of our young - if not most - will point to the country's politicians of all stripes.
Meanwhile, UMNO Vice President, Muhyiddin Yassin, has reinforced the PM's message by calling for a new national consensus and by reiterating the need for a renewal of national unity.
Sobriety seems to be finally returning into the national debate. What Malaysians, regardless of their racial backgrounds, want is responsible and sensible discourse and outcomes in keeping with decency, fair play and justice.
We share the view that the new national agenda cannot be designed solely or mainly by any single party. Everyone, not just politicians, has a stake in the present and future of our country. In this context, an agenda or consensus imposed from the top with token participation by others will not receive the support of Malaysians.
The new consensus and renewal of national unity should be on the basis of the spirit and letter of the Constitution and the principles and objectives of the Rukun Negara.
As a start, we must all recognize that over the last decade or two governance has weakened and undermined the vision of our founding fathers, in particular the Tunku who was a strong advocate of compromise and accommodation to nurture a sense of Malaysianness. The Tunku realized that Malaysia can only succeed on the basis of partnership among all races.
What was also well understood was that the Malay leadership should lead, but not dominate. This was the secret behind the success of the Tunku's Alliance and the initial Barisan Nasional concept. Our political and socio-economic stability was based on power sharing and consensus in decision making, not on a "winner take all", "victor-vanquished?mind set.
Since then Malaysian political and socio-economic development has come at great cost. There has been rampant populism, misuse of resources, increasingly strident race-based politics, a breakdown in the rule of law, environment degradation and social ills. Greed has become the creed of our day.
Worse, religion has been brought into the political fray and abused. Although Islam is the official religion, freedom of worship is written into the Constitution. All Malaysians should accept it. It is a small minority of politicians and civil servants who have made religion an issue for their own ends.
We welcome the Prime Minister's call for Malaysianness and Muhyiddin's reiteration for a participatory dialogue aimed at examining the sensitive issues of our time and at arriving at a new national consensus based on the enduring principles of the Constitution and the Rukun Negara..
We, and other Malaysians, await with great interest to hear the details of when and how this participatory dialogue will be set up, and the various ground rules that will be observed to make it a truly inclusive and representative forum.
Din Merican and Lim Teck Ghee"
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
MERDEKA: Wake-up calls, fellow Malaysians
Just ten years after a massive one following the 1997/08 international financial meltdown and the regional and Malaysian stock market crashes, don't you remember?
STARTING TODAY, in place of the annual MERDEKA ESSAY SERIES, Desi's Place will run reports of the national state of affairs that are of great concern, IMHO, and if Malaysians do not do something about it, like speaking up and if possible, lobby for cooperartive action to stop the rot,I am afraid NegaraKu will headwards the ABYSS. And it is not Tian Chua's fanciful imagination or artistic expression relating to Deputy Prime Minister's outing or NameWee's creative rap song, though ill-thought wrapped aroung our National Anthem, NegaraKu, that are causing the nation's ship to be heading towards the disastrous zone.
Oh no, our nation's leaders must honestly look themselves in the mirror and ask of themselves:
Are we acting out another charade/sandiwara while the oil ruches run dry and out soon, maybe before 2020?
Leaders from UMNO, MCA and MIC chiefly, and all the other BN component parties; and also the major Opposition party leaders, from PKR, DAP and PAS, and other mosquito minors too, must do an honest review of the state of Malaysia, and answer truthfully: ARE WE ROTTING FROM THE HEAD ALL THE WAY DOWN?
If the answer is YES, are we responding with a good conscience as Malaysians, in the proper and responsible manner to check the rot?
TheSUN frontpage today, August 21, 2007, confirms once again that former Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad indeed was right in being concerned that "There is something rotten in the state of Malaysia...", having adapted a quote from trhe Bard's "HAMLET", replacing Malaysia for Denmark. I share a common citizen's concern for the state of disrepair and foul stench in the air -- are we seeing another round of bailouts amounting to billions of tax-payers' funds, and perhaps even revenues and profits syphoned from national entities like the national oil corporation, Petronas?
The latest UPDATE by tenacious team of
R. Nadeswaran and Terence Fernandez --
who have won several press awards for
their investigative journalism, Syabas! --
must be less than fragrant Food for Thought
for NegaraKu much distracted by episodes
Tian Chua's "French Dinner for 3" and
Wee Meng ChEE's "NegaraKuKu" rap song.
Govt's hand forced in bailout
The government has to bail out the Port Klang Free Zone (PKFZ) because the Transport Ministry had given undertakings it was not authorised to do so.
The ministry issued "letters of support" which were used by the turnkey contractor - Kuala Dimensi Sdn Bhd (KDSB) - to raise bonds and get an AAA rating from the Malaysia Rating Corporation Bhd.
The four letters were issued between 2003 and 2006 for the issuance of bonds for the RM4.6 billion cost of the project. Ministry sources argue that they merely "supported" the applications but bankers contacted by theSun said that in effect, they were letters of guarantee which only the Treasury can issue.
This is because the letters from the ministry committed the government to ensure that at all times, the Port Klang Authority (PKA) will fulfil all its financial obligations to KDSB.
By then, PKA started having problems in attracting investors and could not meet its yearly payments to KDSB.
The bankers said since it was an undertaking by a ministry binding on the government, there was no option left but for the Treasury to issue fresh letters and make the guarantees retrospective.
This was inevitable as the letters of support, irregular as they were, could have put the government in an embarrassing situation as well as send the PKA into receivership.
"So, the government was left with little choice but to salvage the situation," said an industry source.
