FRom the, my fave ONLine newsdaily:)~~~
Close call for Shanghai-bound SIA flight after double engine failure
Published: 27 May 2015 8:04 AM
A potential tragedy was averted last Saturday when a Singapore Airlines (SIA) flight to Shanghai suffered a loss of power to both engines.
Singapore's Straits Times reports that the incident on SIA flight SQ836 occurred at an altitude of 39,000 feet, about 3.5 hours into the flight amid bad weather.
"Both engines experienced a temporary loss of power and the pilots followed operational procedures to restore normal operation of the engines" the airline's spokesman was quoted as saying by the daily.
There were 194 on board – comprising 182 passengers and 12 crew – the flight which was operated by an Airbus A330-300, with Rolls-Royce engines.
According to Reuters, aviation websites reported on the incident, stating that power to both engines was restored after the pilots staged a partial descent.
An Airbus spokesman told Reuters, "we are in contact with the airline and Rolls-Royce to determine the cause of this incident,"
The Straits Times report added that no anomalies were found when the engines underwent a thorough inspection and testing upon arrival in Shanghai. – May 27, 2015.
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BLOGGER DESI'S NOTE: NOW> BE a goode boy/gal/inbtWIN, PLS GO TO THE news site and read the TWO MAY DAY ITEMS, namely: MAS EMPOLYEES UNION FACES DISSOLUTION! & WANTON WASTE AND DECLINE OF THE MALAYSIAN AIRLINE SYSTEM through the DECADES after the SINgapore/MALAysian airline split when SINGAPURA WAS SACKED TWO YEars after joining the UNIOn!
AH, remember the goode olde days? when privatisation was profitable, later thened by UMNO_OH-NO! into
PIRATISATION! MAYBE we should invite
JOHNNY DEPP TO ru(I)n the ship eh!
No room for staff unions as MAS ‘reboot’ takes off in September
Published: 27 May 2015 6:59 AM
The pillar of the airlines... the employees of MAS will not be allowed to be represented in the newly-restructured national carrier which takes over operations from September 1 this year. – The Malaysian Insider file pic, May 27, 2015.MAS Employees Union (Maseu), the airline's biggest and most powerful workers union, will effectively cease to exist once Malaysia Airlines (MAS) completes its restructuring exercise.
Maseu, which represents some 13,500 MAS employees, is expected to be dissolved as the new management has indicated that the union did not have a place in the new company, which will start operations on September 1.
The union, resigned to this for the moment, is looking at turning itself into a cooperative in the new entity.
Maseu executive secretary Mohd Jabarullah Abd Kadir confirmed this and told The Malaysian Insider that two extraordinary general meetings had been held recently to discuss the possible dissolution of the union.
"We've decided in the meeting that firstly, we will have to dissolve the union and secondly, maybe turn it into a cooperative," he said.
Jabarullah said although the union had held two extraordinary general meetings, the most recent being on May 18, the matter would still need to be discussed further and members will have to vote at another meeting.
"We will make this a secret ballot to find out what the members want," he said.
Jabarullah said the union had to take this drastic measure because under Khazanah Nasional Berhad's plan to return the troubled airline to profit, the new management does not recognise the union.
"We have to do this because the new management does not recognise us as a union," he said.
Saddled with debts and the twin tragedies of MH370 and MH17, the government through its investment arm Khazanah Nasional, is on a last-ditch effort to revamp ailing MAS.
It was reported that the service of 20,000 MAS employees would be terminated but two-thirds would be re-hired by a new company, MAS Bhd, which will begin operations on September 1.
It was understood that the new company wants to form a union consisting of their own people, those who are friendly to the management.
Jabarullah said the new management's reluctance to recognise Maseu as a union stems from the new MAS Act which is at odds with the Employment Act 1955.
It was reported that MAS has an existing workforce of 20,000, of which some 6,000 to 8,000 are expected to be laid off by Khazanah as part of its RM6 billion restructuring plan.
