My answer was that many things happening in our beloved country this year did not send out POSITIVE vibrations; many voices were screaming BUT IT WAS MOSTLY NOISE of the unwelcome kind; hence Desi finds it better to keep quiet then add to the "noisey" decibels.
DISQUIET refers to a heart's condition which feels lots of emotions but it's difficult to pin them down to what is the real ailment. We see many symptoms, but the doctr has run off with the WedNURSEday's Childe, so Desi and the nurse are SILENT.
WQhen morning breaks for a New Year, I'm not optimistic that all the disquiet of 2014 will go away. MH370 vanished; MH17 was allegedly shot down; QZ8501 continues to be a tragic story in progress...ARE THERE SOMEW THREAD to all these incidents involving 3 plane disasters associated with Malaysia?
I leave you with a few unanswered questions --
1. Has Malaysia been hit by Bad Karma because of failed leadership?
2. An English saying quite allied to the concept of Karma mentioned in (1) is:
What goes around comes around; in its science compendium, it's the Newtonian Law:
To every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.
3. Does Lord Acton's maxim ring a bell?
Power tends to corrupt; Absolute power corrupts absolutely. Read my immediate previous post.
Dear mGf -- you know who thou art --and ER, Try to have a GOoD YEAR AHEAD!
PS: Just for the Recrod, It's hopefully just Adieu, Not Goodbye, YL, Desi with a downtime heart:~~~~
From, (now it's 16.15PM Malaysian time)
AirAsia flight QZ8501: Plane crash in Java Sea
- 38 minutes ago December 31, 2014
STORMS have forced AirAsia search teams to suspend their operations
early — just as Indonesian officials revealed sonar equipment had
captured footage of the plane resting upside down at the bottom of the
Java Sea.
A total of seven bodies have now been recovered, including four males and three females, all completely intact.National Search and Rescue Agency chief BambangSoelistyo said one of the female victims was wearing a flight attendant uniform.

Indonesian search and rescue team members stretcher a body plucked from the Java Sea.
Source: AFP
Distraught relatives have gathered in Surabaya, where a crisis centre has been set up near the local police station and hospital, to hand over medical records and other documents.
It is here that the bodies will be taken for identification and police say they have taken DNA samples from 30 immediate family members to assist with the identification of bodies.
Among them was Hadi Widjaja, 60, who was preparing a Muslim funeral for his son Andreas and daughter-in-law Enny Wahyuni.
“I am anxious to know if the rescuers have found their bodies. The president has said that they will do the best they can to find them,” Mr Widjaja told AFP.
“But if they really cannot find them, I will scatter flowers in the sea here as a way to say goodbye.”

Relatives pray together inside a holding room at Juanda International Airport in Surabaya
Source: AFP
“For the safety reasons, we turned back,” helicopter pilot Tatang Onne Setiawan said.
“Besides the evacuation of the bodies, we also planned to search for bigger parts of the plane.”
Indonesain from the AirAsia flight has been found at the bottom of the Java Sea.
Mr Soelistyo said wreckage from the aircraft had been found using sonar equipment — but did not know yet if the plane is in one piece or broken up.
Earlier, the pilot who discovered the first three bodies from AirAsia flight QZ8501 said the victims were holding hands in the water.
Lieutenant Airman Tri Wobowo, who co-piloted one of the Hercules off the coast of Borneo, today said he saw up to eight bodies.
“There are seven to eight people. Three [of them] again hold hands,” he told Indonesian national newspaper Kompas.
Six bodies have been recovered so far, including a flight attendant.
A report in London’s Daily Telegraph said an Indonesian fisherman, Mohammed Taha, 38, first spotted metal objects in the water, including ones that were red.
He saw them on Sunday but didn’t return home until the next day. He then learned of the AirAsia disaster.
“The largest was four metres long and two metres wide. They were red coloured with white silver. It looked like the AirAsia colours.”
He told police who then organised an aerial search which confirmed the objects, including a door, were from the plane.
Many local fishermen have helped with the search after being contacted by authorities soon after the plane vanished.
There were 155 passengers on board, with 137 adults, 17 children and 1 infant. Also on board were 2 pilots, 4 cabin crew and one engineer.