The financial circles are abuzz with the news of the letters and are asking if advice was sought from the Attorney-General's Chambers before they were issued.
"When you give such undertaking for that kind of money, common sense dictates that proper advice must be sought because such letters bind the government.
"Although the government can wash its hands of the deal and say it had nothing to do with it, it could not because the ministry - an arm of the government - had made the commitments," said a banker.
Industry sources said even before the deal between PKA and KDSB was signed in 2001, there were already veiled threats that the PKA would have to pay in excess of RM100 million in compensation if it reneged on its verbal agreements.
Under these circumstances, the government relented but not without asking the Auditor-General for a detailed audit on the whole project.
1. July 18: Dubai-based Jebel Ali Free Trade Zone Authority (Jafza) announces it is pulling out of a management concession agreement to operate the PKFZ. Jafza said it was a strategic decision as it wants to develop free zones where it could retain operational control. The equity of the PKFZ is 100% held by the PKA.
2. Aug 13: theSun reports that documents and transcripts of correspondence between Jafza officials reveal that the pull-out was due to soured relations with the PKA.
The correspondence detail that Jafza was virtually chased out due to interferences from those with vested political and business interests, red tape and issues over the line of reporting concerning Jafza's general manager at the PKFZ, Noel Gulliver.
Gulliver was escorted out of his office to the Immigration Department headquarters for working without a permit, although it was the PKA's responsibility to sort out his documents.
The tax structure also had elements of evasion which made Jafza uncomfortable. Jafza's advisers said it should get out of the deal as Jafza's reputation could be at stake if the PKFZ gets into trouble with tax authorities, and that the PKA was not acting in good faith.
Letters to Transport Minister Datuk Seri Chan Kong Choy detailing some concerns were not replied.
1. The day the report was published, Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi said the matter will be discussed and Chan will be asked to respond why the letters from Jafza were not entertained.
2. The same day, PKA general manager Datin Paduka O.C. Phang in an interview with Utusan Malaysia said PKFZ could proceed without Jafza and that Jafza had changed its representative here three times.
3. Aug 20: theSun reports that the PKA spent more than RM1 billion to buy land meant for the free zone, well aware that it was encumbered.
The Auditor-General in 2003, however, said the PKA could not fulfil its financial obligations to the free zone, despite the latter repeatedly assuring the government that the PKFZ will be self-funding.
However, the PKA was having problems drawing investors and asked the government for a RM4.6 billion loan in 2005.
mGf and ER Helen concurs with Desi there is no much "happenings" in the country to justify the Rakyat to join in the festive mood the Government would like us to take part in over the period leading up to August 31, 2007 when NegaraKu turns 50, a golden milestone.
TheSun's expose -- please NOTE all the highlights (thus BOLDED) are mine -- is an excellent piece of responsible and community-service oriented journalism, and ordinary folks like us, including Bloggers, must heed ex-PM Dr Mahathir's clarion call to speak out boldly and fearlessly as the mainstream media except for theSun have mainly defaulted on playing a meaningful role in keeping the citizens rightly and adequately informed on the true state of affiars.
A fish starts rotting from its head downwards, I seem to recall this saying well promoted famously by a former Transport Minister. Can my dear ER kick my brain cells a little in naming the Minister involved during the key period mentioned in the news report above, from 2001 to the present (August 2007) with refernce to "Industry sources said even before the deal between PKA and KDSB was signed in 2001,..." and "3. Aug 20: theSun reports that the PKA spent more than RM1 billion to buy land meant for the free zone, well aware that it was encumbered."
Dear Readers,
Should you have a well-written Essay on the nation's concerns and woes, and rotten scandals and mega-buck wastages -- like the current RM4.6billion Port Klang Free Zone fiasco -- especially in the economics and bsuiness arena, please Email to to be included over the next 10 days leading to Malaysia's 5oth anniversary of Merdeka. Thank you. I can offer thee endless rivulets of tehtarik, tambah susu pun boleh. Lagi Cik Sunthi pun, arSENic TAK DAK!:) ~~ Desi
Just ten years after a massive one following the 1997/08 international financial meltdown and the regional and Malaysian stock market crashes, don't you remember?
STARTING TODAY, in place of the annual MERDEKA ESSAY SERIES, Desi's Place will run reports of the national state of affairs that are of great concern, IMHO, and if Malaysians do not do something about it, like speaking up and if possible, lobby for cooperartive action to stop the rot,I am afraid NegaraKu will headwards the ABYSS. And it is not Tian Chua's fanciful imagination or artistic expression relating to Deputy Prime Minister's outing or NameWee's creative rap song, though ill-thought wrapped aroung our National Anthem, NegaraKu, that are causing the nation's ship to be heading towards the disastrous zone.
Oh no, our nation's leaders must honestly look themselves in the mirror and ask of themselves:
Are we acting out another charade/sandiwara while the oil ruches run dry and out soon, maybe before 2020?
Leaders from UMNO, MCA and MIC chiefly, and all the other BN component parties; and also the major Opposition party leaders, from PKR, DAP and PAS, and other mosquito minors too, must do an honest review of the state of Malaysia, and answer truthfully: ARE WE ROTTING FROM THE HEAD ALL THE WAY DOWN?
If the answer is YES, are we responding with a good conscience as Malaysians, in the proper and responsible manner to check the rot?
TheSUN frontpage today, August 21, 2007, confirms once again that former Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad indeed was right in being concerned that "There is something rotten in the state of Malaysia...", having adapted a quote from trhe Bard's "HAMLET", replacing Malaysia for Denmark. I share a common citizen's concern for the state of disrepair and foul stench in the air -- are we seeing another round of bailouts amounting to billions of tax-payers' funds, and perhaps even revenues and profits syphoned from national entities like the national oil corporation, Petronas?
