My Anthem

Monday, June 23, 2008

The Silence of the Sheepish MSM! (UPDATE)

Ah, finally, after more than 48 HOURS since the story was broken by, and picked up soon after by various Bloggers, one less-cowardly MSM, ***the Star, carried a watered-down version of the earth-shattering event, in Desi's words. I had likened it to one of my fave singers, CAROLE KING, when both of us heard loud and clear "... the earth move under my feet..."
The MSM, including the New Straits Times till now as I write an UPDATE at about 11.45AM, wit' monday blues,
mostly maintain "elegant silence" like that half-asleep Great UMNO leader under great siege on that great stage at PWTC ... mGf donPLAYpuks and I term him our 21st century Rip van Winkle, although I was less honourable, I spelt it as Rip wan Wrinkled:(

*** Dear ER, please inform Desi via Comments IF YOU SIGHT ANY OTHER MSM COVERAGE, please:)

From The Star Online:
June 23, 2008

Cops to probe RPK’s claims


KUALA LUMPUR: Police will be calling up Malaysia Today editor Raja Petra Kamaruddin to investigate allegations in his recent statutory declaration on purported facts related to the murder of Altantuya Shaariibuu.

Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Musa Hassan said the three individuals named in the document filed on June 18 would also be called up.

In the declaration, Raja Petra claimed that the trio – one of them a prominent woman – were present at the scene during the murder of the Mongolian translator in October 2006.

Copies of the two-paged declaration together with the identity of the trio have been posted on various blog sites.

In the document, Raja Petra said he was “reliably informed” of these allegations.

Musa said the matter could be sub judice as the Altantuya murder case was still being heard.

He also said Raja Petra must be “brave enough to face the consequences if he is bold enough” to make the allegations.

Meanwhile, the Attorney-General’s Chambers has lodged a police report against Raja Petra over the statutory declaration.

Attorney-General Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail said the allegations were “highly defamatory” and if found untrue, those making the allegations would have to face the consequences.

“We want to investigate because we want the truth. As far as I am concerned, we have to look at it seriously.”

“If it’s true, we will act accordingly. If not, the writer will be investigated,” he said, adding that the report was lodged in Putrajaya on Saturday.

Raja Petra said he expected to be called up.

He said he was bold enough to face the consequences.

DESIDERATA: Reprising my earlier post:)plus some Comments -- from my eager not so-legal eagles! -- because I sometimes work for pamper's:( without any fees collectible!:(

The Silence of the Sheepish MSM!

I read about Raja Petra Kamarudin's Statutory Declaration late last night, almost the graveyard shift hour, and I heard The Earth Move, like CAROLE KING did, right UNDER MY FEET.

I don't know if the four new ("Sei" in Kantois and youd better ask thy chinoserie mates what it means, I ain't language sexpert!) Protagonists in the Altantuya saga uncovered by the SD (Statutory Declaration-lah!,you Ignoramus keep on asking...) also felt the earth move.


I checked almost ALL the newspapers at BF through lunch through dinner time,Eng;ish, Chinese and Bahasa Malaysia -- it's all silence of the lambs. SHEEPISH MSM!

I checked also one GEIC's Blog -- ALL QUIET ON THE MOUSEY FRONT! -- hey, Wong CW, this is the earth-shateering news event of the week, man, even maybe of the year 2008!
Oh, I hear you owe the BN_UMNO fellas the 'double Datuksheep' ... SOUL'D OUT.


4 comment(s):

The MSM have no balls that's for sure!
This is akin to the latest name, which I heard recently, for plain 'roti canai' which is "roti pak lah" (tiada telur).

In case any readers don't understand, in the Malay language testicles, which in English are commonly called balls, are called 'telur' (eggs)

By mindful mariner, at 11:28 PM

"roti pak lah". Thats a good one.

Now why didnt I think of that.

By The Ancient Mariner, at 6:14 AM


This is Sunday and absolutely not a peep about RPK's SDL in NST or STAR!!

WTF? Self censorship is 1 thing, but this is crazy.

If this were anywhere else in the world they'd be hounding Rosmah & Najib. Here it's all too cool.

From a legal point, they will have to call RPK to testify at Atuya trial. Otw, it will be perceived, if it isn't oreddy, that d 2 guys on trial are patsies with whom a deal's been done.

This is even more explosive than the 'o confidence' vote issue, yet MSM all 'sleeping'.

By donplaypuks®, at 12:03 PM

dear close buddies MM, AM & DPP:
i just sighted Monday morning at a coffee shop (can't afford akopi besides my tehtari!)the Star carrying FINALLY the news break of more than 48 hours old.

Badder late than never, so I will UPDATE this Post with the MSM take/misstake? -- Desi @11.45AM June 23, 2008

By desiderata, at 11:45 AM


mob1900 said...

The biggest reason MSM plays 2nd fiddle to New Media.

chong y l said...

some MSM editors fiddle while the streets of KL are mobbed by thousands Rakyat jelata -- they saw wit' one eye closed only 4,000, or blame it to TYPO, "we accidentally dropped a zelo:("

Blogers and chickCARGO mob1900+2+3+4+4+5 -- the xtra "4" is for "SEI" in lieu of C4 liau-LIAU LoL!:)