A family member of passengers
on-board the missing AirAsia flight QZ8501 reacts after seeing an
unidentified floating body during a search and rescue mission with
Indonesian military over the Java Sea.
Source: AFP

An Aerial view of the waters near
Bangka Island being searched for debris from AirAsia Flight QZ8501 in a
navy fixed wing patrol craft near Bangka Island, Indonesia. Picture: Ed
Source: Getty Images

Search area for the missing Air Asia flight QZ8501.
Source: Supplied
AirAsia boss Tony Fernandes said he is experiencing an airline chief executive’s “worst nightmare”.
Speaking in Indonesia’s second-biggest city of Surabaya after meeting with distraught relatives of some of the 162 passengers, Fernandes said he “apologised profusely” for the accident.
“The passengers were on my aircraft and I have to take responsibility for that,” he said, adding that he was focusing on supporting the families.
“It’s an experience I never dreamt of happening and it’s probably an airline CEO’s worst nightmare,” Fernandes said on Tuesday.

Members of the Indonesia marines unload their diving equipment as they arrive at Pangkalan Bun air base in Central Kalimantan.
Source: AFP
“There is at least some closure as opposed to not knowing what’s happened and holding out hope,” Fernandes told reporters.
He said the pilot of the ill-fated plane was “extremely experienced” with 20,000 hours of flying.
“There were some very unique weather conditions and let’s wait for the investigation to be concluded.” Out of the 162 passengers and crew on board, 155 were Indonesian.
“This is a very difficult moment for all of us at AirAsia as we await further developments of the search and rescue operations but our first priority now is the wellbeing of the family members of those on-board QZ8501.”

Indonesian Navy airmen search the waters near Bangka Island. Photo by Ed Wray/Getty Images
Source: Getty Images
“This type of extreme weather can result in catastrophic failure,” aircraft expert Anthony Roma told msnbc.
The plane was flying within a level five thunderstorm, while three other flights successfully traversed the same flight pattern as QZ8501.
“In this area there are storms a great deal of the time, aircraft fly all the time,” said Mr Roma.

A relative of a passenger on AirAsia
flight QZ8501 receives medical attention as she collapses at the
breaking news of debris and bodies being found. Picture: Robertus
Source: Getty Images

AirAsia Group CEO Tony Fernandes at the crisis centre at Juanda International Airport in Surabaya. Picture: Firdia Lisnawati
Source: AP

“The passengers were on my aircraft
and I have to take responsibility for that,” said AirAsia CEO Tony
Fernandes/ Picture: Manan Vatsyayana
Source: AFP

San Diego-based guided-missile destroyer USS Sampson has responded to INdonesia’s request to support search operations.
Source: AFP
Several corpses were spotted off Borneo island. Search and rescue teams were lowered on ropes from a hovering helicopter to retrieve the corpses, their efforts hindered by 2-meter-high (6-foot-high) waves and strong winds. They were recovered, swollen but intact, and taken to an Indonesian navy ship.
The ‘shadow’ of a plane was spotted on the seabed close to the debris.
Navy spokesman Manahan Simorangkir told AFP earlier that, according to naval radio, a warship had recovered more than 40 bodies from the sea. But he later said that report was a miscommunication by his staff. Reports indicate some bodies did not have life jackets on.
The debris was spotted just under 10 kilometres from when the flight was last seen on radar.
“At the present time, search and rescue operations are still in progress and further investigation of the debris found at the location is still underway,” the statement read.
“AirAsia Indonesia employees have been sent to the site and will be fully cooperating with BASARNAS, National Transportation Safety Committee (NTSC), and relevant authorities on the investigation.”

Commander of 1st Indonesian air force
Operational Command Rear Marshall Dwi Putranto shows aeroplane parts
and a suitcase found floating on the water near the site where AirAsia
Flight 8501 disappeared. Picture: Dewi Nurcahyani
Source: AP

Relatives of passengers of the missing AirAsia Flight 8501 react upon seeing the news on television. Picture: Trisnadi
Source: AP

Indonesian television have been
criticised after showing bodies on the waters near the site where the
jetliner disappeared. Picture: Trisnadi
Source: AP
The United States announced it was sending the USS Sampson destroyer, joining at least 30 ships, 15 aircraft and seven helicopters in the search for the jet, said Indonesia’s Search and Rescue Agency chief Henry Bambang Soelistyo.
A Chinese frigate was also on the way, while Singapore said it was sending two underwater beacon detectors to try to detect pings from the plane’s all-important cockpit voice and flight data recorders. Malaysia, Australia and Thailand also are involved in the search.