The latest UPDATE by tenacious team of
R. Nadeswaran and Terence Fernandez --
who have won several press awards for
their investigative journalism, Syabas! --
must be less than fragrant Food for Thought
for NegaraKu much distracted by episodes
Tian Chua's "French Dinner for 3" and
Wee Meng ChEE's "NegaraKuKu" rap song.
Govt's hand forced in bailout
The government has to bail out the Port Klang Free Zone (PKFZ) because the Transport Ministry had given undertakings it was not authorised to do so.
The ministry issued "letters of support" which were used by the turnkey contractor - Kuala Dimensi Sdn Bhd (KDSB) - to raise bonds and get an AAA rating from the Malaysia Rating Corporation Bhd.
The four letters were issued between 2003 and 2006 for the issuance of bonds for the RM4.6 billion cost of the project. Ministry sources argue that they merely "supported" the applications but bankers contacted by theSun said that in effect, they were letters of guarantee which only the Treasury can issue.
This is because the letters from the ministry committed the government to ensure that at all times, the Port Klang Authority (PKA) will fulfil all its financial obligations to KDSB.
By then, PKA started having problems in attracting investors and could not meet its yearly payments to KDSB.
The bankers said since it was an undertaking by a ministry binding on the government, there was no option left but for the Treasury to issue fresh letters and make the guarantees retrospective.
This was inevitable as the letters of support, irregular as they were, could have put the government in an embarrassing situation as well as send the PKA into receivership.
"So, the government was left with little choice but to salvage the situation," said an industry source.
The financial circles are abuzz with the news of the letters and are asking if advice was sought from the Attorney-General's Chambers before they were issued.
"When you give such undertaking for that kind of money, common sense dictates that proper advice must be sought because such letters bind the government.
"Although the government can wash its hands of the deal and say it had nothing to do with it, it could not because the ministry - an arm of the government - had made the commitments," said a banker.
Industry sources said even before the deal between PKA and KDSB was signed in 2001, there were already veiled threats that the PKA would have to pay in excess of RM100 million in compensation if it reneged on its verbal agreements.
Under these circumstances, the government relented but not without asking the Auditor-General for a detailed audit on the whole project.
1. July 18: Dubai-based Jebel Ali Free Trade Zone Authority (Jafza) announces it is pulling out of a management concession agreement to operate the PKFZ. Jafza said it was a strategic decision as it wants to develop free zones where it could retain operational control. The equity of the PKFZ is 100% held by the PKA.
2. Aug 13: theSun reports that documents and transcripts of correspondence between Jafza officials reveal that the pull-out was due to soured relations with the PKA.
The correspondence detail that Jafza was virtually chased out due to interferences from those with vested political and business interests, red tape and issues over the line of reporting concerning Jafza's general manager at the PKFZ, Noel Gulliver.
Gulliver was escorted out of his office to the Immigration Department headquarters for working without a permit, although it was the PKA's responsibility to sort out his documents.
The tax structure also had elements of evasion which made Jafza uncomfortable. Jafza's advisers said it should get out of the deal as Jafza's reputation could be at stake if the PKFZ gets into trouble with tax authorities, and that the PKA was not acting in good faith.
Letters to Transport Minister Datuk Seri Chan Kong Choy detailing some concerns were not replied.
1. The day the report was published, Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi said the matter will be discussed and Chan will be asked to respond why the letters from Jafza were not entertained.
2. The same day, PKA general manager Datin Paduka O.C. Phang in an interview with Utusan Malaysia said PKFZ could proceed without Jafza and that Jafza had changed its representative here three times.
3. Aug 20: theSun reports that the PKA spent more than RM1 billion to buy land meant for the free zone, well aware that it was encumbered.
The Auditor-General in 2003, however, said the PKA could not fulfil its financial obligations to the free zone, despite the latter repeatedly assuring the government that the PKFZ will be self-funding.
However, the PKA was having problems drawing investors and asked the government for a RM4.6 billion loan in 2005.
mGf and ER Helen concurs with Desi there is no much "happenings" in the country to justify the Rakyat to join in the festive mood the Government would like us to take part in over the period leading up to August 31, 2007 when NegaraKu turns 50, a golden milestone.
TheSun's expose -- please NOTE all the highlights (thus BOLDED) are mine -- is an excellent piece of responsible and community-service oriented journalism, and ordinary folks like us, including Bloggers, must heed ex-PM Dr Mahathir's clarion call to speak out boldly and fearlessly as the mainstream media except for theSun have mainly defaulted on playing a meaningful role in keeping the citizens rightly and adequately informed on the true state of affiars.
A fish starts rotting from its head downwards, I seem to recall this saying well promoted famously by a former Transport Minister. Can my dear ER kick my brain cells a little in naming the Minister involved during the key period mentioned in the news report above, from 2001 to the present (August 2007) with refernce to "Industry sources said even before the deal between PKA and KDSB was signed in 2001,..." and "3. Aug 20: theSun reports that the PKA spent more than RM1 billion to buy land meant for the free zone, well aware that it was encumbered."
Dear Readers,
Should you have a well-written Essay on the nation's concerns and woes, and rotten scandals and mega-buck wastages -- like the current RM4.6billion Port Klang Free Zone fiasco -- especially in the economics and bsuiness arena, please Email to to be included over the next 10 days leading to Malaysia's 5oth anniversary of Merdeka. Thank you. I can offer thee endless rivulets of tehtarik, tambah susu pun boleh. Lagi Cik Sunthi pun, arSENic TAK DAK!:) ~~ Desi
Monday, August 20, 2007
Merdeka 50th Anniversary, art thou in celebratory mood?
