My Anthem

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

I suspect he's an HR mAnAgAr!

Yes, three A* HR chief, alike, my Three PR mAnAgArs who have not delivered. I set them a mission to get Desi that 20million on eBoy! and to date, it's total silence. Elegent.Yes, that was how a"small" motor company seplt IT in an advert copy ~~ Is that french? : this is addressed to mGf based in Lundun Housey?

Okay, my suspicion story is traced back to my writing to a fellow Blogger whose conversations here and over at his (I assume-lah it's a mail! -- await to be proven wrong as in the case of frelunch!:) place have proven engaging. Yes, even a male can be engaging, so Desi is NOT gender-biased. I wrote him not out of altruism but wanting someone to join me as contributor to newly-started column called "Times and Chimes" as I can have a buffer in case I am struck dumb by Writer's Block/blog. Like in the olde days of The Thre Musketeers when after a drink too many, you insult a fellow drunk and land up with a duel in the sun -- reluctant second in tow.

I shall not reveal his ID, so from now I'll just say Desi's Second in revealing the email exchanges which is my lazy way of a Post this moUrnAll typos are taken care of, and funny Engrish rendered prim and proper so my EsteemedReAders won't get steAmed reading *funnies.

*defined as describing a four-storey mansion akin to a palace
as a "small" house.

--- Second wrote:

Hi there!!

(You know, your writing style is very effective in
making people excited -- or is it just me? haha)

SecondO - actually i wanted to get second@ or second1@,
but all taken. so, i thought zero would be even
that's why... :)
About "highly literary and hence well qualified to
...become a regular contributor to Borneo Post's new
column", that's highly flattering, but also a GROSS
Honestly, i think you might have been mistaken... i
mean, yes, i love to read, believe in creative and
(left blank know why, to keep the kitten in the bag!),
but i'm really not a 'word-person'. i'm
more used to numbers, that's y i'm not that used to
writing regularly (i mean, reasonably long articles)
if at all a 'writer', i'm more a '1-issue' writer,
have strong feelings about certain issues, but not
type who can formulate a comprehensive system of
thinking about 'everything'.
which also means that i'm more a CRITICAL writer
an 'entertaining' literary person like yourself. the
way i read it, it's a column about personal stories.
well, the thing is, when i write, i write to ANNOY,
PROVOKE, to STING, seldom if ever to please or
entertain... not that i don't want to, just that i'm
not good in doing that... especially if u want me to
make a periodical commitment, i'm sure to disappoint
so, i don't think i'm the right person for that
invitation, regardless of how flattered i m... but
really tempted by the opportunity...
y don't i just 'promise' u to pass something for u
consider (can be published as 'guest writer') if i
ever get time to write anything? when the
comes, n when i'm really in the mood of writing,
write something. bcos i've got 'commitment phobia'
lah... ;P
Borneo Post - i heard it's an east malaysian
newspaper. i've never read it myself, but i guess i
could get copies from some relatives living over
as to 'remuneration' - well, that's not such an
important consideration for me. i guess if n when i
get paid, i'll have to trouble u to donate to some
schools or temples for me. but it's premature to
about it now.
anyway, THANKS for the invitation. believe me, it's
the FIRST time someone (in the journalism business,
ie. those who KNOW what they r talking about) has
invited me to do this... hahahaa... u made my week!!
until next time...


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (Desi's reply, very officious!)~~~~~~~~~~~
Hi second):

Seriously today (see no (to)die!

First time too I get a "rejection" so well preambled.
Okay, I got your point that such creative writes
(time-consuming, take my word for it!)
aren't your "take" yet, but I know tIme is the main
constraint, reading about your work schedule a little,
not John's.

But jest (ah, first DDC since I'm curfewing myself!)
not to waste such good arguments built to a crescendo
like a swansong, I'm using this exchange in my Blog as
a sort of intimate conversation with a potential bud
who refuses to drink the water to grow. I've often
preached the credo that Miss Patience is also
Virtuous, so I must bide.

Cheers, till the 'rite day cometh,
Adieu, and not good buy!

YL Chong, Desi

7.50pm, Jan 15, 2007

PS: If you still don't get it WHY I titled the Post thus, let me explain. It's an excellent HR manager who would gho to great length to "soften the blow" when informing a job applicant that he/she has been rejected.
SecondO's long (living up to Desi's nama eh?) PREAMBLE, see?


Anonymous said...



You really flattered Second (I think)!! Now, I think Second should know how a woman feels when she is flattered by 'too much attention' being paid to her.

But Second would think that you better stop this "such good arguments built to a crescendo like a swansong" thingy for fear of discovering, at the end of the 'swansong', that Second have 'fallen for' you (and that he's a homo...)!!!!

[NO offence to homosexuals. Suffice to say I'm not one... now... I think...!!]

'Rejection'? Second might disagree. It's just that he's not able to make firm, periodic commitment.

'Preamble' - I think Second really seriously meant it.

'HR Manager'...? Hmm... Second might not have thought about that as a career option, but would surely be glad that you have unearthed his hidden talent. Perhaps you should notice his saying he's 'more used to numbers', which suggests Second might be an accountant, bank officer/manager, statistician, or just a Maths/Physics teacher??

Anyway, hope you'll find another, better writer to join your team. I'll myself would try to get hold of your writings. Borneo Post right? I'm sure I'll be able to find it somewhere in Boreno...

Good luck, and thanks!!

Anonymous said...

sink sink socks,

very 'literary', i must say.
but, ever thought of the possibility that 'he' is actually a 'she'?

chong y l said...

third, sink sink socks, then third again:

I'm enjoying the exchange between two, or isit three, conversationists here, and threr seems a Mona Lisa smile on Desi's lips because Desi looks like an iruder in his own cyberhome, hence I'll cease and desist at one para and encourage the aforesaid con-sters to carryon their CONgame -- Hr can also be short for humour relations. I didn't coin this -- I saw it in the eyes of an Oscar runing Wilde on www!:)

PS: If other readers don;t know what the above 4 comments are about, I plead that this hoRst is not responsible. Yes, IRresponsible h r practitioner:(