My Anthem

Monday, August 08, 2016

Mondae RUMInation: Shorts

Desi as you know like to spend time RUMInating during the wickedends, which is Sat/Sundae when I also abandon my Socialist mantle for KapitalistWan when my business mates insist on buying me continental BF, lunch and dinner, even supper, especially we have chroaked ourselves hi-and-dry at the K.OK. To my koboi buds, K.OK is short for Karaoke, and our regular haunt is !OK, formerly Butterfry Varrey, fronting De Miang CONner, Furong. If thou knoweth knot how to DESIpher how to get dare, please don't ask me, I am normally chauffered dare!

OK, as my PC went kaput for two weeks now, I have to adjust to RUMInate on blue Monday, to help enhance thy blues!

Last Fridae, a K.OK matey mm.lam' who escapped from the W.Buffet table.t sent Desi this:


Man or Beast?

"Man can be the most affectionate and altruistic of creatures, yet he's potentially  more vicious than any other. He is the only one who can be persuaded to hate millions of his own kind whom he has never seen and to kill as many as he can lay his hands on in the name of his tribe or his God." -- BENJAMIN SPOCK, pediatrician and author (1903 - 1998)

Next the messenger added (after a long pause...) that: Sounds familiar. (Pause again). You know Ah MOI?"

Desi replied in Mandarin:

"Ah Mei, xi sui yah?"

Translates as "Ah Moi, who is that?"

So my dear ER, can you help Desi ...?ooouch (Ipohlang pokes Desi's sides :

WHY you as BUMmer so Ignoramus wan?

That one the Americans coyly referred to many times in their Justice Department's report as " Malaysian Official 1" lah, why you so dense wan?

Desi is still as uneducated as ever, retorted: I aRsEked the US Embassy in Koala Lumpur who is "Malaysian Official 1?"

They maintained "elegant silence".

So, my dear EsteemedReaders, pray tell me "WHO'S MO1?" can you please help Desi out? -- YL, Desi, knottyaSsusual

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