YL Chong , the newshound in me, is in a pensive mood.
(The journalist by definition is rooted in harsh reality and must deal with facts and reasons, and rationales, mousey also can, though some dis-membered ones choose to do PR and spinning -- Contrast with Desi in me, often in optimistic vibration out of a creative writer's bent, also often high on drugs iunduced by an vivid mind on overdrive and an inflamed heart, not in danger as long as it's oxygenated with my soulmate's vibes ringing in tandem.)
I feel so much negativity in the Malaysian airspace -- reinforced by my outing to Putrajaya a few days back to hear the former Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad speak at length -- and things aren't that lifting to prod the "creative"-in-Desi to join the much-touted high-budget Government-funded celebrations.
Indicators like the well-propped Bursa Malaysia (former Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange) and Bank Negara's gross domestic product forecast of 6% being sustainable were sudenly handed a rude awakening last week when the US sub-prime rates turmoil triggered by rising mortgage defaults sent shock-waves across the seven seas. No, Bursa Malaysia could not exclude itself from the international fallout, and our nation's leaders'd better open up their sleepy eyes that all's not honky-dory in the borderless trading place. When the United States or China farts, the totten smell affects all the rest of the marts.
And what is Desi's heading towards just 10 days before the Big Day?
And this relates to a question posed by Y&A blogger conversationist-host -- another Poet-ass-pirant like Desi -- what's in store this time around. At my post of August 16, she queried:
"Off topic, Desi are you doing any Merdeka writing project this year?";)
By kyels, at 11:26 AM
The University student enjoying a final year of wayward wind at Nottingham Forest campus nestled safe and sane off Kuala Lumpur wolfish limits still remembers Desi's tradition of marking the nation's milestones with an ESSAY SERIES, encompassing contributiions from fellow Bloggers (yes, undegraduate Kye Koi Lee took part in the past two ESSAY SERIES consecutively:).
My INTRO to the post today prefaces the decision, that it won't be a celebaratory outing with optimism and dancing in the air. It's a sobering and reflective review period of NegaraKu -- and unfortunately, I seem to agree with most of my fellow writers in Blogosphere that the nation as it approaches 50 is in a state of much disrepair.
When Pak Lah, a fatherly term of endearment as the Tun Dr Mahathir-successor would like Malaysians to call him, took over the reins of government in November 2003, there was indeed a palpable air of optimism among the citizenry with the new Prime Minister's "Walk With Me" exhortations as he pronounced commitments to fight corruption, promote an open and accountable government, build trust and confidence amog the Rakyat as each and every individual is called on to foster a "caring" society.
But nearing four years later, Desi in all honesty could not give the Government of the day a "performing" or even "passeable" grade in an accountable administration and governance. It is a "Fail" grading, and signs are that it will continue to slide with the same "weak", often clueless leadership. When Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi sounded his clarion call to work with him, not for him, I -- and many fellow Malaysians IU believe -- initially took him at his word responded cooperatively,and sincerely gave him a chance to prove his worth.
But like the facade of the "everything's fine in the economy" was cracked last week by the "happening" in the United States, some states of euphoria are fragile and a fiction created by marketeers not much different from the sidewalk medsin pedlars. "Yes, give me your millions, and I have a cure for your wracking stomach cancer!" Solutions to the nation's ills all neatly wrapped up in small, magic bottles, packaged in Jinjang New Village or Kg Dengkil or Porta de Pandamaran.
But the Age of the Internet and Information Technology is a merciless, fast-changing environment where a product or service earning US Dollars like agolden goose soon becomes a lame duck if the product inventor does not tune his/her ears to the ground and keeps up with quantume-leap changes at the marketplace. The controversial Proton national car project, the rape of the hills and tmbler in several states, and the several Port fiascos in the making -- like the Port Klang Free Zone white elephant ocsting RM4.6billion now, still rising! -- have not yet seen the closing chapters.
No, there is not much to celebrate about come August 31, 2007 because if we join in the Government's huigh-budget festivities, we might becoime accompices to an undeserving outing. Desi is reluctant to become an accessory or bit-actor; aweays, he aspires to be his own role-player. Never join the herd in follow-the-leader mode, as many retail investors burnt at the Bursa Malaysia stakes the previous few days would tell you if they were honest -- many parted with their pants, if not the under-wear. The international marketplace does not heed the wise words of the PM, or the wisecracks, of his Cabinet members like ... (No-lah, let's not name names to craete another NameWee diversion, to let them contoniue with their shortterm euphoric outings. Come September, Rip van Winkles would wake up to new realities, icluding some bllion-ringgit bills and IOUs waiting on the horizon.)
In place of the ESSAY SERIES, to my dear EsteemedReaders hear, I will give thee some thing else to chew on. In Thinking Mode.
And Chow.
we can still adjourn with our buddies for a roast lamb outing, beef Satay plus my Haridas' tehtarik ta-pau-ed from Furong, or chilled C&W Rut Bir. Are we rendezwoo-ing at Centrail Market, Kuala Lumpur, or Seremban? The former is wolfish, and the latter is as placid as a lamb. Or Li'l Red Riding Hood, out for a cool excursion to mark 50th Merdeka coming-and-going from out of Sherwood Forest. I still prefer the innocent euphoria of Robin Hood ala Howsy, Maverick, AnakMerdeka, and his Merry Men; johnleemk, sabrina tan, theels and kyels, and like-minded dancing Maids Marian, Mime, Nicole, and mayhaps, Jeanne.
