My Anthem

Monday, June 16, 2008

Knowing this Tall Guy called Rocky's Bru

Desiderata has interacted quite (can mean a little, some or a lot -- take your pick, that's democratic blogsworld!)
some time with this Tall Guy we in Blogosphere call Rocky's Bru, which I assume is tehtarik, which means VVe have one thing in common.

Another thing in common is that we have one leg in the Fourth Estate -- the traditional media like The Malay Mail and The Star, the Sun (and the Moon...)-- and the new media whicn encompasses the Blogsworld. Of course anyone who's somebody in Blogsworld knows that Rocky is also President of te Interim Council of the National Alliance of Bloggers. Short is All-Blogs which I sometimes forget as I fancy NAB, but that's digressing too much.

Today, for the first time, I am C&P-ing from Sdr Ahirudin Attan's Blog because he has an eye for EXCLUSIVE posts, which is a habit I believe he has acquired from MSM days, and it makes his writing fresh and not necessarily clean. Unlike FAB. We are talking NAB hear!

Business journalism was part of my career path traversed without making BIG bucks, I don'tknow why. Normally people associate Biz dogs with money making machines. I dunno about Rocky; I don't think he graduated to drinking whiskey. Not for Desi either -- the hardest is Shandy, and that's because of its PR promise of Jolly:)

What is my rambling about?
Ah, I'm snatching back as Pay-back from Rocky for PR-ing BUM2007 and BUM2008 so today I don't have to do original brainstorming to have an insight of Bizworld. Good expose is for sharing in 5th Estate:), knot 4th!:(

Monday, June 16, 2008
Fierce letter to the Malay Mail

Citizen X.
You can assume that Citizen X, who wrote the letter to Malay Mail which I have partically reproduced here, is someone who was there helping us out back in 1997 and who's as pissed off as you and I on the subject of the recent 41%-63% petrol/diesel price increase.

"Ever since fuel prices accelerated at an unfamiliar pace since 2005, we have been behaving like schoolboys on their first science project, testing hypothesis and making assumptions as if there's no real or permanent impact on our surroundings. From the manner the last two fuel increases have been announced, it is obvious that we have not done sufficient research on this critical subject.

"Making announcements at the last minute, promising no increase yet doing so subsequently, preaching changes in lifestyles to the rakyat is not on."

The writer went on asking about MTEN, the body that "went 'deep and wide' in addressing the financial crisis of 1997".

After years of reading the same letters sent in by the same writers in the other papers, Citizen X's epistle in Malay Mail is a refreshing change. Try and grab a copy, if only to read the entire letter!
at 4:59 PM

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