My Anthem

Saturday, July 09, 2005

Smile of Sunrise

It's a S-M-I-L-E worth several kilometres walk in bright sunshine when you wake up to such reminder:

SUNRISE reminds
us that
we live
in a world
where the HAPPIEST

every momemnt,
GoOD Morning! :}

Thanks with a million s-m-i-l-e-s from about 500km away to Yan in Sarawak, from Desi in Seremban.
GINGER continues to share some common rumination with Desiderata, who feels privileged to further share this Poem with AllReadersEverywhere.

And to break fast,
GINGER from up north
serves me teh tarik
with a pinch of ginger

So it's with deep
Another s-m-I-l-e, with much L'VE...

To Yan of and GinGer, always so thoughtful with this greeting at 7.50 a.m. July 9, 2005.

Thought nothing, did nothing
Didn't care.
So intoxicating, so surreal
Blissful in my virtual world.

Like an 'lectric shock from a slumber wake
Reality check
Life's not like that.

Loved ones we hold so dear
Through joy , pain, laughter and tears
Like the little bird that's learnt to fly
Abandon to the winds, lofty in the sky.

Soft hands caresses the potter's clay
Brings to shape with gentle play
Like a mother coddling her little one
A mother's job is never done.

The wings are strong, the eyes are sharp
The nest is cold, its time to depart
No matter that the breast is warm
Careless words can prick the heart.

Angels do cry, so they say
Pitter, patter, pitter, patter falling on lifeless clay
Today is here, tomorrow is too late
Whatever you owe cannot be repaid.

So Desiderata my good friend
Save your futile tears for the end
Life is short they say
So live for today
God Bless.

"Have a peaceful weekend." -- Ginger

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