(The journalist by definition is rooted in harsh reality and must deal with facts and reasons, and rationales, mousey also can, though some dis-membered ones choose to do PR and spinning -- Contrast with Desi in me, often in optimistic vibration out of a creative writer's bent, also often high on drugs iunduced by an vivid mind on overdrive and an inflamed heart, not in danger as long as it's oxygenated with my soulmate's vibes ringing in tandem.)
I feel so much negativity in the Malaysian airspace -- reinforced by my outing to Putrajaya a few days back to hear the former Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad speak at length -- and things aren't that lifting to prod the "creative"-in-Desi to join the much-touted high-budget Government-funded celebrations.
Indicators like the well-propped Bursa Malaysia (former Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange) and Bank Negara's gross domestic product forecast of 6% being sustainable were sudenly handed a rude awakening last week when the US sub-prime rates turmoil triggered by rising mortgage defaults sent shock-waves across the seven seas. No, Bursa Malaysia could not exclude itself from the international fallout, and our nation's leaders'd better open up their sleepy eyes that all's not honky-dory in the borderless trading place. When the United States or China farts, the totten smell affects all the rest of the marts.
And what is Desi's heading towards just 10 days before the Big Day?
And this relates to a question posed by Y&A blogger conversationist-host -- another Poet-ass-pirant like Desi -- what's in store this time around. At my post of August 16, she queried:
"Off topic, Desi are you doing any Merdeka writing project this year?";)
By kyels, at 11:26 AM
The University student enjoying a final year of wayward wind at Nottingham Forest campus nestled safe and sane off Kuala Lumpur wolfish limits still remembers Desi's tradition of marking the nation's milestones with an ESSAY SERIES, encompassing contributiions from fellow Bloggers (yes, undegraduate Kye Koi Lee took part in the past two ESSAY SERIES consecutively:).
My INTRO to the post today prefaces the decision, that it won't be a celebaratory outing with optimism and dancing in the air. It's a sobering and reflective review period of NegaraKu -- and unfortunately, I seem to agree with most of my fellow writers in Blogosphere that the nation as it approaches 50 is in a state of much disrepair.
When Pak Lah, a fatherly term of endearment as the Tun Dr Mahathir-successor would like Malaysians to call him, took over the reins of government in November 2003, there was indeed a palpable air of optimism among the citizenry with the new Prime Minister's "Walk With Me" exhortations as he pronounced commitments to fight corruption, promote an open and accountable government, build trust and confidence amog the Rakyat as each and every individual is called on to foster a "caring" society.
But nearing four years later, Desi in all honesty could not give the Government of the day a "performing" or even "passeable" grade in an accountable administration and governance. It is a "Fail" grading, and signs are that it will continue to slide with the same "weak", often clueless leadership. When Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi sounded his clarion call to work with him, not for him, I -- and many fellow Malaysians IU believe -- initially took him at his word responded cooperatively,and sincerely gave him a chance to prove his worth.
But like the facade of the "everything's fine in the economy" was cracked last week by the "happening" in the United States, some states of euphoria are fragile and a fiction created by marketeers not much different from the sidewalk medsin pedlars. "Yes, give me your millions, and I have a cure for your wracking stomach cancer!" Solutions to the nation's ills all neatly wrapped up in small, magic bottles, packaged in Jinjang New Village or Kg Dengkil or Porta de Pandamaran.
But the Age of the Internet and Information Technology is a merciless, fast-changing environment where a product or service earning US Dollars like agolden goose soon becomes a lame duck if the product inventor does not tune his/her ears to the ground and keeps up with quantume-leap changes at the marketplace. The controversial Proton national car project, the rape of the hills and tmbler in several states, and the several Port fiascos in the making -- like the Port Klang Free Zone white elephant ocsting RM4.6billion now, still rising! -- have not yet seen the closing chapters.
No, there is not much to celebrate about come August 31, 2007 because if we join in the Government's huigh-budget festivities, we might becoime accompices to an undeserving outing. Desi is reluctant to become an accessory or bit-actor; aweays, he aspires to be his own role-player. Never join the herd in follow-the-leader mode, as many retail investors burnt at the Bursa Malaysia stakes the previous few days would tell you if they were honest -- many parted with their pants, if not the under-wear. The international marketplace does not heed the wise words of the PM, or the wisecracks, of his Cabinet members like ... (No-lah, let's not name names to craete another NameWee diversion, to let them contoniue with their shortterm euphoric outings. Come September, Rip van Winkles would wake up to new realities, icluding some bllion-ringgit bills and IOUs waiting on the horizon.)
In place of the ESSAY SERIES, to my dear EsteemedReaders hear, I will give thee some thing else to chew on. In Thinking Mode.
And Chow.
we can still adjourn with our buddies for a roast lamb outing, beef Satay plus my Haridas' tehtarik ta-pau-ed from Furong, or chilled C&W Rut Bir. Are we rendezwoo-ing at Centrail Market, Kuala Lumpur, or Seremban? The former is wolfish, and the latter is as placid as a lamb. Or Li'l Red Riding Hood, out for a cool excursion to mark 50th Merdeka coming-and-going from out of Sherwood Forest. I still prefer the innocent euphoria of Robin Hood ala Howsy, Maverick, AnakMerdeka, and his Merry Men; johnleemk, sabrina tan, theels and kyels, and like-minded dancing Maids Marian, Mime, Nicole, and mayhaps, Jeanne.
Friday, August 17, 2007
From caffeinbar serving up some love potion ...