There are at least nine workers unions and associations in MAS. Apart from Maseu, others include National Union of Flight Attendants Malaysia (Nufam) which represents about 1,500 cabin crew members, Malaysia Airlines Employees Union Peninsular Malaysia and the Malaysia Airlines Pilot Association.
Jabarullah said staff will probably receive two letters – the first one for termination of their services with MAS and the second, either an offer to join MAS Bhd or to report to the Corporate Development Centre (CDC), set up to retrain the sacked workers.
Meanwhile, a MAS engineer identified as Shukri said that with the dissolution of Maseu, he and the others are worried whether the welfare of workers will be protected in the new company.
"It seems that the union can’t do anything, they're going to have to be dissolved.
"With MAS gone, automatically the union will be finished. Most likely the new company might not have any union at all," he said.
Meanwhile, Malaysian Trade Union Congress (MTUC) secretary-general N. Gopal Kishnam (pic) said Maseu should not take such a drastic measure.
"It is not proper, why do they want to dissolve the union. They should continue to fight for the workers' rights?" he said.
This came after Khazanah unveiled a 12-point plan to enable MAS to achieve sustained profitability within three years of de-listing, by the end of 2017.
Its managing director Tan Sri Azman Mokhtar said the plan involved a comprehensive overhaul of the airline and has four categories which are governance and financial framework, operating business model, leadership and human capital, and regulatory and enabling environment. – May 27, 2015.
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The 21 years of mismanagement that brought MAS to its
Published: 27 May 2015 6:59 AM
National carrier MAS has suffered years of
mismanagement and previous efforts to steer the company on to better fortunes
failed to deliver the results hoped for, say most observers. – The Malaysian
Insider file pic, May 27, 2015.Beginning September, Malaysia Airline System
Bhd, the company Malaysians know as the national carrier since 1972, will cease
to exist.
It would instead be replaced by a new company, Malaysia Airlines Bhd, to
be fully owned by Malaysia’s sovereign wealth fund Khazanah Nasional before a
planned re-listing in Bursa Malaysia by 2019.
This, however, is not the first time MAS has been subjected to a
turnaround plan or a bid to save the airline. It has happened several times
over the course of 22 years, beginning in 1994.
This is the most comprehensive restructuring plan that
MAS has been subjected to though. One that will involve a rigorous cutting down
of its air travel routes and its workforce, likely to reduce it to a regional
But this will only work if the government and those helming this
restructuring plan heed the lessons of the past.
It all began in 1994 when businessman Tan Sri Tajudin Ramli took loans
from several government-linked companies totalling RM1.79 billion and then used
the money to buy a controlling stake in MAS, a move that cost the government
dearly some seven years later.
Then the CEO of MAS, Tajudin was badly affected by the 1997 Asian
financial crisis, and the government eventually bought MAS back from Tajudin
for RM8 a share - the exact price Tajudin had paid seven years before. The only
difference was, this time, MAS was lingering near bankruptcy.
It had bled RM256 million in the fiscal year ending 1998 and by the fiscal
year ending 2000, it bled a further RM255.7 million after tax losses. When the
government bought back the controlling stake from Tajudin, the share price on
the market was only RM3.68 per share.
Government linked company Danaharta eventually opted for an out of court
settlement with Tajudin despite winning a legal case over the RM589 million in
loans owed by Tajudin to the company.
in the government’s hands, MAS reported a loss of RM 1.3 billion in 2005,
prompting another turnaround plan that saw them appoint current Performance and
Delivery Unit (Pemandu) chief Datuk Seri Idris Jala (pic) as its CEO.
For many, Idris’ tenure was the only silver lining for a company that has
otherwise made a habit of bleeding money annually.
In 2007, they recorded a profit of RM852 million, the highest in MAS
history, and followed up with RM522 million profit in 2009, just before Idris
took over as Pemandu CEO under Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s
But for DAP’s Kluang MP Liew Chin Tong, a keen observer of MAS history
over the years, the current state of MAS necessitates calling into question the
sustainability of what Idris did during his time helming the airline.
