My Anthem

Saturday, October 18, 2008

There once was a kind Badawian herdsman...

From the MI, knot the PI, cometh this news report:

Dr M wants Umno polls back to December

By Adib Zalkapli
KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 18 — In yet another attempt to hasten Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi’s departure, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad today said the postponement of the Umno election to March next year will result in the party not having enough time to regain the people’s confidence.

“I agree with Tan Sri Muhyiddin (Yassin), there is no need for an additional three months, what can Abdullah do in three months? I don’t think he can do anything,” said Dr Mahathir.

“No need for delay, we need time to rehabilitate BN, we only have four years to do that, or else we are going to lose the next election,” he added.

On Thursday, Muhyiddin told reporters that the campaign period is too long and will drain resources.

“The campaign period is the longest in years and has never happened before. All this because we want to accommodate the so-called power transition plan,” he reportedly said.

Said Dr Mahathir today: “We need to go down and meet the people, but at the same time we are facing an economic crisis.”

On the suggestion by MCA Youth yesterday that a second deputy BN chairman be created for the party, Dr Mahathir said the idea must be studied carefully.

“BN is a multiracial coalition, if they entertain one racial group, other racial groups will be unhappy, if the Chinese support the coalition, but the Malays do not, BN will still be weak,” said Dr Mahathir.

“It must be studied carefully, whether it helps in getting the Chinese support or it will just erode the Malay support,” he added.

He said that the BN is a system that allows every group “to be represented fairly but not equally”.

“Let’s be more careful, that is why certain issues should not be discussed publicly, as it is no longer rational because people will be moved by emotion,” he added.

Similarly, he said, the idea to open up BN for direct membership should also be studied thoroughly.

DESIDERATA: goes ot into the cold wintry desert night tolook for the kindandkindly Badawian herdsman to persuade him to come back FROM THE COLD to retell his story over a scout's bonfire in Furong...I beleive thou have acquit=red some traits befitting Miss Patience, which your Granny and auntie have been preaching to ye from the cradle it's a great Virtue. Like a Virgin. But the latter is Madonna's pitch. Definitely not Gram's, otherwise, where gotcha!:(


I am updating this post the day after, and I have seen two Commenters having arrived at my Oasis, so it's GOoD that I do have visitors in the steal of the Arabian night. Here cometh the Badawain herdsman's story:)

There once was a kind Badawian herdsman
written by ylchong, October 18, 2008

He loved his animals like his sons and daughters, and especially fond of his trusty camel who had served him 22 years. AGE does change a man, and of course, when a camel is traeted as a human by his Master, he's humanised.

As I was saying, this Badawian herdsman was a kind and kindly one, and as civilisation shows, being kind can both be Man's virtue as well as his Achilles heel. Desi knows this very well as he's awelays drinking by the well of wisdom that the Badawian tribe and herds drop by for an Oasis song break in Furong.

It was a cold wintry night after a long trek and the nearest singing Oasis was at least half-day ride away. So the kind masterBad set up camp, let loose all the camels except for the 22-year-old fave he called MahaKingRajaWang, who slept near the kind Master snugly covered with a blanket under his small tent that could just fit a man.

As the night became colder, masterBad saw his MKRW shievery out in the open, so he allowed the camel's head and neck into the tent to stop his coughing.
An hour later, masterBad allowed the MKRW's body plus two front legs, to come into the tent as the desert winds howled louder and stronger. To accomodate this, the masterBad popped his head outside the tent. A consolation, he could see the stars smile down on him and part of his pet MahaKingRajaWang.

It was extremely cold, and the coldness went into masterBad' head and he was no more thinking clearly. He only felp pity for MKRW who, for was coughing louder -- maybe it was made up, but Masterbad was moved by the pitiable sound.

So finally, he invited MKRW's hind legs into the warmth of the tent to show his love for MKRW, whom he loved like his own son and daughter, 2-in-1.
Just as masterBad tried to lie down again, MKRW's hind legs gave a tremedous kickdafella's kicks -- coordinated like a beckham-&-spicey couple could deliver -- and out went the kind Badawian into the open where the stars continued to smile down on him, a kindly soul in deed. Poor Badawi, it's exacly midnight hour, the transition from PM going into AM, like R1P, RestInPeace:) into R2P, Ripped2Pieces.:(


Donplaypuks® said...

Firaun has once again confirmed the communist dictator that he has always been.

'Farly, but not equally.' 'Discuss behind closed doors.'

If MCA has an ounce of pride left and really represents its rank and file members who bank-roll it, it should get out of the BN coalition NOW!!

To be treated like a 2nd class member and for its members to be treated like 2nd class citizens, MCA is realy saying they enjoy being sodomised.

If they walk out now, that wil be the end of one of the most corrupt regimes in the history of modern times. More importantly, it will salvage Chinese pride & integrity, and see the end of foul-mouthed Firaun who is primarily responsible for all the evils that has haunted our nation for the last 30 years!!

Kyels said...

Well said. I agree w/the comment above. Once again MCA central delegates lost their foresight and voted for the wrong man to lead the party. Twice in a row. This is akin to bullshit in my opinion.

chong y l said...

Thanks for visiting in the still of the Arabian night!

I hope you can spare some time teaching some Ferosity to this Badawi-an herdsman -- he's TOO TIMID for ex-PM Maha-firaun for this nation's GOoD, and some wisdom to the newly-elected MCA chiefs wit' some promise.

Kyels, ideally, Chua Jui Meng&Dr Chua would have really made a reform team! WellA, let's C what Ong Tee Keat can do minus the Ong bros, which is GOoDriddance!!

Ah, MCA, Gerakan, and MIC (4?)leaving BN, that's the impossible dream... -- have no bola, OR TOO MANY SKELETONNES IN THE CUPBOARD! -- they can only sing BadawiAN oasis song of praise:)
Which as uou rightlypredict, will lead them to R1P, or R2P?

Let's drink tehari to our health:) it's cold outsdie!:(My fave LIA poet-aspirant KYELS is joining us:):):)
Raise a golet of tehtari' so she can do a dirth while vve ditty, r ditto, on the desert expanse. Sabbie and sweets are invited to join us so-ON!:):)