Friday being touted a a Day of Loving and Gifting, I C&P from mGf moo_t hosting caffeinbar serving love potions and tehtarik; I asked for beers and he gifts me Rut Bir!
This helping helps to improve my mind, yours too if you keep it OPEN! -- hope the C&P is not corrupted.
August 17th, 2007
The RM4.6 Billions ($ 1.27billions) Negaraku-ku lyrics
Bolehland government and media has demonise the song.
Why the 4.6 Billions Ringgit price tag? It is not coincident. Because PKFZ (Port Klang Free Zone scandal bailout cost the country RM 4.6 Billions. It is something too HUGE that ARMNOR and MCAi must cover up tight, with all sort of spinning to divert the attentions.
p/s: You need to install the Asian language UTF8 fonts to read the Chinese lyrics.
我爱我的国家 有国才有家
Aku cinta Negara aku ada Negara baru ada keluarga
有家才有我 站在这边跟你
Ada keluarga baru ada aku berdiri disini
大声唱歌 你麦惊
Nyanyi dengan engkau engkau jangan takut
Walaupun aku selalu cakap kasar
我的歌 就像榴莲一样
Lagu aku sama macam durian
硬硬尖尖 只是
Keras dan tajam tetapi
看你敢不敢打开 看看里面的真相
Tengok engkau berani buka ke tidak tengok apa yang ada di dalam
它可以很臭 也可以很香
Dia boleh dikatakan busuk dia juga boleh dikatakan wangi
cuma tengok engkau ada macam mana punya hidung
我们的警察 叫做MATA
Polis kita panggil ‘mata’ (dlm bhs hokkien)
Ini kerana mata mereka sangat tajam
新年一到 他们就很努力
Apabila raya mereka akan jadi rajin
Pen di tangan tetapi jarang bagi saman
因为他们口很渴 需要喝茶
Ini keran mereka dahaga mereka mahu minum teh
还有KOPI O 要不要加糖
Ataupun kopi O nak tambah gula ke tidak
如果加糖 他嘴巴会甜甜跟你微笑
Kalau tambah gula mulut mereka akan senyum dengan engkau
Apabila engkau nak pergi
Dia akan ucap TATA (maksudnye bye)
NegarakuTanah tumpahnya darahkuRakyat hidupBersatu dan maju
这种现象 不需要改善
Gejala ini tidak perlu memperbaikikan
也不用加强 警民合作
Juga tidak perlu memperkuatkan , kerjasama antara pihak polis dan rakyat
Secawan kopi hubungan boleh kekal
Aku memang suka
Sekurang-kurangnya balik rumah tidak akan dapat saman
Ayah mesti geram
我一定欠干 没有车给我驾
Aku mesti kena marah tidak ada kereta untuk aku
怎么办 这次西北够力
Macam mana kali ini memang teruk
没有车 我要怎样出去玩
Tak de kereta macam mana aku nak keluar main
没有车 我要怎样打野战
Tak de kereta macam mana aku nak XXX
没有车 我要怎样看阿瓜
Tak de kereta macam mana aku nak tengok ah kua
这个国家 我很喜欢
Negara ini aku memang suka
早上五点pukul 5 pagi
还有morning call会叫我起床
Ada morning call akan suruh aku bangun
Kadang-kadang beberapa ‘buah’ nyanyi sama-sama
macam tengah duet lagu cinta
Suara tinggi rendah macam tengah nyanyi R&B
Walaupun kadang kala sebahagian daripada mereka out of tune
Walaupun kadang kala sebahagian daripada mereka pecah suara
有些声音像公鸡 可是比公鸡早起床
Ada juga suara yang macam kokokan ayam tetapi dia bangun lagi awal dari ayam
Macam ini baru kite tahu mase untuk bersiap ke sekolah dan kerja
不要怪 政府只会照顾土族
Jangan salahkan kerajaan hanya akan jaga rakyat tertentu
不要怪 我们没有受到公平照顾
Jangan salahkan kami tidak dapat jagaan yang adil
Macam ini baru boleh menunjukkan yang orang cina tidak takut menderita
Macam ini baru boleh melatih kita mencari jalan keluar apabila menghadapi kesusahan
不要邹德他们的标准 很奇怪
Jangan mengatakan standard ini sangat pelik
因为这样反而表现我们 很厉害
Kerana dengan ini baru menunjukkan kami sangat teror
没有被宠坏的小孩 才不会依赖
Anak-anak yang tidak dimanja baru akan menjadi tabah
不然你看有人到现在 还没有断奶
ada orang sampai sekarang masih belum berhenti minum susu
Rahmat bahagiaTuhan kurniakanRaja kitaSelamat bertakhtaRahmat bahagiaTuhan kurniakanRaja kitaSelamat bertakhta
Pekerja dalam kerajaan lagi teror
Apa yang mereka buat boleh slow slow
就算排队的人等到要骂 臭lelai
Walaupun orang yang beratur marah
Mood mereka tetap rase bebas dan seronok
Kadang-kalag kuih pun mereka ambil keluar
Dia makan nyonya kuih dia
Dan engkau sambung beratur
Walaupun engkau nak marah pun tak pe
Kerana guard kat tepi pun tengah bermimpi
Dia takkan layan engkau
他们把头包起来 慢慢走慢慢过马路
Mereka yang memakai tudung perlahan-lahan melintas jalan
Engkau yang memandu kenalah berhati-hati
最终要活得开心 最重要活得舒服
Asalkan hidup dengan gembira asalkan hidup dengan selesa
Jangan macam orang cina
整天忙忙碌碌 西北辛苦
Tiap-tiap hari sibuk sangat susah
Semangat ini mesti kita kena kagumi
Kerana ini adalah sikap hidup mereka
(态度 态度)