An Indonesian air force Puma helicopter takes off during search and rescue operations. Picture: Bay Ismoyo
Source: AFP

Indonesia's President Joko Widodo speaks during press conference at the AirAsia crisis centre. Picture: Robertus Pudyanto
Source: Getty Images

An Indonesian Navy Pilot looks out
the cockpit window as he banks to check out an object sighted during a
search of the waters near Bangka Island. Picture: Ed Wray
Source: Getty Images
Pandemonium broke out at Juanda International Airport, at least two distraught family members were carried out on stretchers from the room where they had been waiting for news in Surabaya, Indonesia’s second largest city and the takeoff point for the aircraft that disappeared during a storm on Sunday.
Many screamed and wailed uncontrollably, breaking down into tears while they squeezed each other. One middle-aged man collapsed and was rushed from the room on a stretcher.
“We are sorry to be here today under these tragic circumstances,” said Sunu Widyatmoko, Chief Executive Officer of AirAsia Indonesia, in AirAsia’s statement.
“We would like to extend our sincere sympathies to the family and friends of those on board QZ8501. Our sympathies also go out to the families of our dear colleagues.”

Indonesian air force personnel carry
aeroplane parts recovered from the water near the site where AirAsia
Flight 8501 disappeared, at the air base in Pangkalan Bun, Central
Borneo, Indonesia. Picture: Dewi Nurcahyani
Source: AP

This aerial view taken over the Java Sea shows floating debris from AirAsia flight QZ8501. Picture: Bay Ismoyo
Source: Supplied

A family member of passengers
gestures while accompanying military personnel on a search and rescue
(SAR) mission. Picture: Juni Kriswanto
Source: AFP

Commander of Indonesian air force 1st
Operational Command Rear Marshall Dwi Putranto, centre, shows the
aeroplane parts and a suitcase found floating on the water. Picture:
Dewi Nurcahyani
Source: AP
“Counsellors, religious and spiritual personnel have also been invited to the family centre to provide any necessary services,” it read.

Family members of passengers react
after watching news reports showing an unidentified body floating in the
Java Sea. Picture: Manan Vatsyayana
Source: AFP

Floating debris spotted in the same area as other items. Picture: Bay Ismoyo
Source: Supplied

A relative receives medical attention as he collapses at the breaking news. Picture: Robertus Pudyanto
Source: Getty Images

Family members of passengers pray
together while waiting for a briefing inside the crisis-centre set up at
Juanda International Airport in Surabaya. Picture: Manan Vatsyayana
Source: AFP
“Based on the observation by search and rescue personnel, significant things have been found such as a passenger door and cargo door.
“It’s in the sea, 100 miles (160 kilometres) southwest of Pangkalan Bun,” he said, referring to the town in Central Kalimantan, on the island of Borneo.

A rescuer is lowered on rope from a hovering helicopter near a body in Java Sea waters.
Source: AP

Relatives of passengers break down at the news of debris and bodies being found. Picture: Robertus Pudyanto
Source: Getty Images

An Indonesian Navy airman prays on his plane before searching the waters near Bangka Island. Picture: Ed Wray
Source: Getty Images

Indonesia's President Joko Widodo
speaks during a press conference at the AirAsia crisis centre at Juanda
International Airport on December 30. Picture: Robertus Pudyanto
Source: Getty Images
The plane, with 155 passengers and seven crew, was less than an hour into a flight from Surabaya, Indonesia, to Singapore when it is believed to have encountered a violent thunderstorm.
Its pilots requested a change of flight path due to bad weather, just minutes before contact was lost.

Chiara Natasha at right (who was not
on the flight) pictured with her mother Indahju Liangsih. Chiara Natasha
lost her parents and two brothers on the flight. Photo: Facebook
Source: Supplied
Mr Soetjipto is from Malang in Indonesia and it is believed he was in Australia on a student visa.

A spokeswoman for Monash confirmed student Kevin Alexander was among the missing.
Source: Supplied

Kevin Alexander Soetjipto, a student at the Clayton campus of Monash University.
Source: Supplied