My Anthem

Friday, November 25, 2011

.Miracles Do Happen...

Sung-bong Choi. The Korean miracle

May I request you do some homework to truly experience a MIRACLE. Go to YOUTUBE and seek out Sung-bong Choi. No, this lad won't cure your terminal illness. It won't feed your empty stomach either sitting on your sofa in self-pity for not getting that promotion.

If you are in between jobs and have not enough ten-sen coins to buy a packet of 70-sen nasi lemak, this one may jest LIFT YOUR HEART. There is life out there if you just seize the day. Or size up the night. This Korean miracle lifted Desi's heart which recently underwent an over (under?) haul with five pints of blood PUMped(BUMped?) into my veins, and I became less vain and so live it up. Even in down times/dimes.

So we do have very humane judges in Korea's Got Talent shows -- one of the luv'ly ones said on first reaction to Choi's singing: "I just wanna give you a hug!"

And towards the end, an assuring second angelic voice said: (To the effect K!...) Whatever the outcome of this competition, Choi, I would want to give a hand to you to continue your vocal training...

If you do not shed a few tears after viewing this, then you aren't a romantic...I wanted to say "You aren't human'''" but I restrained. God bless the world we still have talents amidst the challenging slums and mist -- and some himanistic souls who truly extenbd a helping hand. ~~ "Amen", and Desi seldom these days says "Amen"...

UPDATEd by Desi on 27 Nov 2011 @400PM because I "pamper" my esteemed readers!:(
Surf to Homeless boy steals talent show, compliments of:)


Uploaded by on Jun 12, 2011

One cannot help but be moved to tears by this amazing young man; Sung-bong Choi.

When Sung-bong decided to sing on the Talent Show "Korea's Got Talent" he had no idea that he would win the hearts of millions all over the world!

His story of his childhood is so moving that even the judges had a hard time keeping their composure.

He told the judges that even though he didn't think he could sing very well, he sang because it made him happy.

They couldn't have been more surprised.


OR try this LINK:)

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