Sikap sikap
Aku bercakap baik-baik dalam lagu ini
Aku percaya orang yang tak suka dengan aku mesti sangat suka
世界很和平 很有希望
Dunia aman baru ada harapan
没有人受伤 也没有很乱
Tidak ada orang cedera dan tidak tak tersusun
你很高贵 你很高雅
Engkau suci engkau sopan
大便很香 不会骂粗话
Najis wangi tak tahu cakap kasar
你们最high class 每天耍浪漫
Engkau sangat high class tiap-tiap hari main romantic
Dengar guang liang pin kuan (penyanyi malaysia)
Tetapi mereka sudah pergi taiwan
Pelajar Sekolah Cina
Nak masuk local U sangat susah
Dalam kes ini, kita tidak patut geram
Ini cuma satu rancangan yang mulia dari kerajaan
他要我们到处跑 出国自己找希望
Dia nak kami pergi merata-rata tempat pergi oversea mencari impian
Lepas itu balik negara membalas jasa
这个计划真的是 好到没有话讲
Rancangan ini memang bagus memang bagus
Di seluruh dunia mesti nampak malaysia punya rakyat
好像逃难一样 西北爽
Macam melarikan dari bencana memang best
2007 马来西亚搞观光
2007 ialah tahun pelancongan malaysia
Budaya cina semua mengambil keluar untuk publisiti
Pelajar sekolah cina Memang tak dilayan oleh kerajaan
文凭丢去longkang 像我一样
Sijil boleh buang ke longkang macam saya
Lepas tamat persekolahan terus pergi Taiwan
学了东西 准备回去报答国家
Belajar di sana bersedia balik negara untuk membalas jasa
Aku berdiri di tepi Taipei memain guitar
可是我的嘴巴 还是一样唱
Tetapi Mulut aku tetap menyanyi
Rahmat bahagiaTuhan kurniakanRaja kitaSelamat bertakhta
For those who can’t read Malays and Mandarin, you can always watch the English translation.
Why I duplicate the lyrics here? Because I learn that Bolehland mainstream media, the politikus parties ARMNor and MCAi are spinning the whole issue for political gains and cover up scandals.
Posted in Food for thoughts | By moo
I upgrade moo_t's Inggeris, he repays with other instruction. Fair and square. Another round please. Tehtarik of course!
ylchong Says:
August 17th, 2007 at 10:30 am
Thanks for teaching Desi aMore lingo—Bahasa Malaysia, and Mandarin.
Now let’s RocknRoll with namewee to his rap song, can?
Now, moo_t, where’s my 30% cut of RM4.6billion? You get IT, i’ll cut you IN, 30% of mine 30%! We use the MLM way of doing things—Prosper thy neighbour eh!:):):)
Leave a Reply
This helping helps to improve my mind, yours too if you keep it OPEN! -- hope the C&P is not corrupted.
August 17th, 2007
The RM4.6 Billions ($ 1.27billions) Negaraku-ku lyrics
Bolehland government and media has demonise the song.
Why the 4.6 Billions Ringgit price tag? It is not coincident. Because PKFZ (Port Klang Free Zone scandal bailout cost the country RM 4.6 Billions. It is something too HUGE that ARMNOR and MCAi must cover up tight, with all sort of spinning to divert the attentions.
p/s: You need to install the Asian language UTF8 fonts to read the Chinese lyrics.
我爱我的国家 有国才有家
Aku cinta Negara aku ada Negara baru ada keluarga
有家才有我 站在这边跟你
Ada keluarga baru ada aku berdiri disini
大声唱歌 你麦惊
Nyanyi dengan engkau engkau jangan takut
Walaupun aku selalu cakap kasar
我的歌 就像榴莲一样
Lagu aku sama macam durian
硬硬尖尖 只是
Keras dan tajam tetapi
看你敢不敢打开 看看里面的真相
Tengok engkau berani buka ke tidak tengok apa yang ada di dalam
它可以很臭 也可以很香
Dia boleh dikatakan busuk dia juga boleh dikatakan wangi
cuma tengok engkau ada macam mana punya hidung
我们的警察 叫做MATA
Polis kita panggil ‘mata’ (dlm bhs hokkien)
Ini kerana mata mereka sangat tajam
新年一到 他们就很努力
Apabila raya mereka akan jadi rajin
Pen di tangan tetapi jarang bagi saman
因为他们口很渴 需要喝茶
Ini keran mereka dahaga mereka mahu minum teh
还有KOPI O 要不要加糖
Ataupun kopi O nak tambah gula ke tidak
如果加糖 他嘴巴会甜甜跟你微笑
Kalau tambah gula mulut mereka akan senyum dengan engkau
Apabila engkau nak pergi
Dia akan ucap TATA (maksudnye bye)
NegarakuTanah tumpahnya darahkuRakyat hidupBersatu dan maju
这种现象 不需要改善
Gejala ini tidak perlu memperbaikikan
也不用加强 警民合作
Juga tidak perlu memperkuatkan , kerjasama antara pihak polis dan rakyat
Secawan kopi hubungan boleh kekal
Aku memang suka
Sekurang-kurangnya balik rumah tidak akan dapat saman
Ayah mesti geram
我一定欠干 没有车给我驾
Aku mesti kena marah tidak ada kereta untuk aku
怎么办 这次西北够力
Macam mana kali ini memang teruk
没有车 我要怎样出去玩
Tak de kereta macam mana aku nak keluar main
没有车 我要怎样打野战
Tak de kereta macam mana aku nak XXX