“His whole tenure should be called into question. It shows that his
turnaround had not succeeded, as what he did was to basically cut the muscle of
MAS – he cut the expenditure, killed the morale of the staff, and he killed
that talent pool,” Liew told the The Malaysian Insider.
He said that for all of MAS’ troubles, the workers have become an easy
“punching bag” for the company.
MAS is expected to sack their entire staff and only retain about
two-thirds of them for the new company, meaning that more than 8,000 people
stand to lose their jobs.
“The way Idris handled MAS, resulted in a huge number of talented people
deciding to move away – it’s a vicious cycle. The current CEO (Christoph
Mueller) is doing exactly the same thing,” he said.
Liew said that the company is currently merely “chopping people’s jobs” to
have a turnaround of fortunes.
“You have to ask if MAS actually has the talent and the morale to carry
on. After all, you are running a service industry,” he said.
Two years after Idris left his post, MAS suffered one of the most historic
losses in aviation industry, a staggering RM2.5 billion in 2011.
They made a profit of RM430 million the following year, but lost RM1.16
billion in 2013.
In 2014, they lost two planes – first on March 8, flight MH370, en route
to Beijing from Kuala Lumpur, disappeared while leaving Malaysian airspace.
What happened to the plane remains one of the biggest mysteries in aviation
Just four months later, on July 17, flight MH17, en route to Kuala Lumpur
from Amsterdam, was said to have been shot by a ground-to-air missile while
flying 30,000 feet over a conflict zone in Ukraine. None of the 298 passengers
and flight crew survived.
These incidents forced Khazanah to finally de-list MAS and take it private
last year, paying RM1.38 billion to compensate minority shareholders, before
embarking on this major restructuring plan.
The latest state injection into MAS, from Khazanah, will be RM6 billion.
But, this was not the first time the state has injected money into MAS.
Over the past 10 years, MAS is estimated to have lost RM10 billion of state
money that was injected into it, according to former Prime Minister Tun Dr
Mahathir Mohamad.
Overall, it is estimated that MAS lost upwards of RM20 billion of
taxpayers’ money since 1994.
When it recorded its RM1.16 billion loss in 2013, the airline was bleeding
between RM4 million and RM5 million daily.
The latest injection may not be the first, but with MAS having suffered
such heavy losses for two decades now, the latest revival attempt will likely
be a final attempt at putting the national carrier’s accounts back in the
black. – May 27, 2015.
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DESIDERATA: AFTER Getting some quick TechLessons from IPOhlang
aweofhelen, DESi learnt some byes and managed to R&P THE above two news reports from the amalysianinsider. NOw can you ER please tapau TWO OR THREE PAckets of NASi Braverani for us? TERima kasih, YL, DESi
PS: THIS allof.... at also helped me C&P the
S.W.A.L.K ITEM that gave DESi such MElodic ECstasy in my prior blogpost, do you see? OR hear? THAnks, IPOhlang BUMmer matey, YL, Desi, NOW Click on the anthem above,
FIRST OF MAY, ALSO the heARTWORk of aweof......
ost powerful workers union, will effectively cease to exist once Malaysia Airlines (MAS) completes its restructuring exercise.

which represents some 13,500 MAS employees, is expected to be dissolved
as the new management has indicated that the union did not have a place
in the new company, which will start operations on September 1.
The union, resigned to this for the moment, is looking at turning itself into a cooperative in the new entity.
Maseu executive secretary Mohd Jabarullah Abd Kadir confirmed this and
told The Malaysian Insider that two extraordinary general meetings had
been held recently to discuss the possible dissolution of the union.
"We've decided in the meeting that firstly, we will have to dissolve
the union and secondly, maybe turn it into a cooperative," he said.
Jabarullah said although the union had held two extraordinary general
meetings, the most recent being on May 18, the matter would still need
to be discussed further and members will have to vote at another
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