My Anthem

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Freedoms -- Worth Your Fight For!

In a democratic society that Malaysia claims to be, the citizens -- including YOU and me! -- inherently enjoy certain FREEDOMS that a parliamentary democracy system bestows upon the citizenry. If some of these freedoms are with held or compromised, usually it's the LEADERS who are the offending culprits, and then it h=behhoves the citizens to reclaim these freedoms from their abusers-leaders.

Peninsular Malaysians obtained their Indeopence 52 years ago, on 31st August 1957 from their coloniat masters called the British, whose leaders once prided themselves calling their country Great Britain. Some diehards still do, living in delusion like many of our Malaysian counterparts. Sabahans and Sarawkains, whose states along with Singapore joined peninsular Malaysia to form the larger entity as equal partners in 1963 on SEPTEMBER 16, truly did not get due recognition until after some 46 yaers because it was just days ago that September 16 was declared a Public holiday from next year onwards. So if Sarawakians and Sabahans felt they have been traeted shoddily, I can't blame them. They of course have chiefly to blame their own STATE LEADERS who act in cahoots with the ruling Federal regime in the peninsula to deny them their rightful placeof equality as in being EQUAL PARTNERS with peninisular Malaysians. Singaporeans -- curse or bless them -- flew away, or were kicked out, in less than blowing the birdday candles five times, but that's another sad or lifting story.

Now, back to FREEDOMS...

I'll come back to pen more/aMore after a CON brunch,OK!:)

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