没有车 我要怎样看阿瓜
Tak de kereta macam mana aku nak tengok ah kua
这个国家 我很喜欢
Negara ini aku memang suka
早上五点pukul 5 pagi
还有morning call会叫我起床
Ada morning call akan suruh aku bangun
Kadang-kadang beberapa ‘buah’ nyanyi sama-sama
macam tengah duet lagu cinta
Suara tinggi rendah macam tengah nyanyi R&B
Walaupun kadang kala sebahagian daripada mereka out of tune
Walaupun kadang kala sebahagian daripada mereka pecah suara
有些声音像公鸡 可是比公鸡早起床
Ada juga suara yang macam kokokan ayam tetapi dia bangun lagi awal dari ayam
Macam ini baru kite tahu mase untuk bersiap ke sekolah dan kerja
不要怪 政府只会照顾土族
Jangan salahkan kerajaan hanya akan jaga rakyat tertentu
不要怪 我们没有受到公平照顾
Jangan salahkan kami tidak dapat jagaan yang adil
Macam ini baru boleh menunjukkan yang orang cina tidak takut menderita
Macam ini baru boleh melatih kita mencari jalan keluar apabila menghadapi kesusahan
不要邹德他们的标准 很奇怪
Jangan mengatakan standard ini sangat pelik
因为这样反而表现我们 很厉害
Kerana dengan ini baru menunjukkan kami sangat teror
没有被宠坏的小孩 才不会依赖
Anak-anak yang tidak dimanja baru akan menjadi tabah
不然你看有人到现在 还没有断奶
ada orang sampai sekarang masih belum berhenti minum susu
Rahmat bahagiaTuhan kurniakanRaja kitaSelamat bertakhtaRahmat bahagiaTuhan kurniakanRaja kitaSelamat bertakhta
Pekerja dalam kerajaan lagi teror
Apa yang mereka buat boleh slow slow
就算排队的人等到要骂 臭lelai
Walaupun orang yang beratur marah
Mood mereka tetap rase bebas dan seronok
Kadang-kalag kuih pun mereka ambil keluar
Dia makan nyonya kuih dia
Dan engkau sambung beratur
Walaupun engkau nak marah pun tak pe
Kerana guard kat tepi pun tengah bermimpi
Dia takkan layan engkau
他们把头包起来 慢慢走慢慢过马路
Mereka yang memakai tudung perlahan-lahan melintas jalan
Engkau yang memandu kenalah berhati-hati
最终要活得开心 最重要活得舒服
Asalkan hidup dengan gembira asalkan hidup dengan selesa
Jangan macam orang cina
整天忙忙碌碌 西北辛苦
Tiap-tiap hari sibuk sangat susah
Semangat ini mesti kita kena kagumi
Kerana ini adalah sikap hidup mereka
(态度 态度)
Sikap sikap
Aku bercakap baik-baik dalam lagu ini
Aku percaya orang yang tak suka dengan aku mesti sangat suka
世界很和平 很有希望
Dunia aman baru ada harapan
没有人受伤 也没有很乱
Tidak ada orang cedera dan tidak tak tersusun
你很高贵 你很高雅
Engkau suci engkau sopan
大便很香 不会骂粗话
Najis wangi tak tahu cakap kasar
你们最high class 每天耍浪漫
Engkau sangat high class tiap-tiap hari main romantic
Dengar guang liang pin kuan (penyanyi malaysia)
Tetapi mereka sudah pergi taiwan
Pelajar Sekolah Cina
Nak masuk local U sangat susah
Dalam kes ini, kita tidak patut geram
Ini cuma satu rancangan yang mulia dari kerajaan
他要我们到处跑 出国自己找希望
Dia nak kami pergi merata-rata tempat pergi oversea mencari impian
Lepas itu balik negara membalas jasa
这个计划真的是 好到没有话讲
Rancangan ini memang bagus memang bagus
Di seluruh dunia mesti nampak malaysia punya rakyat
好像逃难一样 西北爽
Macam melarikan dari bencana memang best
2007 马来西亚搞观光
2007 ialah tahun pelancongan malaysia
Budaya cina semua mengambil keluar untuk publisiti
Pelajar sekolah cina Memang tak dilayan oleh kerajaan
文凭丢去longkang 像我一样
Sijil boleh buang ke longkang macam saya
Lepas tamat persekolahan terus pergi Taiwan
学了东西 准备回去报答国家
Belajar di sana bersedia balik negara untuk membalas jasa
Aku berdiri di tepi Taipei memain guitar
可是我的嘴巴 还是一样唱
Tetapi Mulut aku tetap menyanyi
Rahmat bahagiaTuhan kurniakanRaja kitaSelamat bertakhta
For those who can’t read Malays and Mandarin, you can always watch the English translation.
Why I duplicate the lyrics here? Because I learn that Bolehland mainstream media, the politikus parties ARMNor and MCAi are spinning the whole issue for political gains and cover up scandals.
Posted in Food for thoughts | By moo
I upgrade moo_t's Inggeris, he repays with other instruction. Fair and square. Another round please. Tehtarik of course!
ylchong Says:
August 17th, 2007 at 10:30 am
Thanks for teaching Desi aMore lingo—Bahasa Malaysia, and Mandarin.
Now let’s RocknRoll with namewee to his rap song, can?
Now, moo_t, where’s my 30% cut of RM4.6billion? You get IT, i’ll cut you IN, 30% of mine 30%! We use the MLM way of doing things—Prosper thy neighbour eh!:):):)
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